Antonblast Secret Paul Locations

This guide contains all the secret locations where Paul can be found in Antonblast.

All Paul Locations in Antonblast

Here is all secret paul locations:

Entrance Hall (Lv. 1)

Boiler City (Lv. 1)

We’re starting easy with this one. Make your way to Crossroads, the room just after you see the elevator, and make your way to the Slot Machine on top of the wall near the entrance of the room.
Hammer Bounce on top of the Slot Machine and enter the off screen door as indicated by the on screen dialogue, Paul will be to the left, in plain sight.

East Wing (Lv. 2-4)

Slowroast Sewer (Lv. 2)

Getting harder already!

This one is only accessible at the END of the Happy Hour escape sequence. There’s two key locations that can be found before then though; Eel Alley, where down/left from the exit ladder in an eel pool is a breakable wall leading to a door with the Blue Spade Detonator on the other side, and Water Displacency, where the first RGB Brick Block in the room blocks a path to Riverhead where Paul is behind the only Blue Spade Block in the level.

The problem here lies in that the Eel Alley secret is only accessible after using the Green Clubs Detonator, meaning that you must access these locations during Happy Hour.

Cinnamon Springs (Lv. 3)

Another Easy one here!

Make your way to Wobbledrop Elevator, ascend, and immediately go back down the shaft to where you can see two small Anton Graffitis on the wall. Slide into the lower Anton Graffiti, and you will emerge from the upper one, inside the wall, Paul is directly above you, his foot peering out, and you only need to jump to get him.

Bomb Candy Mines (Lv. 4)

The hellish green lava can surely wait a moment!

During Happy Hour, when you ascend The Main Vein, jump down to the platform on the left edge lower in the passage, and jump across into the Green Scribble Graffiti. In the room this leads you to, smash objects in the background to lower the foreground lava and reveal Paul.

West Wing (Lv. 5-7)

The Big Bath (Lv. 5)

Getting a bit loopier than the level usually permits somehow! Extended timer recommended.

During Happy Hour, jump over the real Exit Elevator, and travel to the right, to Tangerine Dream. A wall which you must slide or crawl under will have red splatters near it, jump into the right side of the wall to access a door to The Top of the Stairs, from here, move right to the door of Observation Deck where Paul is found.

Concrete Jungle (Lv. 6)

May the rails have mercy on you. Unavailable during Happy Hour, so, don’t bother trying to clutch this one!

Paul can be found beneath the leftmost entrance of Dynamite Duo’s Downhill Jam, just ride the rail backwards, and jump while holding down to drop into a monkey’s embrace, from which you can swing left into Wind He Get Here?

Pinball Mire (Lv. 7)

We have a simple one here!

During Happy Hour, in Rockslide Rumble, after the first jump, Immediate charge and roll back up hill, dropping off the wood platforms, and rolling as far up as possible. Paul is just sitting there easily accessible.

Top Floor (Lv. 8-10)

The Mad Mall (Lv.8)

This is the 9th I’m getting, and it’s the worst by far so far, levels 9, 11, and 12 remain.

In The Ball Pit Maze, jump over the drop to the section with the exit dumpster, instead proceeding to an area just before a wide open space with a dumpster that leads to itself. There should be a way to climb up, keep climbing until at the top, and then travel right until you find the top of a pillar of 1 Ton Weights, Atomic Blast (stomp) them all, and swim to the bottom of the pool this puts you in, and swim against the current, spamming attack for speed, to find Paul.

Crimson Factory (Lv. 9)

Precise and/or chock full o’ health upgrades, pick yer poison.

Factory Furnace Funhouse is the point of interest on this one. Fly low through the jetpack section, before backtracking into the room and Clutch Jumping into a Hammer Bounce off of a RGB Brick or Flying Ballbuster (Mole) onto some Climbable Jam on the ceiling. Proceed left, platforming on the Jam, enemies, and a 1 Ton Weight into a path in the ceiling with Red Dice Switch blocks guiding you to a door, where Paul will be found.

The Mysterious Glasshouse (Lv.10)

This one’s a bit annoying.

Angel Tower has a one tile wide hole in the ceiling which you can enter while in Angel Form, if you miss, use the retry from last checkpoint option in the pause menu for another attempt with an annoying run up time.
A single tile under the Semisolid Platform floor at the top of the tower is empty to help you line this up, but using it is difficult.
Once in the gap, HOLD LEFT to not fall back down it, and enter the Dumpster to the left. Once in the static room, climb the vertical rainbow gradients which are actually Ladders and Semisolid Platforms when vertical or horizontal respectively, Paul is at the top.

Hell’s Waiting Room (Lv. 11-12)

Devilled Garden (Lv. 11)

An easy one before the pressure gets on.

During the Boombox Mission portion of the level jump over the Boombox, restarting the section. When arriving at The Tower of Babble again, enter the mirror, and proceed in the mirror world until finding Paul.

Hell Manor (Lv. 12) – UNKNOWN

Simple in theory, execution… you better be fast.

During Happy Hour, Jump over the elevator at the start of the level, and hammer bounce at the left side wall of the room to access an extra side room with Paul at the end of a platforming gauntlet.

I strongly recommend buying a time extend from Brulo and making a beeline for this one.

According to a developer, stated in Summitsphere’s Discord, this Location cannot be accessed until after the previous 11 Pauls have been found and Satan has been defeated. I will work on verifying this information personally, but I’m giving the actual devs enough benefit of the doubt to add it to the guide ahead of personally checking if the information is true.

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