ATLYSS: Emote List and Commands

In the current state of the ATLYSS there are several emotes that can be used via chat commands. To activate an emote, just type “/” followed by the emote name.


  • /sit: Sit down
  • /sit2: Alternate sit animation
  • /taunt: Taunt
  • /shrug: Shrug
  • /clap: Clap
  • /think: Think
  • /ponder: Deep thought
  • /dance: Dance
  • /point: Point
  • /nod: Nod

To view the full list of emotes, type /emotes in the chat. The list will disappear after sending any message.

Emote Details

Many races have emotes with similar animations:

  • /sit and /sit2 share a similar sitting animation.
  • /ponder and /think have similar thinking animations.

The Changs (mouse race) have a unique /sit2 animation where they rest on their belly.

  • /dance and /sit emotes have different animations depending on the race.
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