You can use this location guide to find all the secrets and art pieces around the modern art museum in Crime Scene Cleaner.
Secrets and Art Pieces at the Museum of Modern Art in Crime Scene Cleaner
Stuck on that last item and you’re going out of you mind trying to find it? Or do you have that last item but you don’t know where it goes? There’s a good chance this guide will point you in the right direction! You can also benefit from our walkthrough guide where we have completed the game 100%. There are many crime scene cleaner guides on our site.
Yellow Room
The Yellow Room has 4 items that need to be found elsewhere and brought here. Every other yellow item that needs to be placed can be found in this room, and will not be included in this guide.
The first item is the Yellow Computer Chair found behind the bar in the Cafeteria.

The second item is the Globe which is found right outside the Red Room where the 3 Egg exhibit is.

The third and fourth items are both wooden chairs. The first is found just past the T-Rex between the entrances to the West Wing and the Dark Room.

The second chair is on the second floor overlooking the entrance of the Museum.

Red Room
The Red Room has 5 items that need to be found elsewhere, all the other exhibits that need to be placed can be found in this room and will not be covered.
Of the 5 items, 4 of them are chairs. So we’ll start with the table first.
Which should be one of the first items you see when you start the level as it’s right outside the door to the Yellow Room.

The first chair is easily seen as it’s right underneath the giant T-Rex

The second chair is found in one of the corners of the Duck Room.

The third chair is found hidden in the Dark Room Maze.

The last chair will be the last chair you can get to because it requires you to get into the cafeteria. It’s flat against the double doors on the inside.

The T-Rex has the most amount of pieces you need to track down with a grand total of 9 missing parts.
We’ll start with the jaw which is directly underneath the T-Rex itself, and I absolutely didn’t need to ask help to find it the first time. >.>

Next is the missing toe bone which is found impaled in a body hanging out an open door. You can find the stairway up to this man in the Duck Room.

The back foot claw is also found impaled in a body with the Shield evidence, but the bad news is it’s in the Dark Room maze.

This missing arm is found next to a body on the Lion Statue in the West Wing.

The leg bone can be found in the toilet of the Yellow Room.

The tail has two parts and you need to find the inner part first, which can be found on the second floor all the way at the end of the hall opposite of the cafeteria entrance.

The outer part of the tail is found in with the Band which is part of the West Wing.

The foot bone is found insde the Dual Doors dubbed “The Illusion of Choice”.

And finally the rib bone is found on the floor in the middle of the Duck Room.

West Wing
The West Wing is split into two areas, History and Music. We’ll be starting with the History section first. There are some pieces that can be found directly in this area and will not be covered in this guide.
The Egyptian Bust is found in the Northern Exhibition room with the Stegosaurus.

Bust #1 I don’t know the name of is in the Central Exhibition outside the Duck Room.

Bust #2 I don’t know the name of is at the far end of the Central Exhibition past the West Wing and the Dark Room, up the stairs near the wall.

The statue of grasping hands is on the suspended table in the Red Room.

The Star Sphere is on the floor right next to the entrance of the West Wing.

The Doughnut Statue is in the Music Section of the West Wing on top of one of the glass exhibits. I this is an exception to what I said earlier because of how easily missable it is.

The last spherical statue is found in the the basketball net of The Dark Room. Fortunately no maze this time.

Of the 4 musical items that need to be sought out for the band on the stage in the Music portion of the West Wing, the crash cymbal is found directly behind the stage and the snare drum is in the hallway directly behind the stage. I did not screenshot these for the purpose of this guide.
That leaves the guitar which is found next to the Yellow Computer Chair behind the bar in the Cafeteria.

Then the highhat which is found right outside the Red Room.

Last Few Items
The only items left are a couple statues for the Central Exhibition and second floor, a few paintings and an overlooked chair for the Cafeteria.
When it comes to the paintings, the frameless paintings all go on the first floor, all located in the entry way of the Museum and the framed paintings go on the second floor in the walkway above the entrance of the Museum. Not every painting will be included in this guide because most of them fell right below where they’re hung.
The first painting is found right outside the West Wing. Hang it anywhere as long as it’s on the second floor.

The second painting is found on the first floor of the cafeteria on some chairs. Hang it anywhere on the second floor.

The third painting is between a statue and the wall on the second floor. I made an exception for this painting because it’s easily missable. Hang it anywhere on the second floor.

The fourth painting is blocking the door to the Northern Exhibition room with the Stegosaurus. Hang it anywhere on the first floor.

The fifth and final painting for this guide is just behind the T-Rex statue (not the Skeleton) that had fallen over and killed someone. (body not included in screenshot) Place it anywhere on the first floor.

Of the 3 statues I put in this section of the guide, two are in the Central Exhibition and the third is on the second floor next to the door leading to a employee work area.
The first is the Egg, which is technically on the floor beneath where it goes, I make an exception to bring this up because it’s possible to knock it away while mopping around it.

The second statue is a small leaf which can be found in the on the floor in the middle of the Duck Room.

The last statue is an Antelope which is found in the Yellow Room, and goes to the second floor.

And finally, I bring up the one pieces of furniture that exists outside the Cafeteria. It is right next to the two doors named “The Illusion of Choice”

If you are looking for more secrets, we have a content where we bring all the secrets together.