DRAGON BALL Sparking ZERO Goku vs Vegeta Guide

I will explain the strategy for Goku vs Vegeta in DRAGON BALL Sparking ZERO and what you need for SUPER ATTACK in this guide.

Goku Strategy Guide VS Great Ape Vegeta

Your first boss fight is against Great Ape Vegeta, and it seems impossible at first. But once you learn his moves and how to counter them, it gets much easier. Follow the strategies below, and that giant ape will feel more like a small, harmless creature.

Goku vs Vegeta

“Vegeta’s Secret Maneuver” aka The great ape fight could feel a little difficult but there are multiple techniques to give you the edge in combat. this is the controller scheme I will be using and referencing.

as you initially enter the fight this is the starting scene. As you will notice Vegeta has enough Ki (yellow bars) to utilize a SUPER ATTACK, to prevent this you will want to be holding you “Ki charge” while side stepping to dodge his initial burst, as soon as he attacks you will want to use your short dash to clear the area of effect as shown in the second image below.

After that as the fight goes on you will want to be keeping distance if possible to stay out side of close combat. keeping your space will allow you to charge your Ki will also giving room for analyzing your opponent and be ready for the next move.

You can also use the terrain to block damage and allow for Ki charging as well.

Vegeta tend to use a SUPER ATTACK when he is at 3 Ki bars however he only needs 2 bars and will at times may even use it then. since you now know when he tend to use his Ki you can in anticipation use a SUPER ATTACK of your own however “Kaioken Attack” and ”Solar Flair” are not very effective or effective at all, but since we plan on being distant we want to use our “Kamehameha” to injure him making his blast dissipate and wasting his ki.

If you dont have time to SUPER ATTACK, you can use “perception” to deflect the attack as shown (blast attack 1-2) (dash attack 3-4).

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