DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia Yuzuru Walkthrough

In this walkthrough guide, i will show you Yuzuru’s route and endings in DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia.

Yuzuru Route and Endings in DATE A LIVE Ren Dystopia

This guide contains spoilers for Yuzuru’s story. Second if Mukuro ever appears in the next visual novel.

Activating Yuzuru’s Route

In order to achieve Yuzuru’s Endings first, you will need to first achieve the requirements to activate Yuzuru’s route first. Performing said steps is pretty straight forward.

After starting a brand new game, you are free to read the dialogues or skip it by pressing the letter “I” on the keyboard. If the latter is done, it will skip every single dialogue in this chapter until the first sets of choices are given, in this case scenario, you are given a choice to choose either Kaguya or Yuzuru’s food offering for Shido to eat.

Selecting either choice will not affect the ending for either Yuzuru or Kaguya’s route. However since this guide is all about Yuzuru, picking her yakisoba roll offering would be ideal (along with a win in her book on the lists of endless duels the twins are doing)

Once you chose which food Shido should eat, you will be greeted with a map of Tengu City along with a list of areas after a couple more dialogues. The area is only accessible if there is a character icon above the said area.

Since Yuzuru is located at the park, click on the park, then press “Yes.” There, you will come across Yuzuru taking a stroll around the park.

After a couple more dialogues with Yuzuru and Kotori, the day will end, afterwards Yuzuru’s route is successfully activated. You will know Yuzuru’s route is activated is when she is the one opening the mysterious box instead of Kaguya on the next day.

Bad Choices

Just like the previous games, this visual novel has a bad ending if you picked a specific wrong choice. Even if you picked the right answer for a specific scenario, your previous answers will highly contribute to the bad ending. In other words, one wrong choice, and its pretty much game over. Thankfully, Yuzuru only has three specific dialogue choices to choose from, so achieving the good ending for her will not be really difficult.

First Scenario:

The first scenario consists of Yuzuru “accidentally” tripping on Shido at the park after watching a movie in order to replicate a scenario. There, Yuzuru grants Shido permission to look at anywhere he desires. Afterwards, you are given a choice to honour Yuzuru’s request, or look away.

If you honour Yuzuru’s request, this run is doomed for a bad ending as the other two choices will no longer matter.

Second Scenario:

The second scenario consists of Yuzuru and Shido sleeping together since their hands are “glued” together. For this scenario, Shido is unable to sleep due to it being the first time he slept with a girl hand in hand together. There, Yuzuru will nervously express her happiness to herself while Shido pretends to sleep. Afterwards, you are given a choice to either get up, or continue to pretend to sleep.

Choosing the former will result in the run getting a bad ending even if you picked your first and third choice correctly.

Third Scenario:

For the third and last scenario, Yuzuru and Shido got their hands unstuck, quickly going back to Kaguya’s place in order for Yuzuru to inform her sister about yesterday. Afterwards, Yuzuru and Shido will go out to buy something to eat together with Kaguya. While walking, Yuzuru will ask Shido about their time together for the past few days. You are then given a choice to tell her how Shido felt during their time together.

If the former is picked, the bad ending will be achieved.

Bad Ending

If any of the bad choices has been picked above over the course of Yuzuru’s route, the bad ending will be achieved.

In order to tell you achieved the bad ending is when Kaguya did not arrived to help both Shido and Yuzuru. Once Yuzuru is unable to summon her angel, she will share some final words with Shido before Ren eventually kills her and later Shido. Thus ending the game on a bad note.

Good Choices

Now onto the good choices, picking the good choices is required to achieve the good ending. As stated before, choosing any single bad choices above at one point will result in a bad ending. Therefore, it is crucial to choose all the good choices in order to avoid said bad ending. Since the scenarios are already displayed above, these are the choices you will need to choose in order to achieve the good ending.

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

Scenario 3:

Good Ending

Once all the good choices has been selected, the final confrontation again Ren will play out more differently than the one in the bad ending. In order to tell you achieve this pat of confrontation is when Yuzuru will be determined to protect Shido, along with Kaguya’s arrival to help.

Since Kaguya is able to help in time, Yuzuru will be able to summon her angel with the help of Shido.

Good Ending

After the failed capture of Ren, Shido and the Yamai twins return to where they were, discussing the situation about Ren. Afterwards, the next scene will be an epilogue. After the epilogue, Yuzuru’s good ending badge will be obtained.

Good Ending
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