Megaloot How to Reach Floor 60 on All Character

In this guide I will explain the details for the first floors in Megaloot and how to reach floor 60 with all characters.

Megaloot First Floors Guide

It is based on the royal, silver and chromalure set bonuses, which in combination make you completly invulnerable to everything for 10 rounds. Since you are immortal you focus purely on physical dmg which makes it possible to reach very high floorlevels (i stopped at 131 out of boredom, but with no limit in sight).

But why am I invulnerbale, you may ask?

The chromalure set negates all dmg you take partially and transforms the rest into poison stacks. The royal + silver set combination makes you immune to debuffs for 10 rounds. Poison is a debuff. You get the idea?

This is the setup I usually end up using from floor 30 onwards:

Step by Step

The following steps can be used for every character. For some the early part is easier than for others. This is not min maxed aswell. Just what worked for me very consistently.

Runes: Up to your preference…

Stats I usually go with are: Crit chance, additional attakcs, max energy, power, physical dmg, penetration (in descending order)

Floor 1-2: Get as many dmg stats as possible, and kill everything before your energy runs out.

I get the full rouge set asap, and roll for wood swords and wood axes. I always dismantle the weapon with the highest flat phys dmg. I also like to get amulet of life early for the spiders. Swap out the wood weapon for iron dagger if possible.

Floors 3-9: Use ancient ice set, once you found the weapon.

I usually bridge the gap between rouge and ancient ice set with the gold set, once I found a gold weapon. Dont safe money on high tier items, but rather use low tier and roll for full set. Both gold and ancient ice set partially scale with setpieces, which makes them very powerful early game sets.

Things to consider:

  • Get a silver sword (but not the axe!) before floor 10. You will need it later.
  • Safe up as much money as possible for floor 10 to roll for nighthorn ring.
  • Collect low tier setpieces of royal set.
  • Dismantle hunter chest or pants from time to time to get to 100+% precision.

Floors 10-30: Use your overpowered set combination to ramp up dmg.

Once you hit your key items (royal set, silver sword, nighthorn ring) your good to go. You have enough dmg through the combat stats of royal set (for now) and your combination makes you untouchable.

Now you can roll for some items, that give you the combat stats you need, like

  • Penetration (100+%)
  • Flat phys dmg
  • % phys dmg
  • Power
  • Crit dmg (if you chose to pick up 35% crit from runes)
  • Faith

Floor 30+: Get as many thronglers as possible and test your patience.

Try to get a throngler asap, since the gold % buff will help getting more upgrades. Safe some thronglers for dismantle.

You can usually semi-afk from floors 35-60.

If your efficient sky is basicly the limit. As already mentioned I stopped at floor 131 with 18 attacks per turn and over 1 trillion dmg crits, while highest enemies had ~330 billion HP.

Have fun with the build (or atleast try to).

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