Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Walkthrough

Welcome to the complete walkthrough guide for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth! This guide is designed to help you navigate through the game, solve puzzles, and achieve 100% completion.

Important Notes Before You Start

  • Play Manually: To earn all achievements, you must play the game manually. Do not use Story Mode, as it disables all achievements.
  • Choose Your Art Style: The game uses HD sprites by default, but you can switch to pixel art if you prefer. When you start a new game, it will ask which art style you’d like to use. You can change it later by going to Options > Art Style.
  • Controls: This guide assumes you’re using a mouse and keyboard. If you’re using a controller, adjust the instructions accordingly.
  • Accolades Section: Check your progress in the Accolades section under Gallery. It tracks your achievements and shows what you’re missing.
  • Save Often: Remember to save your game regularly, especially before important decisions or challenging sections.

Gameplay Tips

  • Navigation: Use the left mouse button to interact and move. Press the right mouse button to go back or close menus quickly.
  • Sprint Settings: In the Options menu, you can change sprint settings between “Tap” and “Hold”. The left mouse button can also trigger sprinting.
  • Logic Mode: Collect pieces of information called “Logic” during investigations. Connect two related pieces to form new deductions and advance the story.
  • Penalties: Be cautious when making choices. Incorrect deductions or presenting the wrong evidence can deplete your “Truth Meter”. If it runs out, you’ll receive a Game Over.
  • Examine Thoroughly: Investigate every part of each scene. Some items have multiple areas to examine.
  • Talk to Everyone: Conversations can provide valuable clues and advance the plot.
  • Press Statements: During testimonies, use the “Press” option to get more details from witnesses.


Below is a list of achievements you can earn in each episode, along with instructions on how to unlock them.

General Achievements

  • Everything Old is New AchievementEverything Old Is New
    • How to Unlock: Play the game using the HD sprites. This happens automatically when you start a new game.
  • Doing Things My Way AchievementDoing Things My Way
    • How to Unlock: Successfully make a connection during Logic Mode. You’ll achieve this early in the game.
  • Objection AchievementObjection!
    • How to Unlock: Present evidence during a rebuttal. This occurs naturally as you progress.

Episode 1: Turnabout Visitor

Achievements in Episode 1

  • Turnabout Visitor AchievementTurnabout Visitor
    • How to Unlock: Complete Episode 1.
  • Friendship or Pity AchievementFriendship…or Pity?
    • How to Unlock: When you are kicked out of your office during Part 1-2, talk to Detective Gumshoe and select “Anything of interest?”.


Part 1-1: First Half

Prologue and Introduction to Logic Mode

  • Logic Mode: You’ll start in your office, which is a crime scene. You’re introduced to Logic Mode here.
  • First Logic Connection:
    • Open Logic Mode.
    • Connect “Crime Scene: My Office” with “The Office Key”.
    • This unlocks the Doing Things My Way achievement.

Investigating the Office

  • Examine the following items:
    • Revolver: On the floor.
    • Victim’s Body: Approach and examine.
      • Zoom in to examine the small black object next to the body.
    • Pile of Binders and Files: Near the victim.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Revolver” with “Victim was a Detective”.
  • Deduction:
    • Examine the Framed Jacket on the wall.
    • Deduce the bullet hole by presenting the “Victim’s Revolver”.
  • Examine the Safe’s Number Panel.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “The Killer’s Goal” with “Wiped Fingerprints”.
    • Connect “Signs of Struggle” with “Motive: Theft (?)”.
  • Further Investigation:
    • Deduce the bullet hole in the files and present “Crime Scene Notes”.
    • Choose “The order of the files”.
    • Examine the Bloody Files.

Confrontation with Mr. Portsman

  • Present Evidence:
    • During his argument, present the “Stolen File” on his statement about the files.
    • This unlocks the Objection! achievement.

Part 1-2: Second Half

Investigation in the Hallway

  • Achievement Unlock:
    • Talk to Detective Gumshoe and select “Anything of interest?” to unlock Friendship…or Pity?.
  • Examine Objects:
    • Sofa: Examine the end on the left side of the door.
    • Item Under Sofa: Examine it.
  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Maggey Byrde about all topics.
    • Present the “Master Key” to her and discuss it.
  • Logic Mode Connection:
    • Connect “Master Key was Stolen” with “Used the Master Key”.
  • Examine Doors:
    • Basketball Hoop Door:
      • Examine the doorknob.
      • Deduce it by presenting “Mr. Portsman’s Office”.
      • Choose “Prints on the doorknob”.
      • Present “Maggey Byrde’s Profile”.
    • Paper Under Door: Examine it.
    • Basketball Hoop Base: Examine it.
  • Examine Your Office Door:
    • Examine the doorknob.

Confrontation with Mr. Portsman

  • Present Evidence:
    • Present the “Master Key” on his statements.
    • Present “Maggey Byrde’s Profile”.
    • Present the “Basketball Hoop”.
    • Later, present the “Note Left by Victim” and “Mr. Portsman’s Office”.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Mr. Portsman’s Alibi” with “Another Handgun”.
    • Connect “Another Visitor” with “Files in Disarray”.
  • Final Steps:
    • Press Portsman on his statements.
    • Present the “Note Left by Victim”.
    • Examine the bloodstain on the back of the Video Tape.
    • In the epilogue, present the “Stolen 0-Series File”.

Episode 2: Turnabout Airlines

Achievements in Episode 2

  • Turnabout Airlines AchievementTurnabout Airlines
    • How to Unlock: Complete Episode 2.
  • A Prosecutors True Passions AchievementA Prosecutor’s True Passions
    • How to Unlock: After the plane lands, return to Edgeworth’s seat. Examine the chessboard and the book.


Part 1-1: Beginning

On the Plane

  • Confrontation with Ms. Rhoda Teneiro:
    • Present the “Travel Wallet” on her accusation.
    • Examine the gold button on the wallet.
  • Present Evidence:
    • Present the “Bills” on the floor.
  • Contradiction:
    • Present the “Crime Scene Notes” during her logic.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Cause of Death” with “Broken Glasses”.
    • Connect “Where was the Killer?” with “Elevator”.
    • Connect “Blunt Force Trauma” with “Murder Weapon: Capt. Ugo”.

Investigate the Lounge

  • Examine Objects:
    • Elevator: Approach and examine.
    • Gold Statue: Examine it.
    • Victim’s Body: Examine and zoom in.
      • Examine the Piece of Paper in his pocket.
      • Deduce the Lanyard and present “Photo of Mr. Hicks”.
    • Spilled Grape Juice: Examine near the green statue.
      • Point to the footprints and present.
  • Logic Mode Connection:
    • Connect “Spilled Grape Juice” with “In the Elevator with Hicks?”.
  • Deduction:
    • Deduce the bullet hole in the suitcase and present “Crime Scene Notes”.


  • Present evidence during confrontations with Mr. LeBlanc and others to expose contradictions.

Part 1-2: Middle

After the Plane Lands

  • Talk to Gumshoe: Discuss all available topics.
  • Achievement Unlock:
    • Return to Edgeworth’s seat in First Class and examine the Chessboard and Law Book to unlock A Prosecutor’s True Passions.
  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Mr. LeBlanc and present the “Bloody Cloth”.
  • Logic and Deduction:
    • Use Logic Mode to connect clues.
    • Examine the Cargo Hold, Suitcases, and other items.
    • Deduce important information.
  • Confrontations:
    • Present the correct evidence during arguments to challenge statements.

Episode 3: The Kidnapped Turnabout

Achievements in Episode 3

  • The Kidnapped Turnabout AchievementThe Kidnapped Turnabout
    • How to Unlock: Complete Episode 3.
  • The Blue Badgers Daddy AchievementThe Blue Badger’s Daddy
    • How to Unlock: After finding Lance, go to the Gatewater Land Main Gate and talk to the man and his daughter.
  • Wright Over Here AchievementWright Over Here!
    • How to Unlock: After the above achievement, continue right to the Main Gate Bridge to see some familiar faces.


Part 1: Beginning

Escape and Investigation

  • Isolation Room:
    • Examine items like the Mascot Head, Phone, and Beam.
    • Talk to Kay Faraday about all topics.
    • Examine the Lockers.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “The Beam I Was Tied To” with “Open Floor Panel”.
    • Use the Tiny Key on the Underground Entrance.
  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Detective Gumshoe and others.
  • Wild, Wild West Area:
    • Examine the Blue Badger.
    • Talk to Officer Meekins.
  • Confrontations:
    • Present evidence during arguments to clear misunderstandings.

Part 2: Middle

Further Investigation

  • Achievement Unlocks:
    • After finding Lance, go to the Gatewater Land Main Gate and talk to the man and his daughter to unlock The Blue Badger’s Daddy.
    • Continue to the Main Gate Bridge to unlock Wright Over Here!.
  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Ernest Amano and Ms. Paups.
    • Choose “Kidnapper’s Hideout”.
  • Kidnapper’s Hideout Investigation:
    • Examine the Entrance Door, Door Handle, and Silver Objects.
    • Examine the Table, Cups, and Chairs.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Costume Pieces” with “Unaccounted for Bad Badger”.
  • Deduction:
    • Deduce items and present the appropriate evidence.
  • Confrontations:
    • Present evidence during arguments to reveal the truth.

Episode 4: Turnabout Reminiscence

Achievements in Episode 4

  • Turnabout Reminiscence AchievementTurnabout Reminiscence
    • How to Unlock: Complete Episode 4.
  • Promises 6 and 7...? AchievementPromises 6 and 7…?
    • How to Unlock: When speaking to Kay during Part 2, present her “Promise Notebook”.
  • Behind Each Bench AchievementBehind Each Bench
    • How to Unlock: In the courtroom, examine the prosecution’s bench, the defense’s bench, and the judge’s bench.


Part 1: Beginning

Double Murder Investigation

  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Manfred von Karma, Detective Badd, and Detective Gumshoe.
  • Crime Scene Examination:
    • Examine the Table, Open Window, and Television.
    • Examine the Bodies:
      • Mr. Faraday:
        • Examine the Plastic Bags, Gun, Bloody Knife, and Fountain Pen.
      • Mr. Rell:
        • Examine the Bullet Wound.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Ink Stain” with “Fountain Pen in Pocket”.
    • Connect “Neat and Tidy Table” with “Plastic Bags Strewn Around”.
  • Deduction:
    • Deduce the Gun and present “Mr. Faraday’s Fountain Pen”.


  • Present evidence during arguments to challenge statements and reveal contradictions.

Part 2: Middle

Courtroom and Hallway Investigation

  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Kay and present the “Promise Notebook” to unlock Promises 6 and 7…?.
    • Talk to Judge, Detective Badd, and Detective Gumshoe.
  • Achievement Unlock:
    • In the courtroom, examine the Prosecution’s Bench, Defense’s Bench, and Judge’s Bench to unlock Behind Each Bench.
  • Hallway Investigation:
    • Examine the Vending Machine and items around it.
    • Examine the Window, Pink Piece of Trash, Cactus, Ants, and Handprint.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Vending Machine” with “Swiss Roll Crumbs”.
  • Deduction:
    • Examine the Vending Machine and deduce the Swiss Roll Price by presenting the “Annual Bonus Envelope”.
  • Confrontations:
    • Present evidence during arguments to prove Gumshoe’s innocence.

Episode 5: Turnabout Ablaze

Achievements in Episode 5

  • Turnabout Ablaze AchievementTurnabout Ablaze
    • How to Unlock: Complete Episode 5.
  • Ladders and Step-Ladders AchievementLadders and Step-Ladders (Part 1)
    • How to Unlock: In Part 2-1, when you’re with Kay on the Open-Air Stage, examine the ladder.
  • Lang Zi Says! AchievementLang Zi Says!
    • How to Unlock: While investigating with Lang in Part 1-2, after performing a luminol test, examine both the sword and shield of the statue.


Part 1: Beginning

Embassy Investigation

  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Ambassador Palaeno and Franziska von Karma.
  • Crime Scene Examination:
    • Examine the Body, Knife, and Safe.
    • Examine the Butterfly Symbol, Gold Statue, and Knife Rack.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Franziska’s Return” with “Stealing of Secret”.
    • Connect “Motif on Knife Handle” with “Butterfly of Babahl”.
    • Connect “Key Used at Embassy” with “Locked Safe”.
  • Deduction:
    • Deduce the Hole in the safe and present “Yatagarasu’s Key”.
    • Examine the Papers and deduce them by presenting “Cohdopian Paper Document”.


  • Present evidence during arguments to challenge statements and defend Kay.

Part 2: Middle

Further Investigation

  • Achievement Unlock:
    • On the Open-Air Stage with Kay, examine the Ladder to progress towards Ladders and Step-Ladders.
  • Conversations:
    • Talk to Agent Lang, Larry Butz, and others.
  • Rose Garden Investigation:
    • Examine the Pool and the Left and Right Statues.
    • Deduce differences between the statues.
  • Logic Mode Connections:
    • Connect “Bilateral Symmetry” with “Connected Fireplaces”.
  • Secretariat’s Office Investigation:
    • Examine the Desk, Ink Bottle, and Open Drawer.
    • Deduce the Orange Paper by presenting “DeMasque II’s Note”.
  • Confrontations:
    • Present evidence during arguments to expose the truth about Shih-na.

Part 3: Conclusion

Final Confrontations

  • Intense Arguments:
    • Engage in arguments with Quercus Alba.
    • Present the correct evidence at the right time to dismantle his alibi.
  • Investigations:
    • Examine the Theatrum Neutralis and use Logic Mode to connect clues.
    • Deduce important information from the Photo, Bouquet, and Cart.
  • Final Evidence:
    • Present decisive evidence to reveal the mastermind behind the incidents.

Additional Tips

  • Review Evidence Regularly: Keep checking your organizer to stay updated on evidence and profiles.
  • Don’t Rush: Take your time during investigations to ensure you don’t miss anything important.
  • Experiment with Logic: If you’re unsure, try different Logic connections, but be mindful of the Truth Meter.
  • Enjoy the Story: While aiming for achievements, don’t forget to enjoy the engaging story and character interactions.

Congratulations on completing Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. You’ve helped Miles Edgeworth solve complex cases and uncover the truth. We hope this guide assisted you in navigating the game and achieving full completion. Remember, the key to success in the Ace Attorney series is paying attention to details, thinking critically, and connecting clues logically.

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