Crime Scene Cleaner Controls and Key Bindings

For those who are new to Crime Scene Cleaner, I have listed controls and the key combinations in this guide.

Crime Scene Cleaner Controls and Key Bindings

Key Bindings for beginners:

  • Move Forward : W
  • Move Backward : S
  • Move Left : A
  • Move Right : D
  • Interact ○ E
  • Cleaner Sense : Q
  • Toggle Flashlight : F
  • Enter Photo Mode : R
  • Crouch : Left Control
  • Jump : Spacebar
  • Sprint : Left Shift
  • Open Music : M
  • Open Codex : T
  • Open Skill Tree : C
  • Tool Wheel : Tab
  • Select Hands ○ 1
  • Select Tool 1 ○ 2
  • Select Tool 2 ○ 3
  • Select Tool 3 ○ 4
  • Select Tool 4 ○ 5
  • Select Tool 5 ○ 6
  • Select Tool 6 ○ 7
  • Select Tool 7 ○ 8
  • Select Tool 8 ○ 9

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