I’ve Fallen For You Wang Yichen Route

To navigate the first 6 chapters of I’ve Fallen For You and fill up your heart meter in each chapter, check out the Wang Yichen Route guide.

Wang Yichen Route and Heart Meter Guide

Walkthrough guide to Wang Yichen Route and heart meter in each chapter in I’ve Fallen For You.

Chapter 1: Oh, My! The World is Chaotic

  1. Wake up options:
    • Best: “Get Up Now”
    • Fun: “Lie-in”
    • Bad: “Am I dreaming?”
  2. Eat breakfast now:
    • Best: “Time is running out”
    • No change: “Time is running out”
  3. Who kicked my door? Talk to Yichen for an achievement.
  4. Go Out
    Pick up the Polaroid, headphones, and paintbrush/album for a 100% completion. Repeat the meeting with Xu XingQing in Chapter 1 and Yu Anxia in Chapter 2.
  5. Working:
    Choose “Waiting for sister” and “Wander Around.” Finish the chapter to trigger intro scenes in Chapter 2 for 100% completion.
  6. Go to work:
    Select the third option for the best outcome.
  7. Phone chat:
    Choose any option you like.
  8. New Work Spot:
    Best: Choose “left.”
  9. Entrance to the bar:
    • Best: “Are you ok?”
    • Worst: “I’ll protect you.”
  10. Talk to Tracy:
    Best: “State your business.”
  11. Have a drink with us:
  • Best: “Fight”
  • Or let the time run out (also results in a fight).

Chapter 2: Love is Not Easy, All I Can Do is Sigh

  1. Who’s visiting?
    Best: Choose “Tracy.”
  2. Unlocking scenes:
    If you selected “waiting for sister,” “wandering around,” or “go to work” in Chapter 1, you’ll unlock an intro with Song Jing.
  3. What’s the relationship?
    Best: “Not my girlfriend.”
  4. Meeting Jiang:
    Refuse the first time on the work route, and also off the work route, to unlock Song Jing scenes.
  5. Hospitals and mothers:
    • Best: “I can stay with you.”
    • Worst: “Hug.”
  6. Meeting Yu Anxia:
    The next scene depends on the items you brought in Chapter 1 (Polaroid, headphones, paintbrush/album). Try different combinations for 100%.

Chapter 3: Share Delicious Food and Fun Stories

  1. Midnight Snack:
    • Best: “I’m working now”
    • Other: “Hungry” (but this loses hearts with Wang Yichen or Jiang Mi depending on your choices).
  2. Get in the Car:
    Best: “Get in the car obediently” (Achievement).
  3. Arrived:
    • Best: “Smells good”
    • Worst: “So Dizzy”
  4. Phone call:
    • Best: “I’m busy today, so you need to go.”
  5. Coloured Glaze:
    • Best: “Fabulous”
    • Worst: “Comment.”

Chapter 4: Beauty, Please Stay Away from Me

  1. Door-to-door service:
    Choose to keep paying Kawase Nana to gain hearts.
  2. Completionist Path:
    Try drinking with Song Jing, then switching outfits to unlock all options (three dresses).
  3. Do You Want a Beauty?
    • Bad ending: “Yes”
    • Continue with “No.”
  4. Dice Game:
    • Select “6666” for an achievement; “11111” is the best option.

Chapter 5: Shall We Do it Together

  1. Course to follow:
    • Best: “Don’t go home”
    • Go home: “Hug Yichen.”
  2. Escape Room:
    Choose options favoring Wang Yichen. Letting time run out in puzzles may trigger scenes with Kawase Nana.
  3. Unlock the door lock puzzle:
    Select bulbs in this order: 1st, 4th, 5th, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, then checkmark.
  4. Star Puzzle:
    Follow the dot pattern for purple lines.
  5. End of Chapter:
    Wang Yichen likely remains in the lead in heart levels, but alternative paths exist.

Chapter 6: To Be Continued…

In this chapter, Song Jing and Xu XingQing confront you in a shop, where Xu XingQing asks you to become her photographer—or if that doesn’t interest you, to take on a manager role. You seek Song Jing’s opinion, and she reassures you, saying she’ll support you no matter which option you pick. This conversation results in a heart from each girl. Things get complicated when your friends enter, sparking an argument, and leaving the final choice in your hands.

Both choices—Pen or Camera—result in hearts with different characters, though Pen slightly edges out in overall heart level benefits. Here’s a breakdown of each choice’s impact:

  • Choosing Pen:
    • Hearts with Wang Yichen, Song Jing, Yu Anxia, Selina, and Kawase Nana.
    • You’ll also receive a “Good Choice” achievement, suggesting this might be the more favorable path.
    • In the following scene, you’re positioned directly across from the girls, subtly hinting this choice may be better.
  • Choosing Camera:
    • Hearts with Wang Yichen, Jiang Mi, Tracy, Yu Anxia, and Xu XingQing.
    • Similar achievement as with Pen and same cutscene after the choice.
    • You’re positioned behind a control panel and monitors in the next scene, indicating a slight emotional distance from the girls compared to the Pen route.

In both choices, you’ll earn small hearts with Yichen and Yu Anxia, and the scene after wraps up with a heart from each girl. While either option works, Pen gives an edge if your goal is to max out the heart level.

Note: From these choices, Wang Yichen and Yu Anxia stand out as “best girls” given the consistency in their heart responses, whereas the other girls can seem inconsistent in their reactions.

After this choice, let time run out on the model incident to select the boys and avoid losing hearts. When you think you’re about to be in danger (which gives an achievement), you’ll have a dialogue with Yichen—choose “nod” rather than “ask back” to continue building your relationship. Complete the chapter with a full heart meter and Wang Yichen in the lead.

If you’ve followed this guide, Selina, Tracy, and Song Jing won’t be available as models. Yu Anxia doesn’t answer calls either. At this point, you can choose Selina, Yichen, or Jiang Mi to pursue the good ending or make a different choice to reduce your heart meter and return to the main story. The chapter’s paths vary based on your favorability with each girl, and following this route is one way to max out heart levels while minimizing heart losses.

Chapter 7: I Really Like It

Following the guide above leads to a bad ending with most girls except Wang Yichen. Notably, Kawase Nana and Yu Anxia don’t make another appearance, indicating they may have secret endings.

Upon completing the credits scene with Yichen, you’ll have two options:

  1. Accept a massage from Nana for a specific ending.
  2. Decline, and receive a call from a clerk who previously reached out about Yu Anxia. Choosing the second option results in a “Farewell ending” or potentially unlocks a different ending based on your prior choices.

Rejecting both girls gives another achievement that reinforces loyalty to Yichen.

You can reach the author’s profile from the link. This guide was created by Mayday_Watson.

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