Deadlock Character Tier List: Tips From Beta Tester

Welcome to my Deadlock Character Tier List! As a beta tester, I’ve had the chance to dive into the game and test out all the characters before the official release. If you’re curious about which heroes are performing the best right now, this guide will give you a clear picture. Keep in mind that Deadlock is still in its closed beta, so things might change as the game gets closer to launch.

You can follow up-to-date information from the source we use:

Deadlock Character Tier List

Remember, the game is so new, so lists may vary from person to person. And I based it entirely on my own and my teammates’ impressions from the beta. There may be things we missed.

Deadlock Character Tier List

S Tier: Broken Heroes

These characters are the cream of the crop. Whether it’s their insane damage output, game-changing abilities, or just sheer versatility, they’re the ones making the biggest impact in the beta.

  1. Seven
    • Seven is an absolute powerhouse. His electricity-based attacks aren’t just flashy—they’re devastating. He can wipe out groups of enemies with ease, thanks to his area-of-effect (AoE) abilities. His ability to stun and control the battlefield makes him the top pick for anyone looking to carry their team. If you want to dominate in Deadlock, Seven is your guy.

A Tier: High Pick Rates

These heroes are reliable and strong in almost any situation. They might not be as overwhelming as the S Tier picks, but they’re solid choices that can turn the tide of battle with the right strategy.

  1. Kelvin
    • Kelvin is the versatile support hero every team needs. His freezing abilities can stop enemies in their tracks, while his healing and mobility boosts keep his allies in the fight. Plus, he can glide on ice paths—how cool is that? Kelvin’s flexibility makes him a top pick for any team composition.
  2. Paradox
    • Paradox is all about mind games. With the ability to swap places with enemies and freeze projectiles mid-air, he’s the ultimate trickster. If you enjoy outsmarting your opponents and pulling off clever plays, Paradox will quickly become your favorite.
  3. Wraith
    • Wraith is a master of stealth and assassination. Her teleport ability lets her dive into fights, eliminate key targets, and escape before anyone can react. She’s perfect for players who love being sneaky and making a big impact with quick, decisive strikes.
  4. Lady Geist
    • Lady Geist is a high-risk, high-reward character who uses her own health to fuel her abilities. But don’t worry—she can steal it back from enemies just as quickly. Her health-swapping Ultimate is a game-changer, making her a formidable opponent if you can manage her health carefully.

B Tier: My Solid Picks

These characters are dependable and can perform well in the right hands. They may not be as flashy or powerful as the top tiers, but they bring their own strengths to the table.

  1. Dynamo
    • Dynamo is all about support and crowd control. His ability to heal and protect allies, while also moving them around the battlefield, makes him a valuable team player. He might not grab the spotlight, but he’s the glue that holds a strong team together.
  2. Infernus
    • Infernus is your go-to for dealing damage over time. His fire-based attacks gradually wear down enemies, making him perfect for applying pressure across the battlefield. He might not have the burst damage of some other characters, but his relentless burning makes him a fearsome opponent.
  3. Abrams
    • Abrams is a classic tank—tough, durable, and built to take a beating. His health-draining abilities allow him to stay in the fight longer than most, making him the ideal frontliner for soaking up damage while his teammates dish it out.
  4. Bebop
    • Bebop is all about creating chaos. His hook can pull enemies right into danger, and his uppercut sends them flying. He’s great for disrupting enemy strategies and keeping them off-balance. If you like playing a character who’s unpredictable and fun, Bebop is your bot.
  5. Haze
    • Haze is the sneaky assassin who thrives in close combat. She can put enemies to sleep and take them out before they even know what hit them. But be careful—she’s got limited escape options, so if you’re caught, it could be game over. Still, if stealth and precision are your style, Haze is a blast to play.
  6. Mo & Krill
    • Mo & Krill are a tank duo with a unique playstyle. They burrow underground to surprise enemies and can heal themselves while disarming opponents. They’re tough and reliable, making them a solid pick for players who enjoy tanking with a twist.
  7. Ivy
    • Ivy is a support hero with some serious mobility. She can bond with allies to boost their effectiveness and dive onto enemies to set up kills. If you want to play a supportive role but still get in on the action, Ivy’s a great choice.

C Tier: Situational Picks

These characters have their strengths, but they might not be the first choice in most situations. They can still be effective, but they often require specific strategies or conditions to shine.

  1. Warden
    • Warden is a tank focused on crowd control and debuffing enemies. He’s useful, but he doesn’t stand out as much as other tanks like Abrams or Mo & Krill. He’s more of a situational pick, good for slowing down or trapping enemies when needed.
  2. McGinnis
    • McGinnis is the engineer of Deadlock, setting up turrets and walls to control the battlefield. He can also heal allies, but his direct combat abilities are a bit lacking. He’s great for defensive play, but might not be the best choice in more aggressive matches.
  3. Grey Talon
    • Grey Talon is a long-range assassin with high mobility. He’s good at finishing off retreating enemies, but he struggles against tougher foes. He’s fun to play, especially if you enjoy picking off weakened targets, but he’s not as reliable as some other characters.

D Tier: Underperformers

These characters are struggling in the current beta. They have potential, but right now, they’re harder to play effectively and might need some tweaks before they can compete with the higher-tier heroes.

  • Yamato
    • Yamato, the samurai, has a lot of potential, but she’s too vulnerable in her current state. Her self-healing ability is nice, but she often gets taken out before she can make a significant impact. She’s a risky pick, and there are safer options available.
  • Vindicta
    • Vindicta is a sniper who can fly to get better positions, but she’s not quite holding her own in the beta. Her long-range attacks are powerful, but she lacks versatility. She’s effective in the right hands, but doesn’t stand out compared to more flexible characters.
  • Lash
    • Lash is a bruiser who likes to jump around the battlefield, but he’s got some issues. His lack of escape tools and weak healing make him vulnerable. He can deal decent damage, but his weaknesses often outweigh his strengths in tough fights.
  • Pocket
    • Pocket is a quirky character with an enchanted cloak and suitcase. His abilities are unique, but he struggles to make a big impact on the battlefield. He’s fun to play, but if you’re looking for a strong, competitive pick, you might want to look elsewhere.

Abilities of Heroes in Deadlock

Let’s take a closer look at each character’s abilities. Understanding these will help you maximize your impact in the game, whether you’re leading the charge or supporting your team from the backline.


  • Lightning Ball: Shoots a ball of electricity that deals heavy damage and slows enemies.
  • Static Charge: Applies a charge to an enemy that stuns them and nearby foes after a short delay.
  • Power Surge: Powers up Seven’s weapon with a shock effect, chaining damage to other targets.
  • Storm Cloud (Ultimate): Summons a storm cloud that damages all enemies within its radius.


  • Frost Grenade: Throws a grenade that explodes into freezing ice, slowing enemies.
  • Ice Path: Creates an ice trail that boosts allies’ speed and lets Kelvin glide through the air.
  • Arctic Beam: Fires a beam that slows and disarms enemies, with additional beams hitting nearby foes.
  • Frozen Shelter (Ultimate): Creates a dome of ice that heals allies and slows enemies inside.


  • Pulse Grenade: Throws a grenade that pulses, dealing damage and slowing enemies with each pulse.
  • Time Wall: Creates a wall that stops enemy projectiles and damages enemies who touch it.
  • Kinetic Carbine: Charges up, increasing speed and releasing a powerful shot that can stop time for enemies.
  • Paradoxical Swap (Ultimate): Swaps places with an enemy, dealing damage over time and gaining lifesteal.


  • Card Trick: Generates cards that can be thrown at enemies for extra damage.
  • Project Mind: Teleports to a target location, gaining a shield upon arrival.
  • Full Auto: Boosts fire rate for Wraith and nearby allies.
  • Telekinesis (Ultimate): Lifts an enemy, interrupting them and dealing extra damage at the end.

Lady Geist

  • Essence Bomb: Sacrifices health to throw a bomb that deals damage in a large area.
  • Life Drain: Drains health from an enemy over time, healing Lady Geist.
  • Malice: Launches shards of blood that apply a stacking debuff, slowing and reducing damage resistance.
  • Soul Exchange (Ultimate): Swaps health with an enemy, boosting Lady Geist’s fire rate and spirit resist.


  • Kinetic Pulse: Releases a pulse of energy that knocks enemies into the air.
  • Quantum Entanglement: Teleports Dynamo and nearby allies to a new location.
  • Rejuvenating Aurora: Channels an aura that heals Dynamo and allies over time.
  • Singularity (Ultimate): Creates a black hole that pulls in and damages enemies, knocking them up when it ends.


  • Catalyst: Spews napalm, slowing enemies and increasing the damage they take.
  • Flame Dash: Dashes forward, leaving a trail of fire that burns enemies.
  • Afterburn: Passive ability that causes bullets to burn enemies, refreshing the burn with each hit.
  • Concussive Combustion (Ultimate): Transforms into a bomb that explodes, stunning and damaging nearby enemies.


  • Siphon Life: Drains health from nearby enemies, healing Abrams.
  • Shoulder Charge: Charges forward, dragging enemies and stunning them if they hit a wall.
  • Infernal Resilience: Passive ability that regenerates health over time based on damage taken.
  • Seismic Impact (Ultimate): Leaps into the air and crashes down, damaging and stunning enemies in the area.


  • Exploding Uppercut: Deals melee damage and launches enemies into the air.
  • Sticky Bomb: Attaches a bomb to an enemy that explodes after a delay, dealing damage and disarming them.
  • Hook: Fires a hook that pulls an enemy or ally toward Bebop.
  • Hyper Beam (Ultimate): Charges up and fires a laser that deals massive damage and slows enemies.


  • Sleep Dagger: Throws a dagger that damages and puts the target to sleep, without breaking invisibility.
  • Smoke Bomb: Turns invisible and increases sprint speed.
  • Fixation: Passive ability that increases bullet damage on a target with additional bonuses for headshots.
  • Bullet Dance (Ultimate): Enters a flurry, firing at nearby enemies with perfect accuracy and increased fire rate.

Mo & Krill

  • Scorn: Damages nearby enemies and heals Mo & Krill based on the damage dealt.
  • Burrow: Burrows underground, moving faster, then jumps out to deal damage and slow enemies.
  • Sand Blast: Sprays sand that disarms and damages enemies.
  • Combo (Ultimate): Holds a target in place, dealing damage over time, with lifesteal if the target dies during the ability.


  • Kudzu Bomb: Summons vines that damage and slow enemies.
  • Watcher’s Covenant: Connects with an ally, sharing healing and boosting fire rate and lifesteal.
  • Stone Form: Turns into stone, becoming invulnerable and stunning nearby enemies upon smashing down.
  • Falling Grace (Ultimate): Flies into the air and deals damage upon landing, with increased effect based on time in the air.

Grey Talon

  • Charged Shot: Charges up a powerful shot that pierces through enemies.
  • Rain of Arrows: Launches into the air and gains weapon damage and multishot while gliding.
  • Immobilizing Trap: Throws a trap that immobilizes enemies once armed.
  • Guided Owl (Ultimate): Launches a Spirit Owl that can be controlled, exploding on impact and stunning enemies.


  • Alchemical Flask: Smashes a flask that damages and slows enemies, reducing their outgoing damage.
  • Willpower: Gains a spirit shield and bonus movement speed.
  • Binding Word: Curses an enemy, immobilizing them if they don’t move away from the curse location.
  • Last Stand (Ultimate): Releases pulses that damage enemies and heal Warden after charging.


  • Mini Turret: Deploys a turret that shoots enemies, applying a movement slow.
  • Medicinal Specter: Summons a vial that heals nearby allies.
  • Spectral Wall: Creates a wall that damages and slows enemies who hit it.
  • Heavy Barrage (Ultimate): Unleashes a volley of rockets that land in a targeted location, slowing enemies and dealing damage.


  • Power Slash: Channels to increase damage, then releases a sword strike.
  • Flying Strike: Throws a grappling hook that drags an enemy to Yamato.
  • Crimson Slash: Slashes enemies, slowing their fire rate and healing Yamato if heroes are hit.
  • Shadow Transformation (Ultimate): Transforms, becoming invincible and refreshing all cooldowns, with faster ability regeneration and infinite ammo.


  • Stake: Throws a stake that tethers enemies to its location, disarming them.
  • Flight: Leaps into the air, gaining bonus spirit damage while flying.
  • Crow Familiar: Throws a crow that deals damage and applies bleed.
  • Assassinate (Ultimate): Uses a scoped rifle to fire a powerful shot, dealing bonus damage to low-health enemies and granting bonus Souls for kills.


  • Ground Strike: Stomps the ground, damaging enemies and knocking them up if used while airborne.
  • Grapple: Pulls herself through the air to a target, gaining a stamina charge and resetting jump/dash cooldown.
  • Flog: Strikes enemies with a whip, stealing life from them.
  • Death Slam (Ultimate): Captures enemies with whips, lifting and slamming them into the ground, dealing damage and slowing all hit.


  • Barrage: Channels a burst of projectiles that deal damage and slow enemies, granting a damage buff against hit targets.
  • Flying Cloak: Throws a cloak that damages enemies and allows Pocket to teleport to its location.
  • Enchanter’s Satchel: Hides in a briefcase, becoming invulnerable and dealing AoE damage upon emerging.
  • Affliction (Ultimate): Poisons all nearby enemies, dealing heavy damage over time and suppressing healing.
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