Megaloot Blackthorn Build Guide

I’ll simply explain what you need to know about Blackthorn’s work and build on Megaloot.

Megaloot Blackthorn

Blackthorn is what is left of your shield the moment u get attacked. U got 1000 Shield and get attacked for 100? Enemy gets 1000 damage. Now u only have 900 left. Next enemy that attacks u gets 900 damage.

As it is magic damage it gets also effected by Wisdom, which is bad for Blackthorne as getting more shield is WAY MORE effective, and Faith which only works on Elite’s. Malice, Poison, and Sparkle can all be applyed with Blackthorn Parry. Every type of damage that says “bonus to Attack” is only for weapons.

It works great in combination with Arcanum because it Protects your Shield for 1 Attack. Same with Armor Shield. This one is harder to get, but u can stack it to tank a number of hits.

Be carefull about:

  • U stil need to be carefull about Ghouls and Spiders.
  • Ghouls have Armor Penetration, so u wand to focus them or get Toughness.
  • Spider Poisen ignores Shields, so u want some stable HP to tank that.
  • U get both from Giants Ring.


Because u just want enormus ammounts of shield u want the Turtle Gauntlet as a weapon. It’s damage scales with your shield. The Shell Set also gives +3 Armor Shield which protects u Round 1 from damage.

The Celestial Chestplate allows u to Crit and Vamp with Magic, which also goes for Blackthorn Parry.

So the ideal Set for Blackthorn would be:

  • Blackthorn Crown
  • Celestial Chestplate
  • Turtle Gauntlet, Leggings and Sabatons.
  • Giants Ring
  • And if u got 2 Ring Slots, Vitality Ring.
  • Chest, Legs and Boots are replaceable if u realy want another type of Set Bonus.
  • In that case u could also Replace the Blackthorn Crown with the Chestplate. U only realy need the Gauntlet with 1 piece of Blackthorn.
  • I simply use the Celestial Chestplate to protect my HP with Omni Vamp.

What to trash?

Everything u want to dismantle is:

  • Golden Warden and Wooden Crown for Armor%
  • Heart of Gold for HP, Toughness and Armor
  • And if it feels neccesary more Giant Rings for HP% and Toughness.

Everything else can go in flat Armor and HP, Vamp, Sparkle, Poison, and Malice.

How to Start a Run for this Set?

  • U are starting out with the Warrior Set.
  • It is a cheaper version of Blackthorn and gives realy good survivalbility early on.
  • The Leather Cap to get the Mercenary Bonus.
  • This will not only give u additional Attacks but also loot drops from enemy’s. Thanks to that u not only get additional Gold to buy stuf, but also possibly Gear and things to dismantle.
  • I also sugest the Iron Dagger.
  • It’s Attackpower is early on not realy impressive, but the Swift Bonus doubles your attacks. So with the +1 from Mercenary u do now 4 Attacks.
  • This also works great with the Warrior Set as it needs 5 Stacks to activate. So having big attack chains works great.

At the end of Floor 1, u want to dismantle a Weapon with at least 5 Attack, and at least 9 Attack at floor 2. This will carry u trough the early stages

If u don’t get good weapons early on, lock some in the shop and reroll 1-2 time for more weapons.
Converting attack Power early on is worth quiet a lot.

Floor 4-14

  • As u reach floor 4, u want to replace your Set with Blackthorn Chestplate and the Ice Set.
  • All Ice Items strenghen each other. This will more then double your stats as soon as u start it.
  • Now u will focus only on Ice until u unlock the Blackthorn Crown and the Turtle Gauntlet.

Now rush some HP to dismantle to protect yourself.

Everything else is as discribed in the end Build.

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