Tactical Breach Wizards Confidence Guide – Hard Mode

Use this guide to complete all your confidence goals on hard mode in Tactical Breach Wizards without replaying previous levels.

Hard Mode Confidence Goals in Tactical Breach Wizards

This is a guide on how to achieve every confidence objective during your first playthrough of the game. It does not include dream sequences.

North = the top left of the screen. You can figure out the other cardinal directions.
Directly = within one tile

  • Use Gale Grenades on yourself for extra movement, allowing you to reach interactable tiles or cover that’s just out of range.
  • Choose your upgrades based on consistency: you want upgrades that will have value every time, rather than in specific scenarios.
  • Choose who breaches the door wisely: the breacher will immediately have line of sight into the room to and can act before moving, but everyone else will have to move before taking action.

Act 1: The Break

1.1: The Asset

This is the tutorial; there are no confidence goals here.

1.2: Rushwater Reunion

No confidence goals here either. Make sure to take the +1 target upgrade for Chain Bolt.

1.3: Out For Blood

Zone 1:

  • Move Jen north of the filing cabinets. Throw a Gale Grenade at the two enemies by the south window and use Static Blast to knock the closest tracker into the wall.
  • Move Zan east to the desk, shoot the tracker to your south, and take cover.
  • On the next turn, have Zan seal the door, then finish off the last two enemies by knocking them into walls.

Zone 2:

  • Breach the southwest door with Zan and the southeast door with Jen.
  • Move Zan east of the central intel box, shoot the nearby grenadier, and Time Boost Jen.
  • Move Jen to the farthest tiles at the eastern box, Chain Bolt the three trackers into walls (start with the one directly west), then shoot the hiding grenadier.
  • Seal the doors; the 1-turn objective is already complete.

Zone 3:

  • Breach with Zan, shoot the overwatching sharpshooter, and Predictive Bolt north toward the door. Then breach with Jen and use the laptop to open Zan’s door, instantly killing the enforcer.
  • On the next turn, move Jen to her door and breach it. Move Zan to his door but don’t breach yet. Cast Predictive Bolt east to cover Jen’s enforcer.
  • Breach Zan’s door and move him as far northwest as possible. Shoot the enforcer in the middle of the corridor to push him toward the eastern windows.
  • Move Jen to her door, breach, and Chain Bolt the three trackers counterclockwise. Throw a Gale Grenade between the two enforcers on Zan’s bridge to knock them out the windows (make sure Zan isn’t hit).

The confidence objectives are complete, so finish the mission at your pace.

1.4: The Traffic Warlock

Turn 1:

  • Move Jen west of the western intel, grab it, and shoot the Traffic Warlock northeast toward the burning mana.
  • Move Zan to the eastern wall, east of Jen. Shoot the warlock north and Predictive Bolt to catch reinforcements from the eastern door.

Turn 2:

  • Move Jen east of the tracker reinforcement, shoot him into the wall, and throw a Gale Grenade west of the Traffic Warlock. He should be near a window.
  • Move Zan to the eastern reinforcement door, seal it, grab the intel, and throw the Traffic Warlock out the window.

At the end of the mission, take the +1 damage upgrade to 3 Bolt Burst.

Act 2: Extraction, Part I

2.1: Achievable Dreams

Use Jen to grab the intel, Chain Bolt the eastern tracker, the traffic warden, and the grenadier. Then Gale Grenade the eastern tracker out the window. Finish the last tracker with Zan.

2.2: The Blacksite

Zone 1:

Turn 1:

  • Move Jen to the southern wall cover and shoot the tracker out the window.
  • Move Zan to the intel cover and pick it up.

Turn 2:

  • Time Boost Jen. Move her southwest of the first turret, throw a Gale Grenade to her west to position next to the turret, shoot the tracker by the reinforcement door, deactivate the turret, and take cover.
  • Move Zan to the middle of the room, shoot the eastern tracker, and take cover.

Turn 3:

  • Move Zan to seal the reinforcement door and shoot the nearby tracker into the wall.
  • Move Jen to deactivate the second turret and finish off the last tracker.

Zone 2:

  • Run both characters forward, block the turret with a False Prophet, and shoot the remaining enemy.

Zone 3:

Turn 1:

  • Move Zan east of the western intel, shoot the heavy gunner, and summon a False Prophet between them.
  • Move Jen to breach the interior door and shoot the tracker into the electrified wall.

Turn 2:

  • Move Zan north to hug the west side of the central wall and kill the reinforcing tracker. Predictive Bolt south.
  • Move Jen west of the heavy gunner and shoot him into Zan’s Predictive Bolt.

Turn 3:

  • Seal the reinforcement door with Zan and shoot the tracker into the wall.
  • Move Jen to hack the terminal. The turret will kill the sniper.

Zone 4:

Turn 1:

  • Move Zan in front of the door and cast Predictive Bolt.
  • Move Jen south of the intel and shoot the tracker into the Predictive Bolt.

Turn 2:

  • Use Chain Bolt to bounce off the reinforcing tracker and the heavy gunner, knocking the sniper out of the window.
  • Gale Grenade west of Jen to push her far enough to hack the turret. Shoot the heavy gunner with Zan.

Turn 3:

  • Chain Bolt the reinforcements near Zan and the air canister near the turret. Shoot the air canister with Zan, or the turret will kill the tracker after the round.

Take the upgrades: Useful Fiction for False Prophet and +1 Use Per Encounter for Gale Grenade.

Act 2: Extraction, Part II

2.5: Exit Strategy

Zone 1

  • Redeploy Jen to Zan’s position by the north door.
  • Move Banks to a spot where she can see the wall west of the heavy gunner. Cast Death’s Door on that wall and throw a Sedative Cocktail at the two trackers.
  • Move Jen directly north of the northern intel and Chain Bolt the heavy gunner and two trackers (from north to south).
  • Move Zan north of the southern intel, cast False Prophet on the laptop tile, and cast Predictive Bolt facing west. The officer will die in the Foresee phase.

Zone 2

Turn 1:

  • Cast Transference on Jen and the easternmost heavy gunner (next to the sniper and reinforcement door). Move Jen north of the intel but don’t pick it up.
  • Move Banks directly west of Jen and throw a Sedative Cocktail at the three heavy gunners.
  • Throw a Gale Grenade to kill all three. Shoot the sniper to refresh Jen’s move and seal the reinforcement door.
  • Move Zan to Jen’s previous position east of Banks and pick up the intel.

Turn 2:

  • Throw a Sedative Cocktail at the two eastern enemies.
  • Move Jen to the window and shoot the eastern gunner into the sniper’s Overwatch. Broom Breach across the gap and seal the door.
  • Shoot the sniper with Zan and move south of the intel. Cast Time Boost twice on Banks.
  • Throw two Sedative Cocktails at the last gunner. You can either shove him into Death’s Door or hit him with a grenade.

Zone 3

  • Move Banks as close as possible to the eastern reinforcement door and throw a Sedative Cocktail at the two enemies.
  • Move Jen into the room, shoot the neutralizer into the crate, seal the northern reinforcement door, and throw two Gale Grenades at Banks to push her next to the eastern reinforcement door.
  • Seal the door, then cast Transference on Banks and the heavy gunner.
  • Send Zan to pick up coffee for the team.

Zone 4

  • Cast Predictive Bolt on the door, breach with Jen, and move her to a window.
  • Move Zan to the central intel, shoot the tracker to push him backward, and cast False Prophet on the nearest northern reinforcement door.
  • Move Banks north of Zan and throw a Sedative Cocktail at the two enemies.
  • Throw a Gale Grenade to knock them both out of the window.
  • You’ve completed the objectives, but you can use Broom Breach and a Gale Grenade to let Jen seal one more door this turn.

2.6: The Pyromancer (Boss Fight)

Turn 1

  • Redeploy Zan to the eastern door and breach both doors immediately. Move Zan east of the intel, shoot the neutralizer, and summon a False Prophet by the reinforcement door. Cast Predictive Bolt for fun (and for Zan’s objective).
  • Move Banks to the western intel and cast Death’s Door on the wall east of the Traffic Warden. For fun, throw a useless Sedative Cocktail and spam Take Cover.
  • Move Jen to the western window, revive her, and shoot the Traffic Warden into Death’s Door. Broom Breach to the eastern window and hack the turret. All confidence objectives are complete.

Turn 2

  • Cast Transference on Banks and the Pyromancer. Throw a Sedative Cocktail at the two enemies.
  • Move Zan to the central intel and cast Time Boost on Jen.
  • Throw two Gale Grenades: one west of Zan, and one at the crate in the center of the room, directly south of an explosive barrel. Zan should now be south of the barrel, and the barrel is directly west of the turret.
  • Cast Predictive Bolt facing north, then Chain Bolt the explosive barrel, Pyromancer, and gunner.
  • Move Jen to the window, Broom Breach to the northern window, shoot the Pyromancer, and seal the northern reinforcement door.
  • Finish off the Pyromancer with Zan or let the turret kill him.

Take the upgrade Lightheaded for Sedative Cocktail.

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