Abiotic Factor Non-Renewable Items

In Abiotic Factor, there are non-renewable items as well as renewable items. In this guide, I will list the non-renewable items.

Non-Renewable Items

A list of non-renewable items in Abiotic Factor.

Note that for many items that are not scrapable you would have to either intentionally or maliciously discard them to lose them.

Armor, Trinkets & Weapons

  • Surgical Mask
  • Work Gloves
  • Lab Gloves
  • Gardening Gloves
  • Well-worn Security Vest
  • Security Cap (White & Blue Variants)
  • Security pack
  • Karate Helmet
  • All hardhat variants besides red (found in flathill)
  • Chef hat
  • Chef apron
  • Lead Vest
  • Radiation Vest
  • Trinkets from Special Crates (Sigil of the Hearth, Fog Lantern, Night Pass)
  • Pet Rock
  • Antique Shotgun

Furniture & Placeables

  • Special Crates (Ornate, Cacophonous, Security)
  • Overworld Bobbleheads (Security Guard, Blacksmith, Scientist)
  • Lost Dog Painting
  • The Red Chair
  • Armory Lockers
  • All Televisions (Besides EAS from furniture store)
  • Unassuming Bell
  • Certain Paintings (Possibly Octopus and Anglerfish)
  • Certain Furniture (Possibly Toolboxes and Clocks?)

Items & Miscellaneous

  • Plastic Bucket
  • Blue Antelight
  • Porkchop

Non-Scrapable Items

  • Flashlight
  • Buckets (Metal, Plastic)
  • Security Armor (Helmet, Vest, Arm Guards, and Leg Protectors)
  • Mountaineer Armguards
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