TCG Card Shop Simulator: All Card Types & Rarities

Learn about all the card types and rarities in the TCG Card Shop Simulator, including Normal and Destiny packs, and discover how to identify different cards like Basic, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Ghost cards. This guide makes it easy to understand collections and card rarities.

TCG Card Shop Simulator Cards

TCG Card Shop Simulator Card Packs and Rarity

In TCG Card Shop Simulator, there are two types of packs you can buy:

  1. Normal Packs
  2. Destiny Packs

Each type of pack contains cards with the following rarities:

  • Basic (Blue Color)
  • Rare (Yellow Color)
  • Epic (Pink Color)
  • Legendary (Red Color)
  • Ghost Cards (Black Color)

Card Collection List

In the game, there are three collections you can collect:

  1. Tetramon Collection:
    • These cards come from Normal Packs. The rarity of the card (Basic, Rare, Epic, or Legendary) doesn’t matter; they all belong to this collection.
  2. Destiny Collection:
    • These cards are exclusive to Destiny Packs. Just like Tetramon, the rarity doesn’t affect their inclusion in the collection.
  3. Ghost Collection:
    • Ghost cards are some of the rarest in the game. They can appear in either Tetramon or Destiny packs. You can recognize a Ghost card by its mostly white background with a splash of color.

Card Rarity Explained

Cards have different rarities. Here’s how to know what type of card you have:

Cards come in different rarities. Here’s how to identify each type:

Non-Foil Cards

  • Normal Cards: These have no special borders.
  • 1st Edition Cards: Marked with “1st Edition” under the image and have a white border.
  • Silver Edition Cards: Marked with “Silver Edition” and have a silver border.
  • Gold Edition Cards: Marked with “Gold Edition” and have a gold border.
  • EX Cards: Marked with “EX” and have a gold/yellow border.
  • Full Art Cards: These cards have images that cover the entire card.

Foil Cards

  • Foil Normal Cards: Regular cards with a shiny foil effect.
  • 1st Edition Foils: 1st Edition cards with a foil finish.
  • Silver Edition Foils: Silver Edition cards with a foil effect.
  • Gold Edition Foils: Gold Edition cards with a foil finish.
  • EX Edition Foils: EX cards with a foil overlay.
  • Full Art Foils: Full art cards with a foil finish.

Ghost Cards

  • Ghost Full Art Cards: These rare cards have a white background with a few colors and may also come in full art format.

Extra Notes on Packs

  • Normal Packs: Have no special background, and the inside foil is metallic silver.
  • Destiny Packs: Have a starburst design on all their cards, and the inside of the packs is gold.

Card List

List of all cards in TCG Card Shop Simulator:

NameNo.Has Ghost?RarityElementEffectFireShieldHPSkull
Flami517 – 528NoBasicFireFire element deals 30 damage this turn28182525
Flory481 – 492NoEpicEarthDraw 2 card, then discard 1 card12122734
Forush157 – 168NoRareEarthDraw 2 card, then discard 2 card26222018
Frizard1297 – 1308NoRareFireDeal 20 unblockable TP damage3330125
Gannon829 – 840NoEpicWindAll element deals 30 extra damage this turn14202937
Gekoflare1309 – 1320NoEpicFireDeal 40 unblockable TP damage3633135
Giganite133 – 144YesLegendaryEarthCreate a shield to block 80 damage3034228
GigatronX841 – 852YesLegendaryWindAll element deals 40 extra damage this turn33272532
Gilgabass733 – 744NoEpicWaterDestroy 1 opponent’s field card with water element 40 or less3619208
Grizzaw409 – 420NoEpicEarthDestroy 1 card on opponent’s field3225183
Gupi709 – 720NoBasicWaterDestroy 1 opponent’s field card with water element 20 or less3218188
Helio457 – 468NoBasicEarthDraw 1 card, then discard 1 card11122530
Honobi073 – 084NoEpicFireFire element deals 50 extra damage this turn, draw 113143136
Hydroid589 – 600YesLegendaryWaterWater element deals double damage this turn22141823
Hydron625 – 636YesLegendaryWaterWater element deals double damage this turn22193333
Inferhog025 – 036NoEpicFireFire element deals 100 extra damage this turn36261215
Jacktern793 – 804YesLegendaryWindOpponent discard 2 card at random12152230
Jelicleen421 – 432NoRareWaterDraw 2 cards8163335
Jigajawr745 – 756YesLegendaryWaterDestroy 2 opponent’s field card with water element 40 or less3218188
Kataryu1201 – 1212NoEpicWindOpponent discard 1 card33231911
Katengu1213 – 1224YesLegendaryWindOpponent discard 1 card, then destroy a field card at random38242111
Kidsune049 – 060NoBasicFireFire element deals 15 extra damage this turn, draw 112132633
Kingstar229 – 240YesLegendaryWaterDraw 4 card16173535
Kyrone553 – 564NoBasicWaterWater element deals 30 extra damage this turn19141630
Kyuenbi085 – 096YesLegendaryFireFire element deals 80 extra damage this turn, draw 115153338
Litspire1045 – 1056NoEpicFireDiscard 1 card, then destroy 1 card on opponent’s field12121639
Lucadence697 – 708YesLegendaryFireDestroy 2 opponent’s field card with fire element 40 or less30261514
Lucinder685 – 696NoEpicFireDestroy 1 opponent’s field card with fire element 40 or less29261413
Lumie1105 – 1116NoRareFireWind element deals double damage this turn, but earth element deals no damage15153030
Lunight349 – 360NoRareWindDrain 20% of damage dealt this turn23181919
Luphire673 – 684NoRareFireDestroy 1 opponent’s field card with fire element 30 or less28251312
Lupup661 – 672NoBasicFireDestroy 1 opponent’s field card with fire element 20 or less27241212
Magnoria493 – 504YesLegendaryEarthDraw 3 card, then discard 2 card13132835
Mammotree181 – 192YesLegendaryEarthDraw 3 card, then discard 2 card30262221
Meganite121 – 132NoEpicEarthCreate a shield to block 60 damage2733327
Minotos385 – 396NoRareFireDestroy 1 card on opponent’s field34222210
Minstar193 – 204NoBasicWaterDraw 1 card12132832
Moskit541 – 552NoEpicWindDrain 30% of damage dealt this turn30181815
Mothini313 – 324NoEpicWindOpponent cannot evolve next turn, draw 214182936
Muffleur1237 – 1248NoRareEarthDrain 20% of damage dealt this turn, draw 113221927
Mufflimax1249 – 1260NoEpicEarthDrain 30% of damage dealt this turn, draw 115242030
Mufflin1225 – 1236NoBasicEarthDrain 20% of damage dealt this turn12211825
Mummog445 – 456NoRareWindOpponent cannot evolve for 2 turn23202321
Nanomite097 – 108NoBasicEarthCreate a shield to block 20 damage2530325
Nimblis973 – 984NoBasicWindNegate 50% of opponent’s wind element damage next turn, draw 112163036
Nimboculo985 – 996NoRareWindNegate 75% of opponent’s wind element damage next turn, draw 113173238
Nimbustrike997 – 1008NoEpicWindNegate 100 of opponent’s wind element damage next turn14183440
Nocti337 – 348NoBasicWindDrain 10% of damage dealt this turn22171719
Pigni001 – 012NoBasicFireFire element deals 30 extra damage this turn34251114
Pixy469 – 480NoRareEarthDraw 2 card, then discard 2 card12122632
Princestar217 – 228NoEpicWaterDraw 3 card13143233
Pupazz301 – 312NoRareWindOpponent cannot evolve next turn, draw 113162834
Raizon637 – 648YesLegendaryWindWind element deals double damage this turn20242433
Raxx817 – 828NoRareWindAll element deals 20 extra damage this turn33271916
Royalama325 – 336YesLegendaryWindOpponent cannot evolve for 2 turn, draw 115203040
Sapoling145 – 156NoBasicEarthDraw 1 card, then discard 1 card22182217
Scarkgorus925 – 936NoEpicFireNegate 100 of opponent’s fire element damage next turn32202618
Scarlios913 – 924NoRareFireNegate 75% of opponent’s fire element damage next turn, draw 130192416
Seedant1117 – 1128NoBasicEarthEarth element deals 30 extra damage this turn21302712
Sharfin721 – 732NoRareWaterDestroy 1 opponent’s field card with water element 30 or less3419198
Shellow241 – 252NoBasicWaterDraw 1 card16271512
Sunflork901 – 912NoBasicFireNegate 50% of opponent’s fire element damage next turn, draw 128182215
Talonika1177 – 1188NoEpicWindOpponent discard 1 cards at random, draw 225232016
Talonryu1189 – 1200NoLegendaryWindDestroy 1 card on opponent’s field, draw 233272623
Talontsu1165 – 1176NoEpicWindOpponent discard 2 cards at random, draw 129241510
TerradrakonNot specifiedNoLegendaryEarthEarth element deals double damage this turn27352212
Tetron805 – 816NoBasicWindAll element deals 10 extra damage this turn11192530
Threeze577 – 588NoEpicWaterWater element deals 100 extra damage this turn21141832
Timbro169 – 180NoEpicEarthDraw 2 card, then discard 1 card28242120
Tortugor649 – 660NoEpicEarthCreate a shield to block 50 damage, then draw 1 card27292811
Trickstar205 – 216NoRareWaterDraw 2 card13133031
Twofrost565 – 576NoRareWaterWater element deals 60 extra damage this turn20141731
Vampicant361 – 372NoEpicWindDrain 30% of damage dealt this turn24202019
Voltrex1057 – 1068NoLegendaryWindDestory all opponent’s field card with wind element 30 or higher25232030
Werboo505 – 516NoBasicWindOpponent discard 1 card at random12172033
Wispo433 – 444NoRareEarthRandomly swap 1 of opponent’s field card8203535
Wolgin781 – 792NoEpicWindDisable opponent’s wind element attack for 2 turn3317168
Wurmgle289 – 300NoBasicWindOpponent cannot evolve next turn13142732

Card Rarity and Probability

After reviewing the game’s code, Yoyoshi found that the probabilities listed previously were slightly off. Here’s a breakdown of the correct rarity chances, which he derived from the game’s code:

  • The game first checks if a card will be a Full Art with a probability of 1/400. If that fails, it checks if the card will be an EX with a probability of 1/100 only if the card isn’t a Full Art. Therefore, the true probability of getting an EX card is adjusted to:
TCG Card Shop Simulator Card ex probability rates
  • Regarding Foil cards, the game checks with a 1/20 chance if the card will be Foil. If this fails, the card will be a non-foil card. This gives a more accurate breakdown for probabilities:

Updated Card Probability

Card TypeBasic1st EditionSilverGoldEXFull Art

These probabilities were derived by Decamps Yoann through analysis of the game’s code. He also provided the following simplified odds as 1/X ratios:

Card TypeBasic1st EditionSilverGoldEXFull Art
Base1 in 1.511 in 6.031 in 13.881 in 26.651 in 105.531 in 421.05
Foil1 in 28.661 in 114.651 in 263.711 in 506.321 in 2005.011 in 8000

This information was provided by Yoyoshi, who analyzed the game’s code to obtain accurate probabilities for card rarities and types.

Card Pack System and Ghost Cards

When you open a pack, the game generates 7 random cards. Each card follows this process:

  1. A random number between 0 and 10,000 is generated.
  2. The game checks if this number is lower than the set probability for each rarity, starting from Full Art down to First Edition.
  3. The first check is to see if the card will be Foil (1/20 chance). If successful, it skips the rest of the rarity checks. If no rarity succeeds, the card will be a Base Card.
  4. The type of pack does not change the chances for each rarity. Whether you open a Normal or Destiny pack, the odds remain the same (except for Ghost Packs).

Ghost Packs and Ghost Cards:

  • Each pack you open has a small chance of being a Ghost Pack:
    • Tetramon Packs: 1/1000 (0.1%) chance of being a Ghost Pack.
    • Destiny Packs: 1/500 (0.2%) chance of being a Ghost Pack.
  • If a Ghost Pack is generated, the last card will be guaranteed to be a Ghost Card. There’s a 50/50 chance for the card to have either a white or black background, and a 1/20 chance for it to be foil.

Base Rarities and Foil Odds

Here are the base rarities for each card type, along with the odds of finding them as foil:

Card TypeBase RarityFoil Variant Probability
1st Edition20%1%
Full Art0.25%0.0125%
Ghost (Normal Pack)0.1%0.005%
Ghost (Destiny Pack)0.2%0.01%

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