You can find a list of all the gifts in Meme Mayhem and how to get them in this guide.
All Gift Relics List
All gift list for patch 0.21.42
8 “Chocolate”
- Win a battle in 3 seconds.
- Win BOSS “Kideo” (小夫) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
- Defeated by minions 10 times.
- Defeated by BOSS “Gymrat” (宗师).
- Defeated by BOSS “Lizardberg” (老板).
- Finish a whole game, with less than 10 emojis in your “attacks”.
- Finish a whole game, with only 1 type of emojis in your “attacks”.
- In game, got Event relic “R-18” once.
17 “Cookie”
- Win a battle, in more than 60 seconds.
- Win BOSS “Kideo” (小夫) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
- Defeated a battle in 4 seconds.
- Defeated by BOSS “Pop Cat” (尸兄).
- Defeated by BOSS “Kideo” (小夫).
- Finish a whole game, with emoji ”Flex” totally activated 1000 times to you.
- In game, all 4 card rarities are present in your deck at the same time.
- In game, reach 100 Armor in a battle.
- In game, reach more than 5 types of emojis in your “attacks” in a battle.
- In game, “income” drops to a negative value.
- In game, go last 15 battles with Event relic “U238”, unlock Event relic “Mutation!”.
- In game, “Prince of Nigeria” (秦始皇) Event, choose the “give 50 eCoin” choice once.
- In game, got combo relic “Retro Window” once.
- Play “Pre-Bandleader” (客服小祥), reach debt -1200 eCoin in game.
- Play “Pre-Bandleader” (客服小祥), got combo relic “Band” in game.
- Play “Keg” (小桶), reach 30 “illusion” generated in a battle.
- Out game, Reply 100 “crap” emojis to others on “Home”.
1 “Shiny Cookie”
- Win BOSS “Mars” (蜀黍) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
7 “Fortune Cookie”
- Defeated, with 500 eCoin unspent.
- Finish a whole game, with 3000 eCoin spent.
- Finish a whole game, with 30 relics obtained.
- Finish a whole game, with 5 relic combos completed.
- In game, reach 100% Crit in a battle.
- In game, reach 90% Dodge in a battle.
- Out game, have 10 chats on “Messages”.
- Win BOSS “Chad” (气盛) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
1 “Reroll Switch”
- Win BOSS “Kideo” (小夫) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
4 “Cracked F5”
- Win BOSS “Chad” (气盛) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
- Win BOSS “Mars” (蜀黍) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
- Defeated in the first battle.
- Defeated, with the opponent’s HP also reduced to 0.
1 “Relic Remaker”
- Win BOSS “Chad” (气盛) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
1 “Rewind”
- Win BOSS “Mars” (蜀黍) to unlock messages, then spend “cash” to buy it.
1 “Refresh Ticket”
- Play your first game.
1 “Trolley Switch”
- In the event “Trolley problem”, killed 10 people in total.
- To find out which “gift” relic you are missing, just check the “Messages” and compare.
- Some of them are also Steam achievements.