Star Trucker Golden Cone Locations

I have explained the tips on where to find the achievement cone in Star Trucker and the locations of all 10 Golden Traffic Cones in the game in this guide.

10 Golden Traffic Cones Location

This guide will show you the location of the cones in different ways, it will show you the sectors that are NOT cones, the sectors where the cones are located, and it will show you the location of each cone, again broken down by region.

Where NOT to look

With only 10 cones and 31 areas (yes the 32nd final zone all by its own I’ll just give you does not contain one) , there are 21 areas you don’t have to look, so let’s remove a couple of them per zone of the game already:

Starting Zone (aqua)

  • Onyx
  • Dependency Loop
  • Three Kings

Sunny Zone (yellow)

  • Gamma Valley
  • H€ll’s Pocket

Strange Zone (purple)

  • Bermuda Gap
  • Dustbrook
  • Enigma Belt

All together on a map:

What zones to look in

Now, here are the 10 zones the cones can be found in, without spoiling the exact location. Do be sure to get/upgrade your scanner, or it will be quite tricky to find them without further help:

Starting Zone (aqua)

  • Edgeburgh
  • Purity
  • Junk Fields

Sunny Zone (yellow)

  • Shatterstone
  • Redsock

Rainy Zone (blue)

  • Purgatory
  • Crossvale

Strange Zone (purple)

  • Kingsweave
  • Binary Point
  • Solitude

All together on a map:

Exact Cone Locations

Below are the locations of all the cones, both with instructions and images.

To work around this:

Right-click the spoiler-text of the image you want to see, then left-click on the image itself.

Starting Zone (aqua)


In the back-left corner of the place, behind Cloverleaf, on an asteroid there.


Between Emerald Junction and Atlas Prime in the centre of a low section of buildings with iron beeams in-between them

Junk Fields

Just below the reclamation-section, hidden in the scrap ready for transport.

Sunny Zone (yellow)


You go to this place during one of the missions. If you do it before/after, it can also be seen from the entrance from Darkside if you angle downwards right away.


On top of the Sunburst Condo-building�

Rainy Zone (blue)


Purgatory Penitentiary, back building on the top light, facing towards the entrance


Look for the gate to the Enigma-belt, below it is a train-line, follow that to the end-station on the lone astroid, there you’ll find the cone on the beams of the dish

Strange Zone (purple)


A fairly tricky one to find (and my personal last one to find). If you take a straight line to/from Dustbrook to/from Zeta’s Arch, 3 kilometres from it (at around the height of the gas-station as well) you’ll find it floating in a satellite

Binary Point

In front of the Denton Spaceport is a “diner” like area, it’s in a vent on the edge of one of those buildings.


Look left as you enter the sector and you’ll see a lighthouse, the building on the back-right houses the cone one one of the beams.

And there you have it, all 10 cones to fill up your cab, or be sold for some cash!

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