Tactical Breach Wizards: Character Abilities and Upgrades

In this guide, I will explain the basic mechanics, upgrades and tactics of the game along with details about the characters abilities in Tactical Breach Wizards.

Character Abilities & Upgrades

Zan Vesker

Former Navy Seer with a vendetta against Liv Kennedy, now working for a private military company.

Zan Vesker


  • 3 Bolt Burst: Deals 1 damage and 1 knockback.
    • Upgrades: +1 damage, Supportive Fire (free shot when a teammate attacks), +3 knockback (innate).
  • Predictive Bolt: Sets up an overwatch zone; the first enemy to enter takes 4 damage.
    • Upgrades: +1 damage, gain mana if fired during your turn, reuse if it knocks someone out.
  • Time Boost: Grants an action point to an ally.
    • Upgrade: Boosts all allies in a small radius.
  • False Prophet: Sends out a dummy that enemies target.
    • Upgrades: Dummy attacks before expiring, mana refunded if it dies early, interacts with objects.

Jen Kellen

A storm witch and private investigator with a personal nemesis in the traffic warlock, Steve Clark.

Jen Kellen


  • Static Blast: Deals 2 knockback, usable at range.
    • Upgrades: +2 knockback in melee, refreshes movement after use.
  • Chain Bolt: Hits two targets with 2 knockback each.
    • Upgrades: Hit up to three targets, refresh action cost when chaining through allies, adds +2 knockback to the final target.
  • Broom Breach: Jump through a window and re-enter from another.
    • Upgrade: Pushes a target if they block re-entry.
  • Gale Grenade: Area attack that knocks back 8 adjacent squares.
    • Upgrades: +1 use per encounter, refreshes ally movement, deals 2 damage if thrown directly at an enemy.

Dessa Banks

Former surgeon and necro medic who quit after murdering a mafia enforcer.

Dessa Banks


  • Sedative Cocktail: Area attack that sedates and makes targets unsteady.
    • Upgrades: +1 sedated, +1 unsteady to the central target, all targets take 1 damage.
  • Spectral Skull: Fires a skull named Gary that deals damage and bounces off walls.
    • Upgrades: +1 damage, makes targets unsteady, the skull becomes wider.
  • Resurrect: Revives an adjacent person with full health.
  • Revived enemies attack everyone, are stunned for 1 turn, and cost no mana to resurrect.
  • Death’s Door: Creates a portal that anyone pushed into won’t come out of until the battle ends.
    • Upgrades: +1 use per encounter, pulls in targets standing near the portal, creates a portal beneath anyone.

Dall Sabin

A rebel riot priest and former member of Chapel.

Dall Sabin


  • Charge: Moves in a straight line, dealing damage and knockback.
    • Upgrades: +3 knockback if traveling at least 3 squares, refunds action point if it hits, can pass through targets.
  • Censer Slam: Hits an adjacent target for 3 damage and 1 knockback.
    • Upgrade: +2 damage.
  • Swap: Swaps location with any visible person.
    • Upgrades: Enemies target the swapped person, mana refunded if swapping with a teammate, can swap with objects.
  • Throw Riot Block: Throws a barricade that blocks movement.
    • Upgrades: Explodes when destroyed, blocks direct attacks, returns to you when destroyed.


A former hitman for the Druid Mafia.



  • Rabid Bite: Transforms into a dog, bites an enemy, making them hostile to anyone.
    • Upgrade: Adds sedative, causing the victim to lose health each turn.
  • Impaling Vine: Skewers a target for 1 damage and 3 knockback, then pulls them closer.
    • Upgrades: Applies Brittle, pulls Rion towards open ground, refunds action when targeting a teammate.
  • Britling Dart: Fires a dart that makes the target take extra damage.
    • Upgrade: Destroys any gas mask the target may have.
  • Spore Bomb: Area attack that deals more damage per target affected.
    • Upgrades: +1 use per encounter, +1 knockback per target, doesn’t affect allies but still counts them as targets.

TBW Mechanics


  • Each character has up to five unique abilities, unlocked as you progress through the game.
  • These abilities can deal damage or apply special effects like slowing down enemies.
  • You can use these abilities a certain number of times per turn or per battle, and some require action points or mana.
  • Abilities can be upgraded by spending perk points between missions. Each character can also gain a special “innate upgrade” by completing their anxiety dream during the campaign.

Action Points

  • Action points are like a currency that you need to use most abilities. Usually, each character gets one action point per turn.
  • Some abilities don’t require action points, so you can use them in special situations.
  • Tip: Zan’s Time Boost ability can give an extra action point to a teammate, which can be super helpful.


  • Mana is another currency you earn by completing certain tasks like sealing doors or gathering intel.
  • It’s used for special abilities like Jen’s Chain Bolt or Dall’s Swap.
  • At the start of each level, your characters start with one mana point each.


  • Each character can move up to 5 squares per turn. Moving can happen before, during, or after using an ability.
  • Some abilities, like Jen’s Gale Grenade, can refresh your movement or increase mobility, like Dall’s Charge and Swap.


  • Damage reduces an enemy’s health points. If their health hits zero, they’re knocked out of the battle.
  • Armor can block some damage, but it won’t stop damage from knockbacks.


  • Knockback pushes a target backward by a certain number of squares. If they hit a wall, they take extra damage.
  • Knockback can be used creatively, like pushing enemies out of windows for an instant kill.
  • Stability counters knockback by reducing its effects.

Optimal Tactics

In most levels, your goal is to keep at least one teammate standing by the end. Damage and status effects don’t carry over to the next level, so focus on survival. An offensive approach is usually the best defense—try to eliminate as many enemies as possible each turn, because enemies that are down can’t fight back.

Don’t forget that you can use abilities on your allies! For instance, a friendly knockback can push a teammate into a better position. When facing a new enemy, take the time to understand their strengths and weaknesses, then adapt your strategy accordingly. High-health or high-armor enemies might seem tough, but using knockback or combining effects like poison and stunning can make them much easier to deal with.

When you level up, spend your perk points on upgrades that let you use your favorite abilities more often. For example, giving Jen’s Gale Grenade an extra use per encounter, or upgrading Dall’s Charge to refund its action point if it hits a target, can make a big difference in your effectiveness.

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