GUNDAM BREAKER 4 Combo and Moves

I will explain the melee move sets in GUNDAM BREAKER 4 in detail in this guide. I will also share what the combos in GUNDAM BREAKER 4 are and details that will help you find combo chains.

Combat Guide and Combos in GUNDAM BREAKER 4

Movesets are like the different combinations of attacks your character can do in a game. When you use a melee weapon (like a sword or fists) with one hand, the combos are pretty basic. But if you add a similar weapon in your other hand or use a weapon that requires two hands, you can unlock special combos! These combos can include launching enemies into the air, grabbing them, and mixing up your attacks for more fun and strategy.

How Combos Work

  • L/R: This means you attack with either the Left hand (L) or Right hand (R) button.
  • ↑: Hold the forward key while attacking.
  • A/O: Attack with either hand (A) and then combo into the Other hand (O).
  • (h): Hold down the attack button.
  • (c#): Charge attack, used by weapons like Axes and Greatswords, with 4 charge levels (1-4).

When you attack from a distance, your character will usually boost forward to close the gap, starting the combo.

Combo Example:

  • A > A > A↑: A simple three-hit combo with a beam saber. Hold the forward button on the last hit.
  • L > R(h): A combo that starts with a Left attack, then hold the Right attack button.

Melee (Fists) Moveset

Ground Moves:

  1. Light String:
    • L > L > L > L > L > L
      The 5th hit is an uppercut that knocks down the enemy, and the 6th is a kick while they’re down.
  2. Heavy String:
    • R > R > R > R
      The 3rd hit is a spinning kick that knocks back and down the enemy, and the 4th attack launches you into the air before slamming down on the enemy.
  3. Meteor Kick:
    • R↑(h) or L > L > L > L > L > R
      Launches your character into the air and crashes down on the opponent.
  4. Uppercut Launcher:
    • L > L↑(h)
      A strong uppercut that sends the enemy into the air.
  5. Kick Launcher:
    • L > R↑(h)
      A launching kick.
  6. Closer:
    • L from a distance
      A dash forward and punch, great for starting a combo.
  7. Spin Kick:
    • L > R
      A wide kick that knocks down and back.
  8. Headbutt:
    • L > L > R
      A rushing headbutt that knocks the opponent back.
  9. High Kick:
    • L > L > L > R
      A kick that sends the enemy spinning through the air.
  10. Ground Slam:
    • L > L > L > L > R
      A powerful slam that creates a shockwave.
  11. Flurry Attack:
    • (Any L Combo String position) > L(h) or R(h)
      Hold the button during a combo to unleash a rapid series of punches or kicks.
  12. Batista Bomb!:
    • R(h)
      Grab the enemy, lift them high, and slam them down.

Air Moves:

  1. Aerial Light String:
    • L > L > L > L > L
      A series of kicks, with the last one being a follow-up kick.
  2. Aerial Heavy String:
    • R > R > R
      Two punches followed by a meteor kick that brings both you and the opponent back to the ground.
  3. Aerial Grab:
    • R(h)
      A tricky move where you grab and spin the opponent midair.
  4. Aerial Spin Kick:
    • L > R
      A sweeping kick with knockback.
  5. Aerial Headbutt:
    • L > L > R
      Similar to the grounded version but done in the air.
  6. Overhead Slam:
    • L > L > L > R
      A hammer blow that sends the opponent crashing down.
  7. Comet Kick!:
    • L > L > L > L > R
      Another meteor kick, but this time you’re already in the air!

Martial Arts

Martial Arts in GUNDAM BREAKER 4 is a flashy but somewhat downgraded version compared to previous games. While it lost some of its unique EX ability interactions, it still provides stylish moves that end in cool martial arts poses. Many of its moves are borrowed from the Melee moveset, especially in the air.

Ground Combos

  • Light String:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > L > L > L > L
    An 8-hit combo with minimal knockback, allowing you to deliver clean hits. Even the final hit doesn’t push the opponent far.
  • Heavy String:
    Combo: R > R > R > R > R
    A fast-dealing heavy combo with multiple hits. The 4th hit slightly lifts the opponent, and the 5th hit kicks them high into the air.
  • Meteor Kick:
    Combo: R↑(h)
    This move launches your MS into the air and crashes down on the opponent, instead of launching the opponent.
  • Uppercut Launcher:
    Combo: (Any point in the light string) > L↑(h)
    A strong uppercut that sends the opponent up and backward into the air, making it a great opener.
  • Kick Launcher:
    Combo: (Any point in the light string) > R↑(h)
    A more powerful version of the Uppercut Launcher, adding more knockback and airtime.
  • Shove Launcher:
    Combo: R(h)
    A slower move that launches the opponent at a high angle, not very useful for follow-ups but can be comboed with grapple hook options.
  • Closer:
    Combo: L from a distance
    A dash followed by a dropkick, easily leading into a launcher.
  • Flying Kick Launcher:
    Combo: L > R
    The MS leaps into the air, kicking the opponent and carrying them along.
  • Shockwave Punch:
    Combo: L > L > R
    A powerful punch that knocks down the opponent.
  • Divider Punch:
    Combo: L > L > L > R
    A pair of punches, one forward and one backward, with short range.
  • Ground Slam:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > R
    The MS slams its fists into the ground, creating a large AoE shockwave.
  • Flying Knee:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > L > R
    An elbow and knee combo that knocks the opponent into the sky.
  • Twin Punch:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > L > L > R
    A double-fist punch that sends the opponent flying backward.
  • Uppercut Combo:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > L > L > L > R
    Multiple hits ending with an uppercut launcher.
  • Flurry Attack:
    Combo: (Any L Combo String position) > L(h) or R(h)
    Holding down an attack button launches a flurry of blows. L rushes forward with rapid punches, while R delivers high kicks.

Air Combos

  • Aerial Light String:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > L > L
    A series of light attacks with minimal knockback, perfect for juggling opponents in the air.
  • Aerial Heavy String:
    Combo: R > R > R > R
    A sequence of flying kicks followed by a meteor slam that brings you and the opponent back to the ground.
  • Aerial Shove:
    Combo: R(h)
    A tricky move to land due to its short range, but it’s a satisfying shove if it connects.
  • Aerial High Kick:
    Combo: L > R
    A flying kick that deals minimal knockback, allowing for more combo opportunities.
  • Aerial Shockwave Punch:
    Combo: L > L > R
    A slower attack with low knockback, giving the opponent time to fall back to earth.
  • Overhead Slam:
    Combo: L > L > L > R
    A hammerblow that sends the opponent back to the ground.
  • Aerial Divider Punch:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > R
    Similar to its grounded version, a pair of punches with limited range.
  • Flying Kick:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > L > R
    A straightforward kick with little knockback.

Greatsword Combos

Greatswords (and Hammers) in GUNDAM BREAKER 4 have a slow but powerful moveset, featuring heavy-hitting attacks, flashy flips, and rolls.

Ground Combos

  • Light String:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > L
    The 3rd attack is a push, followed by two spinning strikes with decent knockback.
  • Heavy String:
    Combo: R > R > R
    A juggle combo with knockback, perfect for pushing enemies away. The 3rd hit sends the opponent into the air.
  • Charge Attack:
    Charge your weapon through four levels (White, Blue, Green, Red), each with increasing power and effects.
    • Level 1-2 Charge:
      Combo: R(c1/2)
      A spin attack that knocks enemies prone and launches them into the air.
    • Level 3 Charge:
      Combo: R(c3)
      A multihit launcher that sends the opponent higher with each hit.
    • Level 4 Charge:
      Combo: R(c4)
      A series of spins followed by a powerful downward strike with massive knockback.
  • Launcher:
    Combo: R↑(h) or L > L↑(h)
    A simple upward slice that launches the enemy into the air. Ideal for starting aerial combos.
  • Downwards Slam:
    Combo: R↑(h) during a light string
    Hold both attack and forward during a light string to slam the sword down, bouncing the opponent off the ground.
  • Crosscut:
    Combo: L > R
    A wide, sweeping attack with a high-angle launch after a short lunge forward.
  • Double Upwards Slice:
    Combo: L > L > R
    Two upward slices that provide knockback and airtime.
  • Whirlwind:
    Combo: L > L > L > R
    A spinning attack with high knockback.
  • Rapid Slice:
    Combo: L > L > L > L > R
    A quick, high-knockback strike that comes out faster than other finishers.

Air Combos

  • Aerial Light String:
    Combo: L > L > L
    A series of slashes with minimal knockback.
  • Aerial Heavy String:
    Combo: R > R
    A vertical spin followed by a Double Upward Slice, with a shockwave effect.
  • Heavy Slam:
    Combo: R↑(h)
    A powerful slam that sends both your MS and the opponent back to the ground.
  • Horizontal Slice:
    Combo: L > R
    A two-hit combo that can be repeated midair.
  • Aerial Downwards Slice:
    Combo: L > L > R
    A downward slice that bounces the opponent off the ground.

Lance Combos

The Lance is a mid-range melee weapon with impressive reach and effective closers, perfect for dashing into enemies and running them through.

Ground Combos

  • Basic String:
    Combo: A > A > A > A > A > A
    A series of short stabs ending with a strong horizontal knockback.
  • Bull Rush:
    Combo: A↑(h) or O > O > A
    A dash forward that spears any opponent in your path. It covers a lot of distance but has little knockback.
  • Gallop on, Rocinante!
    Combo: A(h) or O > O > O > O > A
    A stronger version of Bull Rush with significant knockback, launching the opponent at an angle that’s easy to follow up with.
  • Closer:
    Combo: A from a distance
    A short-distance dash, despite the weapon’s long range.
  • Launcher:
    Combo: O > A
    A great launcher, ideal for setting up aerial combos.
  • Spear Backhand:
    Combo: O > O > O > A
    A spinning attack that sends the opponent flying backward with high knockback.
  • Flurry Attack:
    Combo: A(h) during a combo string or O > O > O > O > O > A
    A barrage of stabs with minimal knockback but great damage, either as its own move or as the final attack in the basic combo.

Air Combos

  • Aerial Bull Rush:
    • Combo: A↑(h) or A(h)
    • Similar to its grounded version, with differences in damage and knockback, performed in the air.
  • Basic Aerial Combo:
    • Combo: A > A > A > A
    • A series of quick stabs followed by a powerful stab with heavy knockback.
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