Aooni: Puzzle Solutions

In this guide, I explained how you can win by finding the puzzle solutions in Aooni.

Puzzle Guide of Aooni

The House

Go into the kitchen and pick up broken plate piece.

Move the chair in the bedroom to pick up the library key

Go to the library and move this book for the bedroom key

Use the bedroom key and move this bed


Go to where Takeshi was and get his handkercheif

Now go to the bathroom and get the soap

Use the soap on the handkerchief and clean the bloody piano

move this shelf to find a safe

Numbers will be different but it will always be 3rd number rotated, 2nd number, 3rd number and 1st number rotated, so 176 is 1971.

Go into the kids bedroom and move the chair to get lighter fluid

Find this room and walk into this wall


Use the plate shard on this wall and remember this door

Drain the bathtub for the screwdriver

Use the screwdriver to get the doorknob here, and take it back to the other door

Remember to get the lighter from here

Light the candle and move this bookshelf

The House Puzzle

Events will play out and you will reach the basement

The Basement


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