In this guide I’ve explained what chat messages mean to take your skills in the game to the next level.
Bring your EDF Skills
Many lines of audio text are not the actual content of the message. I have added the actual dialogue after each inconsistent line of text.
- Yeah! (“Yes!”)
- OK.
- No problem!
- Understood. (“Got it.”)
- Got it.
- Sounds good.
- Oh. (“Sure.” ???)
- Yes! Sir!
- Sir! Yes! Sir!
- Okay.
- Approved.
- Fine.
- Yeah.
- Got it.
- Leave it to me.
- I’ll figure out something.
- No.
- No way.
- Can’t do.
- I can’t approve.
- Impossible.
- Not possible.
- That won’t work.
- That’s impossible!
- I can’t do that.
- Sorry.
- Forget it.
- No, wait.
- Can’t meet those expectations.
- Next time.
- Let’s talk about it later.
- We can’t afford that!
- Easy for you to say!
- I would if I could.
- That’s why we’re in trouble!
- It’s possible. (“Yeah, maybe.”)
- That’s the rumor. (“That’s the rumor going around.”)
- Thank you! (“Thanks!”)
- I’m grateful! (“Thank you!”)
- Let me thank you.
- I barely escaped.
- I owe you my life.
- I’m in your debt.
- I owe you big time. (“I owe you a big one.”)
- I’m so grateful!
- Next time I’ll save you.
- You’re my hero.
- EDF doesn’t leave men behind. Ever.
- Nothing to thank you for. I was fine by myself.
- I love you! (“Thank you! I love you!”)
- Yeah, sure. (“Yeah.”)
- Think so. (“I think so too.”)
- Agreed.
- Correct. (“That’s right.”)
- Definitely. (“That’s absolutely right.”)
- That’s absolutely right. (“Makes some sense.”)
- That’s the truth! (“Ain’t that the truth!”)
- I see. (“So that’s how it is.”)
- Certainly. (“This is obvious.”)
- Wrong.
- That’s not right.
- That’s not true.
- That couldn’t be true.
- It only seems like that.
- You’d think so. (“You’d think, right?”)
- Don’t be stupid!
- No way! (“You mistook it.”)
- You’re wrong!
- Nothing!
- We did it!
- We did it!!
- Ohhhhhhh! (general hooting and hollering)
- Yahoo! (“Hooray!”)
- Yeaaaaah!
- Awesome!!! (“We did it!”)
- Wonderful! (“We did it!”)
- Victory!
- Hit!
- I’m healed!
- I’ve been revived! (“I’m back!”)
- Mission complete!
- Easy peasy!
- We can beat this! (“Should be clear.” ???)
- Ha ha ha. (chuckling)
- Aha ha ha. (laughing)
- Heheh!
- Chuckle
- Smile (weirdass noises)
- Heh.
- You’re funny.
- That’s funny.
- Teehee! (cursed)
- Nothing!
- That was close!
- That’s a shame.
- I’m sad now. (“I’m very sad.”)
- I’m disappointed.
- Bummer! (sighing)
- Phooey. (“What a bummer.”)
- I can’t believe it.
- Ack! (“Whoa!”)
- Whoa! (“What?”)
- Whaaat?! (surprised noises)
- What?!
- Is that so?!
- Really?!
- You sure? (“Seriously?”)
- Is that right?! (“Is that how it is?”)
- That’s impossible! (“I can’t believe it!”)
- How come! (“Oh my gosh!”)
- What’s going on?!
- I can’t believe it!
- What happened?! (“What is happening?!”)
- That can’t be!
- Oh, my!
- I survived.
- What to do? (“What should we do now?”)
- It’s the worst situation. (“This situation is terrible!”)
Every line is voiced!
- Ooooooooh! (battle cries)
- Wooooooah!! (battle cries, but gormless)
- Waaahhh!! (ork noises)
- EDF!
- EDF!!
- EDF!! EDF!!
- Go! Go!
- Wooah! (more battle cries but one of the lines is a cartoon character falling off a cliff)
- Grrrr! (can you guess?)
- Shoot!
- Attack!
- Move forward!
- Straight ahead!
- Aah! (ouch)
- Ugh! (oof)
- Grrk! (owie)
- Ah!! (despair)
- Waah! (suffering)
- Waaagh! (death)
- I got shot! (“I’ve been shot!”)
- I’ve been shot…!
Don’t ask me, I didn’t write them.
- We are the infantry. Brave and strong!
- (We are soldiers, brave and strong Our muscles will protect you all from any harm)
- Hear us roar! Here we come!
- (Raise up your voices in a battle cry! Form a band, advance on them!)
- There’s no victory without sacrifice.
- (It’s only with our sacrifice That mankind can still exist down here in paradise)
- Saving ourselves won’t save the world!
- (To defend our dearest Mother Earth We’re ready to give up our lives!)
- Our planet’s future is riding on your courage.
- (Right now it seems all dark and grim Bring your courage, shine your light, for the world, our gem)
- So, rise up, now is the time to set our fates ablaze!
- (Let your spirit burn real bright! It’s time for us to bring the fight!)
- Our planet is calling, it needs warriors!
- (Everyone that’s able should join us We need a lot of fighters to protect the planet’s crust)
- Come and fight with us. Glory awaits!
- (Let’s fight together as allies Your orders will be sent real soon!)
- Hi.
- Greetings.
- All yours.
- At your aid. (“At your service.”)
- I’m nothing special, but I’m at your service.
- Nice meeting you.
- Good morning.
- Hello.
- Good evening.
- Let’s fight together.
- I’ll fight with you!
- From now, I’m part of your unit. (says “we’re”)
- Welcome.
- Good bye.
- Later.
- Bye-bye.
- See you.
- Good night.
- I’m going to sleep.
- I’m outta here!
- When this is over, I’m out.
- Sorry. (“I’m sorry.”)
- Pardon me.
- I apologize.
- I shouldn’t have done that.
- Forgive me.
- I didn’t mean to…
- I will never do that again.
- My bad.
- No problem.
- It’s all right.
- Don’t worry.
- I don’t mind. (“Fine by me.”)
- It happens.
- We’ll figure it out.
- Not a big deal.
- I’m having fun.
- We’re partners, right?
- Hey, we’re buddies!
- Good job! (“Nice job!”)
- Nice!
- Amazing!
- Great!
- You’re good!
- I’m impressed!
- You did it!
- Genius! (“Brilliant!”)
- You’re a pro! (“You’re a master at this!”)
- Respect! (“You’ve earned my respect!”)
- We’ll celebrate later! (“Time for a victory celebration when we get back!”)
- You’re doing great! (“That’s great!”)
- Keep it up! (“That’s how you do it!”)
- That’s it! (“You’re doing great!”)
- There you go! (“You’re great!”)
- Way to go! (“We did it!”)
- That’s what I’m talking about! (“That’s amazing!”)
- We can’t lose!
- Hold on!
- You OK?! (“Everything alright?!”)
- Don’t give up!
- I’ll back you up!
- I’ll come up with something! (“I’ll figure out something!”)
- I’m coming to help!
- Go for rescue! (“I’ll help you!”)
- You can’t die. (“Don’t die on me!”)
- Stay calm.
- Take a deep breath!
My Actions
- Moving straight ahead! (“Go!”)
- Reloading.
- Changing magazines, hang tight. (“Hold on, changing mags.”)
- Nothing!
- Nothing!
Ask For Help
- Help me!
- Save me!
- Someone? Anyone! (“Somebody help us!”)
- Watch out! (“Look out!”)
- Evade! (“Don’t get it!”)
- Oh no! (“Not looking good!”)
- This isn’t looking good! (“♥♥♥♥!” KNEEL BEFORE THE SWEAR BUTTON)
- The enemy has spotted us!
- If we shoot, they’ll know we’re coming. (“They’ll notice us if you’re firing.”)
- If we get too close, they’ll see us. (“Get too close and they’ll spot us.”)
- Here’s the enemy!
Kill Report
- Cleared! (“Mission cleared!”)
Vague Questions
- What’s your purpose?
About Missions and Equipment
- Can I take a shot? (“Can I fire now?”)
- The rest of the categories are silent.
Enemies Defeated
- Get him! (“Take him down!”)
- Let’s go!
- Move forward!
- Keep going!
- Follow me!
The rest of the categories are silent.