Chef RPG Items and Tools

Items, equipment and tools in Chef RPG are listed in this guide.

Chef RPG Equipment and Tools

Better tool and equipment are avaliable when you increase your relationship level with the respective shop.


  1. Iron Scythe (Common)
    • Harvest Power: 16
    • Source: Starting Tool / Huntorium
    • Price: 72 Credits
  2. Tempered Scythe (Rare)
    • Harvest Power: 26
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 360 Credits
  3. Makeshift Oak Bow (Common)
    • Power: 30
    • Speed: 1.2
    • Source: Starting Bow / Huntorium
    • Price: 144 Credits
  4. Longbow (Rare)
    • Power: 50
    • Speed: 0.9
    • Special: Knockback +10
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 540 Credits
  5. Carbone X20 (Rare)
    • Power: 40
    • Speed: 1.2
    • Special: 10% chance for 200% critical damage
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 504 Credits
  6. Epic Bow (Epic)
    • Power: 70
    • Speed: 1.4
    • Special: +20 Knockback
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 1440 Credits
  7. Wood Staff (Common)
    • Power: 16
    • Special: +10 Knockback
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 144 Credits
  8. Iron Spear (Rare)
    • Power: 28
    • Special: 8% chance to stun for 1 second
    • Price: 576 Credits
  9. Makeshift Harpoon (Rare)
    • Power: 25
    • Special: 8% chance for 200% critical damage
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 684 Credits
  10. Iron Spade (Common)
    • Digging Power: 30
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 144 Credits
  11. Rusted Watering Can (Common)
    • Water Capacity: 20
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 216 Credits
  12. Steel Watering Can (Rare)
    • Water Capacity: 35
    • Source: Huntorium
    • Price: 864 Credits
  13. Makeshift Oak Rod (Common)
    • Rod Power: 30
    • Source: Starting Rod / Aloy’s Fishing Supplies
    • Price: 144 Credits
  14. Noke 2000 (Rare)
    • Rod Power: 45
    • Source: Aloy’s Fishing Supplies
    • Price: 396 Credits
  15. Crystal Rod (Epic)
    • Rod Power: 60
    • Source: Aloy’s Fishing Supplies
    • Price: 1584 Credits
  16. Antique Drill (Common)
    • Drill Power: 20
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
    • Price: 360 Credits
  17. TT 650 Drill (Rare)
    • Drill Power: 32
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
    • Price: 1080 Credits
  18. Diamond Drill (Epic)
    • Drill Power: 45
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
    • Price: 3240 Credits


  1. Glow Bracelet (Common)
    • Special: Light Source
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  2. Aiming Bracelet (Epic)
    • Special: +100% Bow Accuracy
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  3. Bronze Bionic Arm (Rare)
    • Special: +5% Gathering Boost, -10% Energy Depletion/Usage
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  4. Carbon Bionic Arm (Epic)
    • Special: +10% Gathering Boost, -20% Energy Depletion/Usage
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  5. Dalle Microprocessor (Rare)
    • Special: Android Only, -20% Energy Depletion/Usage
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  6. Gourmet’s Microprocessor (Epic)
    • Special: Android Only, +20% Cooking Boost, -10% Energy Depletion/Usage
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  7. Consort’s Microprocessor (Epic)
    • Special: Android Only, +20% Social Boost, -10% Energy Depletion/Usage
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  8. Explorer Microprocessor (Rare)
    • Special: Android Only, +20% Gathering Boost, -10% Energy Depletion/Usage
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
  9. Thermal Microprocessor (Rare)
    • Special: Android Only, +30 Heat Resistance, -10% Energy Depletion/Usage
    • Source: Bits & Pieces
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