How to get Infinite Detergent in Crime Scene Cleaner

In this guide, I will briefly explain how to get infinite detergent without using the skill points you get in Crime Scene Cleaner.

Crime Scene Cleaner Unlimited Detergent

This guide demonstrates how to have a water bucket with unlimited detergent without spending the skill points.

Two Bucket Strategy


You can skip spending points in the “Detergent Quantity” skill tree by simply using two water buckets.

First, you will need the “Additional Bucket” skill in the water tab.

During your mission, fill BOTH buckets with WATER, but put the DETERGENT into only ONE of them. This is the DETERGENT BUCKET and WATER BUCKET.

Dip your fresh, CLEAN mop and sponge into the DETERGENT BUCKET. This will apply the buffs, which you can see in the lower right.

How to get Infinite Detergent in Crime Scene Cleaner

Whenever your mop or sponge gets dirty from blood, use the WATER BUCKET to clean it. This will remove all of the buffs from it, but then, just dip the CLEAN mop or sponge back in the DETERGENT BUCKET to reapply the buffs.

When the WATER BUCKET becomes dirty, take it back to the faucet and fill as necessary. Leave the DETERGENT BUCKET alone, just carry it to wherever it needs to go.

By doing this, the DETERGENT BUCKET will never become dirty, meaning a single dose of detergent can potentially last the entire mission… however, you will need to use more if you are clumsy and knock over the bucket. This trick does not work for the Pressure Washer.

Since the DETERGENT BUCKET does not become dirty, you do not need to spend skill points on or ever use “Clean Detergent” as it would have no impact.

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