In this guide I will show you how to changing perks in the post game in Tactical Breach Wizards.
Changing Perks in Tactical Breach Wizards
After the game is over, you can regain your perk points as follows.
How to Reallocate Perk Points
Once you have finished the campaign you can reallocate perk points when replaying a mission.
If you are asked to choose your characters, you will also be able to reallocate their perk points.
Once you have started a mission, but before you breach the door, long click on a character portrait to show their perks.
Once you can see the character’s perks, click on the perks you don’t want to use in order to free up points. Then select the perks you want to try.
Characters have a maximum of six or seven points available. You cannot unassign their anxiety dream perk.
Repeat for all characters in the level.
Once you’re happy with your new loadout click done at the bottom right, breach and enjoy!
When you complete the level your perks will revert to the loadout you had at the end of the campaign.