TCG Card Shop Simulator Bulk Boxes in Workshop

In this guide, I will briefly explain the types of bulk boxes produced in the workshop in TCG Card Shop Simulator.

All information in this guide is provided by Blight. You can find his page here.

Workshop Bulk Box Guide

The 0.47 update added different rarities to the bulk boxes you can craft in the workshop. Learn how to craft each rarity.

All this happened when the workshop was set to “Tetramon Base” and “Any Rarity”.

White Box

The white box is the most basic type of box and was the only one you could craft before the update. It has no rarity and is the cheapest to sell, usually around $10 on the market. I consistently got the white box when setting the minimum slider to $0.01 and the maximum slider to $2.20. Raising the maximum slider any higher typically resulted in a yellow box being crafted.

Yellow Box (HG)

The yellow box (High Grade) is the second tier of craftable boxes, typically selling for around $70. I consistently got the yellow box by setting the minimum slider to $0.01 and the maximum to $2.50. This seems to be the optimal maximum for this quality of box, as increasing it further could use cards better suited for crafting higher-tier boxes.

Pink Box (MG)

Pink bulk box crafted in the workshop

The pink box (Master Grade) is the third tier, with a market price around $120. I got consistent pink boxes by setting the minimum slider to $1.50 and the maximum to $3. This appears to be the best range for crafting pink boxes, as a higher maximum could result in using cards meant for crafting the highest rarity boxes.

Red Box (PG)

Red bulk box crafted in the workshop

The red box (Perfect Grade) is the highest tier, selling for around $280. I consistently crafted red boxes by setting the minimum slider to $2 and the maximum to $4.


  • Setting the minimum slider to the lowest value and the maximum to the highest usually results in crafting white boxes.
  • The minimum slider value is the most critical, while the maximum can generally be adjusted based on card availability.
  • The amounts listed are estimates of optimal values. If you don’t have enough cards for the desired rarity, increasing the maximum slider may help incorporate higher-value cards.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These values work best when you have a large surplus of cards. As you craft more boxes, the margin for crafting each rarity decreases. If you’re low on cards after bulk crafting, you can set the maximum slider to $5, raise the minimum slider high, and then gradually lower it until you’re able to craft boxes again.

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