Sunset Hills Walkthrough

This Sunset Hills walkthrough guide will help you through every step of the game, from solving puzzles to unlocking achievements. You will enjoy the game better if you only refer to the guide when you are stuck. It makes the game more enjoyable if you do not refer to the guide unless you are really struggling.

Journey to Tobik

Feel the Serenity Achievement

After getting off the vehicle, make sure to sit on the chair on the left for exactly one minute. This will unlock the “Feel the Serenity!” achievement. It’s a small but crucial step to fully complete the game.

Getting the Fruit Shop List

Head to the map on the right and talk to the fruit shop owner. They’ll give you a list of items to collect. Remember, these items will be important later, so don’t lose the list!

Find the Cake Shop Phone Number

Return to the station map and look at the flyer on the wall next to the ticket seller. Tear off the top right corner of the flyer to reveal the cake shop’s phone number. This step is easy to miss, but it’s necessary to progress.

Make the Call

Go to the phone booth on the left side of the station. Dial the number you just found and choose the fruit shop owner’s name, “Michel.” You will then be prompted to select items from the list. Choose orange, mango, blueberry, mint leaves, and nuts. If you make three wrong selections, you’ll unlock the “Shortsighted” achievement. After completing the call, return to the fruit shop owner.

Setting the Time

In the car, open the bottom drawer and take out the pocket watch. Set the time to 4:50. This might seem like a random time, but it will become important later.

Fixing the Recorder

Press the right button on the recorder, and you’ll notice that the pointer is broken. To fix it, break the pocket watch you just set, take out the pointer, and place it in the recorder. Adjust the pointer to 3.5 by referring to the sheet music in the drawer below. This step is critical for progressing in the game.

Finding Doug in Tobik

Getting the Map

After reaching Tobik Town, grab the map located to the left of the notice board on Willow Street. This map will help you navigate the town and find important locations.

Help the Repairman

Go to Lieb Street, where you’ll bump into a repairman. His wrench will fall into the sewer. Head down and talk to the fisherman to pick up a magnet.

Create a Magnet String

Head left to Freedom Avenue. Enter the alley and you’ll witness a fat chef scolding a skinny chef. On the right, talk to the detective and inquire about the lady. Then, play the game with Dog Daddy, choosing 1, 3, 1 to win. You’ll get a Red String as a prize. Combine this string with the magnet in your inventory to create a magnet string.

Retrieve the Wrench

Return to Lieb Street and use the magnet string to fish out the wrench from the sewer. Go back to Willow Street and return the wrench to the repairman. He’ll fix the lock in the alley for you.

Investigate the Car Accident

Back at Freedom Avenue, talk to the fruit shop owner on the right who is arguing. Then, check out the car accident scene to the right. Talk to the detective to receive the task of finding clues. Start by investigating the car owner for the first clue. The second clue is found in the Blue Car Window (1/3).

Find More Clues and Memories

Enter the alley and thank the repairman on the left. Click on the recruitment poster on the wall and watch the memory sequence. Next, head left to the riverside and then up to Kurt Street. Talk to the butler, then go right to talk to the captain. Keep moving right to find the third clue (Car Glass) on the ground. Investigate the hat for the second clue (2/3). Click on the hat again to discover a stone, which completes the second clue (3/3). Finally, move right to talk to the statue and watch another memory.

Unlock Achievements in Tobik Park

Head to Tobik Park and observe the wooden sign on the box. Disassemble the magnet rope in the lower right corner and place the magnet on the wooden board. Talk to the clown to get two play tickets. Play darts and hit the dart boss five times to unlock the “Dart of Discipline” achievement. The dart boss will stop spinning, allowing you to hit 9 three times and get a Voucher. Catch a fish to obtain a second Voucher. At the prize booth, choose the green coin in the upper right corner to unlock the “Go Hepburn” achievement. Exchange the coin again for the Music Box in the lower left corner.

Return to Bakery

Get the Key

After returning to Freedom Avenue, talk to the butler, who is now in line. Enter the bakery and talk to the shop assistant to get the Key. This key is essential for the next steps.

Change Clothes

Enter the back dressing room, use the key, and put on the chef’s outfit. This is important for accessing certain areas in the bakery. Once dressed, enter the wooden door on the left and talk to the skinny chef to receive bread. Return to the shop and give the bread to the assistant.

Blueberry Bread Recipe

In the kitchen, you’ll discover that the electricity is out. Change clothes again and return to Lieb Street. Enter Lieb Grocery Store and talk to the bicycle lady. Exit and talk to the lady in the wheelchair. Go down to the riverside to find the repairman. Once he leaves, turn off the power switch in the fuse box and steal the Fuse.

Restore Power and Bake the Bread

Return to Freedom Avenue, talk to the detectives, and report the clues to resolve the car accident. Go to the alley, open the fuse box, and use the fuse and red string. Head to Willow Street, go down, and talk to the beauty. Return to Lieb Grocery Store and meet the detectives again. Talk to the shopkeeper and complete the yellow jigsaw puzzle first to unlock the “Jigsaw Puzzle Enthusiasts” achievement. Complete the purple jigsaw puzzle to get the Candle.

Get Earthworm for Fishing

Go to Nova Street to report to the beauty and receive the Shovel. Go up to Bernini Residence and use the shovel near the flower bed in the lower left corner to obtain an Earthworm. Give the worms to the fisherman to help him fish.

Bake Blueberry Bread

Return to the bakery, change into the chef’s outfit, and enter the kitchen. Ask the skinny chef for the Blueberry Bread recipe. On the cutting board, click the following in order: Flour, Egg, Sugar, Mixture x3, Rolling Pin, Blueberry, Butter, Mixture x3, Mold. Bake the cake for 40 minutes. Fan it to ensure the temperature stays in the green zone. Once done, get the Blueberry Bread and give it to the shop assistant. In the kitchen, you’ll discover that the fisherman is actually Chef Bernini. Change clothes and find Bernini. Follow Bernini upstairs and talk to the housewife.

Unlocking Secrets

Check the music box, click to open it, and turn the two hex screws until the triangles align to get the Handle. Click the gear at the door of the housewife’s house and use the handle to turn it counterclockwise. After the housewife leaves, take back the handle. Follow Bernini into his home and click on the golden box on the right.

The password, from top to bottom, is “0794” (the year on the photo in the bakery), which will unlock the box and reveal a Pipe. Give the pipe to Bernini to get the Rainbow Bread Recipe. Upon exiting, you’ll see the lady in the wheelchair again. Return to the grocery store and inform the detective.

Bake Rainbow Bread

Back at the bakery, on the cutting board, click in this order: Flour, Egg, Honey, Orange, Mixture x3, Rolling Pin, Mango, Apple, Blueberry, Milk, Butter, Mixture x3, Nuts, Mint, Mold. Bake for 50 minutes to unlock the “Rainbow Bread” achievement. Throw the rainbow cake in the trash bin on the right side of the kitchen, then make it again, but this time, don’t add nuts. Give the bread to the shop assistant.

Finding Boat Ticket

Follow the Music

Return to Tobik Park and talk to the clown to learn that the boat ticket is with a little girl who just ran away. Follow her through several locations: alley, Freedom Avenue, Willow Street, Nova Street, Fishing Riverside, Lieb Street. After talking to the little girl, enter Lieb Grocery Store, talk to the owner, and help him repair the music box.

Repair the Music Box

Remove the Ballet Dancer from the music box in your backpack and use it on the antique. Fix the music box by turning the handle clockwise. Then, go to the balcony and take the Plushie.

Getting the Boat Ticket

Return to Willow Street and see the lady in the wheelchair again. Go to Nova Street and give the plushie to the little girl to get the Boat Ticket. Go to the entrance of Bernini’s house and inform the detective about the lady’s location. Return to Willow Street, but the lady is gone again. This time, she has gone to the dock on Kurt Street. Talk to her to unlock the “One’s Journey Home” achievement. Afterward, you will meet the detectives, follow them back to the dock, and talk to them.

Journey to Hepburn

Getting the Play Ticket

At the train station platform, obtain the Play Ticket. Talk to the staff to get a map. Select a postcard and exchange it using the Hepburn coin from Tobik Park.

Flowers for Ferruccio

Go upstairs to enter the train station lobby. Buy flowers from the florist and give them to Ferruccio.

Dealing with the Drunk Man

Leave the train station and head to Hepburn Street. You’ll encounter a drunk man blocking the stairs. Since you can’t pass, continue to the right to reach Clark Street. Here, you’ll meet the pink mascot, Candi. Take a picture of Candi for a keepsake.

Catch the Thief

Enter the candy store and check the poster on the right wall. Play the mini-game to obtain a Candy Box and unlock the “Discerning Eyes” achievement. Open your backpack and notice that the ticket is missing. After leaving, walk to the right and click the flag to trigger a memory. Take the shuttle train to Garbo Street. Talk to the violinist, then walk left to the viewing platform. Open the spotlight on the left, remove the Resistor, and install it on the right spotlight.

Find the Thief

Walk right to the theater entrance. Talk to learn that your ticket was stolen by a little thief. Help the florist push the cart. Continue to the right, send the postcard, and unlock the “To Roy” achievement. Return to the candy store, talk to the owner, and find out that the little thief is misbehaving in Candi’s photo.

Investigate at the Bookstore

Enter the bookstore and talk to the old lady. Go upstairs and talk to the bookshop owner. Help him organize the bookshelf. At the top of the first-floor bookshelf, find Collectible Card 1/4. After organizing the bookshelf, inquire about the thief and agree to help deliver a book, receiving a book package.

Deliver the Book and Catch the Thief

Return to Hepburn Street and listen to the drunkard’s music. Use the melody from the station to respond. After the drunkard leaves, walk down to the right and deliver the book to the orphanage. Talk to the child on the left, then talk to the child in the middle to receive Collectible Card 2/4. Investigate the costume and the right cabinet to discover the little thief, Pello, in the registry. Ask the orphanage keeper about him and browse the registry again.

Card Games and Meeting Momo

Leave the orphanage and follow Momo to the riverside. Play cards with the boatman and win twice to receive Collectible Card 3/4 and unlock the “Master of Cards” achievement. Follow Momo into the apartment, go to the second floor, and see the drunkard.

Click on the drunkard’s wall to obtain Collectible Card 4/4 in the upper left corner. Take the shuttle train back to Garbo Street and talk to the Corgi brothers. Return to the second floor of the apartment to unlock the “The Band is Back on the Road” achievement.

Sneak into the Theater

Return to the apartment and talk to the landlord, then enter Room F512. Kick the skateboard to the sofa, then take out the box under the sofa to obtain a Screwdriver. Get the Towel from the sofa armrest. Take down the photo from the cabinet in front of the mirror to obtain a Mirror Shard. Pull the cabinet on the right to the left until it is under the door. Investigate the clothes hook to get a Scarf. Use the screwdriver on the right hook to get a Hook.

Combine the towel and scarf on the sewing machine to make a climbing tool. Use that to get the Hammer on the shelf. Disassemble it and combine the clothes with the hammer. Climb onto the cabinet at the door, use the mirror shard and the hammer, and click the buttons on the left and right to knock on the thing blocking the door. Push the cabinet back, open the door, and exit the room. Disassemble the hammer tool again and combine the clothes once more with the hook to hook down the ladder at the apartment door. Go upstairs and get the Tape from the window, then go to the second floor to meet the children.

Repairing Costumes

Find Clues

After the cut scene, enter the backstage and talk to Ferruccio. Exit the backstage and talk to the black-and-white dog. Investigate the costume rack opposite and take a picture to get the first clue (1/3). Walk to the right, knock on the actresses’ room, and talk to them. Continue to the right and talk to William. Go upstairs, enter the manager’s office on the far right, and talk to the secretary. Go downstairs, walk to the upper left, and go through the theater lobby to the equipment room. Talk to the prop master lady, move the coat rack, and observe the paint below to get the second clue (2/3). Compare it with the previous photo to get the third clue (3/3).

Repair Costumes

After talking to the repairman, go downstairs and leave the theater. In front of the shuttle train on Clark Street, help the florist. Go to the apartment entrance to find the boatman and inquire about the paint to get the Elevator Key. Return to the equipment room and use the elevator key on the keyhole. First, adjust the wheel angle and insert the key to the deepest point, then align the notch upwards and turn the wheel counterclockwise. Investigate the lowered paints, align them as shown below, and take a photo to get the final clue.

Fixing Gemstone Brooch

Follow the manager back to the office and talk, then return downstairs to the backstage and talk to Ferruccio to get the Design Blueprints. Exit and talk to the prop master to get the Dirty Costume. Go to Clark Street, enter the tailor’s shop, and talk to the tailor to get the Damaged Gemstone Brooch. Talk to the Dalmatian puppy, return to Apartment 521, and talk to the Dalmatian puppy again to get the Key to Ferruccio’s Room.

Unlock the locked room and use the collectible cards on the photo frame on the piano to unlock the “Mrs. Gale” Star Card achievement. Open the box on the desk, the password is in the photo on the wall where the light bulb was originally placed on the rooftop. Investigate the password box to get the first clue (1/2). Investigate the poster on the wall and take a photo to get the second clue. Go back to the living room and investigate the photo under the mirror to get the third clue (1/2). Go to the balcony and take a photo of the flowers to get the final clue (2/2). Go to the rooftop and talk to the children. Take a photo to get the second clue (2/2). Go back and paint, don’t forget the clues: dress Blue + Yellow, petals and top White, flower stamens Yellow, hat Blue + White. Take the completed design blueprint.

Repair the Plant and Finalize the Costumes

Go to the orphanage, talk to the director, inquire about the plant to get the book. Talk to Momo and select “Poke” three times to unlock the “Puppy Drill” achievement (Momo is such a cutie!). Investigate the device on the table and operate it as shown below. Investigate the Damaged Gemstone Brooch and use the same method to unlock the shell and get the Gemstone. Place the gemstone on the empty device on the table and reverse the operations to fix the brooch. Go out and investigate the withered plant on the right and take a photo.

Secret Solution

Go to the florist in front of the train station. If you’ve helped the florist three times before, you’ll receive a bottle of Secret Solution. Return to the orphanage, investigate the small table next to the plant, and use the book. (If you’ve played Potion Craft, you’ll recognize this immediately.) Choose the direction with the fewest steps to the red circle from the four corners, and follow the direction marked on the bottle to pour in the sequence. Finally, add the secret solution to unlock the “The Plant Wizard” achievement (note: there might be a bug where you don’t really need the secret solution to unlock this). Everyone’s red circle position is different, so pay attention to your specific position.

Finalize the Costumes

Go to Garbo Street to invite the Corgi brothers, then return to the tailor’s shop and report to the tailor. Repair the two costumes and choose the one designed by Ferruccio himself to unlock the “A Surprise for Ferruccio” achievement. Talk to the tailor and receive the costume. Take it back to the Grand Theater. Go up from the right side, enter the backstage, talk to the manager, then exit and talk to Ferruccio. Finally, receive a gift from Ferruccio to complete the achievement “Bullet Blossom”.

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