Nobodies Silent Blood Walkthrough

You can find detailed steps to help you complete the first mission in Nobodies Silent Blood and hints about the general outline of the game in this walkthrough guide.

If you enjoy solving things on your own but sometimes need help when things get tough, we have a better solution for you. Instead of looking at this walkthrough guide, go straight to the hints section in the table of contents. That section gives you tips on how to solve puzzles without any spoilers.

Nobodies Silent Blood Operations Guide

This guide will show you how to complete the first mission in the game, step by step. Just follow along, and you’ll finish the mission easily.

nobodies silent blood guide

Operation Last Rites

  • Start Location: You start the mission right in front of the Crematory. On the ground, you’ll find a wooden block and a pin next to the barrel.
  • Move Scene: Click the arrow to move to the scene behind the Crematory.
  • Collect Items: Pick up the hacksaw from the ground and grab the dead body. Also, take the green hose from the garbage. Use the hacksaw to cut the wooden block.
  • Enter the Crematory: Go back to the front and use the wooden wedge on the door, then put the pin in the door to open it and go inside.
  • Inside the Crematory: Grab the bucket and the documents on the floor. Use the hacksaw again to open the second crematory door and collect a belt (it’s a collectible item). Cut a segment of the hose with the hacksaw.
  • Water Bucket: Head outside and fill the bucket with water from the tap. Go back to the alley and pour the water over the fire to heat it up. Then, put the hose segment in the hot water to make it expand. Use the documents to start a fire.
  • Dispose of Items: Put the long hose back in the garbage where you found it, and drop the hacksaw on the ground. Go back into the crematory, put the dead body on the table, and push it inside.
  • Finish the Operation: Take the expanded hose and attach it to the missing pipe. Turn on the gas and light it with the fire from the documents. Close the doors and wait for a bit, then empty the bucket in the sewer (in the back alley). Finally, turn off the gas.
  • Exit: Take the hose segment and throw it in the garbage in the back alley. Now you can click the exit icon in the top left corner to finish the mission and move to the next one.

Operation Spillway

  • Collect Items: Pick up the dead branch next to the body, but leave the body where it is. Go left to reach the Dam Security area.
  • More Items: Grab the hacksaw from the truck and the wire from the ground. Go back to the dead body and use the hacksaw to take the hive.
  • Use the Hive: Head to the security guard and unleash the hive on him. Go to the truck and use the wire to open the door. Open the glove box and take the lighter.
  • Pass the Bees: Go back to the hive, place the branch on the ground, and use the lighter to set it on fire. Now, you can pass the bees and enter the security room.
  • Stop the Water: Pull the two levers to stop the water. Grab the shovel and return to the dead body. Dig a hole where the water was, place the dead body inside, and cover it with dirt.
  • Reset Items: Head back up and put the lighter back in the glove box. Close the door with the wire and put the wire back on the ground. Then, put the hacksaw in the back of the truck.
  • Finish the Operation: Go inside the security room and put the shovel back, then restart the water by pulling the two levers again. Go outside, take the dead branch, and place it by the tree where you found the dead body. Now you can exit the mission successfully.

Operation Airlift

  • Oil the Wheel: First, take the oil can and spill some oil on the plane’s wheel. Then go inside the plane.
  • Collect Items: Open the yellow drawer and take the strap. Go through the door and grab the co-pilot’s coat. Talk to the captain and tell him about the oil stain.
  • More Items: Next, take the ID from the chair, the clipboard, and the phone. Use the magnifying glass in your inventory to look at the ID and note down the birthday: 5974.
  • Unlock the Phone: Use the magnifying glass on the phone and enter that password (5974). Check the messages with Vivian and press the chat box to send her a message: “tonight babe? wife thinks I’m working :)” Delete all the messages (both yours and hers) before putting the phone back on the chair. When the phone starts ringing, the captain will leave.
  • Follow the Instructions: Now, use the magnifying glass to look at the clipboard and follow the instructions in the right order:
    • Use the radio and say, “L345 ready to runway.”
    • Confirm the door is closed: Go outside, put the strap on the door, and close it.
    • Reset the altitude selector: Use the yellow buttons until it reads 0.
    • Engage the engines: Press the L and R red buttons.
    • Accelerate: Pull the lever.
    • Press the BD button to release the cargo and lower the altitude to 10,000.
  • Exit the Plane: Before leaving the cabin, place the clipboard back on the chair. Open the door, grab the strap, and head to the cargo area.
  • Finish the Operation: Take the flare from the red medical box and the parachute. Use the flare to start a fire on the box next to the blue tarp. Finally, use the parachute to jump off the plane.

Operation Manifest Guide

  1. Collect Items: First, take the rotten fish, then follow the yellow arrow.
  2. Distract the Guard: Give the cat the rotten fish and pick up the cat. Enter the red container and check it out.
  3. More Items: Take the RC car, a cardboard cutout, and the barrel. Open the toolbox on the shelf and take the laser pointer.
  4. Use the Cat: In your inventory, attach the cardboard cutout to the RC car. Go outside and look inside the green container, then send the cat inside.
  5. Open the Door: Use the laser pointer to make the cat press the red button. Once the door opens, go inside to find the body.
  6. Collect More Items: Open the cabinet under the desk and take the hazard sticker. Pick up the dead body and open the closet to get the paint. Go outside and use the RC car with the cardboard cutout to distract the guard. Now you can go onto the ship.
  7. Find the Container: The flag on the ship looks African, and the locked container has the number 9417 on it. Go to the green container and use the dead body to turn on the laptop. Find the Djibouti file (Djibouti is an African country) and scroll down to find the container.
  8. Unlock the Container: The container’s pin number is 8163. Go to the ship, open your inventory, paint the barrel, put the sticker on it, and place the dead body inside. Put the barrel on the device that seals barrels (next to the ramp to the ship).
  9. Seal and Finish: Use the initials GWL (from the computer) to seal the barrel. Then take the barrel to the container on the ship and close the container.
  10. Reset Items: Go back to the green container, put the paint back in the closet, and lock the laptop by exiting all the files. Then, close the laptop. Use the laser pointer to make the cat press the red button again to close the container.
  11. Exit: You can now put the laser pointer back in the toolbox. Your mission is complete, so you can exit and move on to the next level.

Operation Zinfandel Guide

  1. Collect Items: First, take the hose from the wheelbarrow, the bucket next to the cuverie (the barn where wine is made), and the ladder nearby. Then go inside the Vineyard house.
  2. More Items: Pick up the dead body and the brochure on the table. Open the closet by the door and take the pipe wrench, pruning shears, and large jug. Look at the clock, open it, and move the arrow to take the gear inside.
  3. Prepare the Equipment: Now, exit the house and go inside the cuverie. Take the yeast bag and oil from the shelf. Attach the gear to the grape crushing machine, then head outside. Place the ladder on the side of the house to reach the roof and turn off the water using the yellow valve. Apply oil to the valve to make it move.
  4. Set Up the Pump: Use the pipe wrench to take the red water pump, and attach the hose to the pump. Also, place the dead body inside the silage bag.
  5. Prepare the Wine: Climb down, take the ladder again, and head left to the grapevines. Use the shears to cut some grapes and a branch. Go back to the cuverie and put the grapes in the grape crushing machine. Place the bucket underneath and crush the grapes to get some juice.
  6. Ferment the Wine: Place the ladder by the big tank in the middle, climb up, and pour the grape juice in. Add the yeast to the fermentation tank, and place the large jug under the tap to collect the wine.
  7. Use the Press: Place the branch on the grape press by the locked door, and pour the wine from the jug into the press. Take the branch, ladder, and gear back, and put the oil back on the shelf.
  8. Unlock the Door: Look at the locked door and enter the code NASH (the name of the vineyard) to open it and reach the oak barrels.
  9. Transfer the Wine: Open the first barrel, and it will empty when you open the door. Close the door, attach the pump from the old wine barrel to the now-empty barrel, and transfer the wine.
  10. Hide the Body: Open the old barrel (now empty) and place the dead body in a bag inside the barrel. Close the door and pump the wine back into the old barrel.
  11. Finish the Operation: Remove the pump, and pour the wine from the jug into the now-empty barrel, which will take a few hours to refill with new wine.
  12. Reset Items: Before leaving, reset the padlock on the door where the barrels are; it should say ABCD. Then, head outside, climb back on the roof with the ladder, and replace the pump, turning the water back on.
  13. Exit: Climb down, return the ladder to its original spot, place the bucket near the ladder, and put the hose back in the wheelbarrow. Move left to the grapevines and leave the branch there. Go inside the house and return the shears, pipe wrench, and jug to the closet. Place the gear back inside the clock and the brochure on the table. Now you’ve finished the mission, and you can leave.

Hints (No-Spoiler)

We have prepared this section for our visitors who do not want answers but need a little general help. We do not want to undermine your enjoyment of the game.

nobodies silent blood walkthrough


When you start playing Nobodies: Silent Blood, you’ll receive a list of missions called operations. Completing these operations allows you to advance in the game. Each operation is unique and presents different challenges, requiring you to solve puzzles and uncover mysteries. Finish each operation 100% to move on to the next one and keep progressing in the game.

Exploration Tips

As you take on each operation, you’ll be placed in different locations. It’s essential to explore every corner of these areas to understand your mission and gather necessary items. Collecting suspicious items during your exploration is crucial, as they’ll be stored in your inventory and help you solve puzzles later on.

Use Hints to Solve Puzzles

If you’re struggling with a puzzle in an operation, you can use hints to help you progress. Hints give you clues about the next step you need to take. You can obtain hints by using coins or watching ads. The game provides ten free coins when you start, allowing you to purchase hints. If you need more hints, you can either buy more coins with real money or watch ads to earn them.

How to Use Collected Items Effectively in Operations

Items you collect during your exploration are stored in your bag and are meant to be used at the right moments. Every item has a purpose in solving puzzles within the operations. If you’re stuck, try using different objects from your bag—they might be the key to moving forward. Some items may require modifications, such as cutting a hose with a saw before use, so think carefully about how to apply them.

Decide When to Use or Examine Items for Clues

During operations, you’ll collect various items, some of which can be used directly, while others are meant to be examined for clues. When you open your bag, you’ll see options to use or examine these items. Decide carefully which action to take based on the situation. For example, using an oil can to create a distraction or examining a phone to uncover important information can be crucial to completing your mission.

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