This guide covers how to get every achievement in The Relapse DLC. It’s also like a walkthrough but skips things that aren’t necessary. So, if this is your first time playing, don’t follow it exactly.

Looking Up I See Only A Ceiling The Relapse DLC Walkthrough
Each section is a checkpoint. If you get stuck, find the right checkpoint and follow that part.
Tip: If you’re only looking for calendars, press Ctrl+F, type “calendar,” and highlight all.
Explore Mode
- Start Explore Mode: You need to have finished the good ending in the main game to access this mode. Click the front door and then click the door handle four times. This starts The Relapse and unlocks the “A new way out” achievement.
- If You’ve Already Done This: Just click “Relapse” from the main menu and then “Start again.” It won’t reset your checkpoints.
- Get the Calendar: Pick up the calendar on the floor; you’ll need it for a later achievement, “A new vision on life.”
- Navigate the Halls: Keep walking until your classmate runs out and leaves a door open. Go inside and grab the calendar under their bed in the bottom right corner.
- More Navigation: Move through the halls and try to board the bus.
- Go Back: Turn back, unlocking the “What’s so funny?” achievement. Don’t forget to grab the calendar in the bottom left corner.
- Halls Again: Keep navigating the halls and lobby.
- Game Over Moment: Go forward when the piston is down for a game over and unlock “Mentally crushed.”
- Do It Right: Go back and move forward when the piston is up. This unlocks “It all starts again” and begins Checkpoint VI.
Checkpoint VI
- Break Room: Enter the break room (left side of the hallway), grab the key, and go to the room across the hall (right side).
- Light Trick: Turn the light on and off at least 11 times to unlock “Bills don’t scare me.”
- Free the Student’s Belongings: Use the lock to free the student’s stuff. Pick up the box cutter that falls to the floor.
- Cut the Painting: Stand in front of the painting and use the box cutter to cut through. Walk through the hole.
- Find the Calendar: It’s hidden under the trash bag in the bottom left corner.
- Grab the Ladder: Go back to the room with the student, place the ladder over the pit, and grab the hammer.
- Smash the TV: Return to the break room, smash the TV, crawl through, and grab the key.
- Fail the Quick Time Event: Let the timer run out for a game over and unlock “Suffocated.”
- Pass the Quick Time Event: Go back and complete the quick time event to unlock “When will all this end?” and begin Checkpoint VII.
Checkpoint VII
- Go Back: Try to retrace your steps to unlock “Endless study, endless stress.”
- Find the Calendar: It’s hidden under a note on the left.
- Try the Door: Go to the left and attempt to enter.
- Fail Again: Fail the quick time event for another game over and unlock “It reached me.”
- Pass the Event: Complete the event to unlock “A breath of fresh air” and start Checkpoint VIII.
Checkpoint VIII
- Front of the Building: Head to the front.
- Calendar in the Bush: Look for the calendar hidden in the bush in the bottom right when the taxi first appears.
- Enter the Taxi: Doing this unlocks “Spark of hope” and begins Checkpoint IX.
Checkpoint IX to XIII
- Checkpoint IX: Just click through to unlock “I can’t escape anymore,” which starts Checkpoint X.
- Checkpoint X: Grab the calendar in the tree (top left). If this is your first playthrough, do the puzzle the long way; otherwise, enter the code 312433 to unlock “This is the 1000th time I pass here.”
- Checkpoint XI: Find the exam room, click through, and unlock “Too much to handle” to start Checkpoint XII.
- Checkpoint XII: Fail the quick time event for “My biggest weight,” then go back and pass to unlock “Just one more step.”
- Checkpoint XIII: Grab the calendar in the chains (top right). Fail or succeed the quick time events depending on what achievement you’re aiming for.
Checkpoint XIV
- A, B, or C Paths: Depending on your actions and how many calendars you’ve collected, you’ll unlock different endings.
- BAD ENDING (XIV-A): Fail quick time events to unlock achievements like “Surrendered…again.”
- GOOD ENDING (XIV-C): Get all calendars, complete the events, and unlock “I did it…for now.”
- TRUE ENDING (XIV-B): Complete all quick time events and unlock the final achievements, including “FAILURE, FAILURE, FAILURE.”