Star Trucker Dashboard Lights Meanings

If you don’t know what the lights on the dashboard in Star Trucker mean, you can find out from this guide.

All Dashboard Lights in Star Trucker

Truck Dashboard in Star Trucker game

What does this light mean? This guide will show you!


  • This one is pretty simple, it means you hit something a little hard and now your truck is venting lung juice. You get this one a lot when your hull is in poor condition, best patch it and hit up a repair shop for a full repair.


  • This one means the climate in your rig is at uninhabitable levels. Usually caused by your climate control system being inoperable.

Cruise Control

Cruise Control
  • You have cruise control on.


  • This one means you are close to a debris field, keep your eyes peeled.
  • You probably already hit something, or are about to. This is the big DANGER WATCH OUT one.

Driver Assist

Driver Assist
  • Just means you turned Driver Assist off. Driver Assist stops your truck automatically when there’s no input, makes it a lot easier to control so probably best to keep it on.


  • Your stuff is probably floating around the cabin right now, watch your head.


  • You can go the entire game and not see this light. It only shows up when you either flip the breaker, or run out of BOTH batteries for the maglock system. You’re in trouble if that’s the case, you can’t haul freight without your maglock.


  • This is telling you that you’re about to suffocate, your life support system is down. This one is REALLY important. If it’s on, throw on your space suit and find out what’s going on and fix it asap.

Shock System

Shock System
  • This one means your shock protection system is down for some reason. Either you’re out of shock pods, or you flipped the breaker off.
Shock System
  • This means the zone you’re in has the potential to cause shock damage, be sure all your sensitive equipment is locked up in hard cases and your shock pods are ready to go.

Solar Flare

Solar Flare
  • This one means there’s a Solar Flare currently happening, throw down those shutters and wait it out.

Suit Charger

Suit Charger
  • This means your suit isn’t charging. Either the UCC is fried, battery is drained, or breaker is flipped.

Icons Table

Since the driver’s manual in the in-game glove compartment doesn’t give detailed descriptions about what certain things are in the Star-Hauler, this guide will help explain the dashboard icons so you don’t have to figure it out on your own.

P.S If you pull out a UCC while the power is on, it might cause the truck’s systems to short-circuit and turn off a few breakers. Double-check before removing anything!

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