You can learn how to kill androids in EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 from this guide.
Bobbleheads Guide
I have covered the most effective counter moves against Bobbleheads and their first and second variants, their grenade counterparts in this guide.
Small Androids

These little bastards LOVE to surround you, so just like the ants, you can’t afford to use a rocket launcher on them or else you risk it blowing up in your face and killing you. For Rangers, I HEAVILY recommend the Minion Buster, or the Minion Buster Burst if you have it. Firing a few shots at an android will break it’s armour, and then the rest of the shots will explode on it’s gooey little brain and kill it.
For Wingdivers, I recommend a beginner weapon like the Bolt Shooter to take care of the small boys,
and a Rapier/Rapier D to take them out when they’re all packed up.
Airraiders should use any Multicopter (Machine Gun), as sending one or two after an android will kill them, almost guaranteed. For when they’re in groups, use a Multicopter (Mortar) to pure them all relatively safely.
As for the Fencers, using any rapid-fire weapon should clear them out effortlessly.
Bigger Androids

The Second Variant of the Androids is kind’ve annoying, seeing them amongst a crowd of enemies means the next fight will be tough, but not to worry. The strategy against them is essentially the same.
For Rangers, keep hold of that minion buster, it’ll melt these guys if you keep shooting at them for a short while. Throw your grenades every once in a while to wear them down faster, I recommend the firecracker or the T5/T44 Mouse.
Wingdivers can deal with these guys decently easy, pretty much any Mid-Range Kinetic weapon will melt them up close. Personally, I go with the destroyer blaster because you can reload it whilst wasting very little charge by doing so.
Airraiders should use the same strategy, albeit more aggressively, have all your Multicopters (machine gun) on them, and spam your Limpet Gun to take care of them as quickly as possible.
Fencers, due to the dual wielding, can just spam mortars at them and you’ll be fine, just don’t let them get too close.
Keep moving when you’re against these guys, if they surround you, you’re pretty much dead. Take out the bigger ones before focusing on the small flock. If you keep moving to the left or right, whilst also backstepping, the small ones will have trouble hitting you. If they get too close, forget aiming for the head, just fire into their thin body. This won’t work for the Larger variant, but for the smaller ones it’ll do wonders.
Small Android Grenadiers

You don’t have to worry against these guys, rangers can use any assault rifle to take out their bombs before they get too close. Wingdivers can use a long range weapon to snipe them out whilst they’re at a distance. Airraiders can call in Bombers to purge them, and Fencers can just fire off missiles or mortars to deal with them in spades.
Big Android Grenadiers

Now these big boys can put up quite an issue. Not for the same reason as the original bigger androids, but because you CANNOT afford to let them get anywhere close to you. Remember, shoot for the grenades and nothing else.
Rangers, you should use snipers with good damage and rate of fire, I use the KFF 50 LS to get the job done personally.
Wingdivers, use your long range weapons to snipe them out from afar.
Airraiders, a shot or two from one of your cannons should take them down before they reach you.
Fencers, as always, ABUSE THOSE MORTARS!!!
If against these silly billies, it’s best to let them mash up into a big horde, since their explosions will hurt their brethren. Unloading into the big yellow moshpit will guarantee ALOT of them will die.
The strategy is the same for every class, let them gather and blow them all up.