Yaoling Mythical Journey Yaolings List

In this guide, I have detailed how to hunt all level 70 demons in Union Difficulty to obtain the legendary jades and soul crystals in the game.

How to Beat Demons in Yaoling Mythical Journey

Union Difficulty Demon Hunting Team (Game Version 0.95e) details below!

About Union Difficulty

Union difficulty was released in the last update for YaoLing and presents a formidable challenge for even experienced players.

All wild monsters, including demons, get a permanent buff of:

  • +320% Max HP
  • +280% ATK
  • +220% MAG

Making them extremely damaging and tanky. However, if you can manage to overcome them, you are rewarded with extra Spirit Gems, experience, and up to gold (Legendary Skill) Talent Jades for victory.

It’s possible to farm low level YaoLing in the wild, but it’s far more fun to farm endgame content in the Demon Boss Rush zone, a place with nearly every single Demon form YaoLing in the game, with the exception of bosses. Since you’re an avid explorer, you have probably already found this place, but just in case you overlooked it, the zone can be accessed here on your map.

Demons generally have extremely high DEF and ludicrous HP values on Union difficulty, so killing them before Climax kicks in is pretty difficult.

My goal for quick farming was to create a flexible team of a few core units with a few open slots which is capable of farming all level 70 demons in the game without using any seals.

Note that creating this team is NOT cheap and takes a lot of time, persistence and Spirit Gems, however, I shall strip it down to its bare essentials.

The core team consists of:

  • 1 Tank (Flexible)
  • 1-2 Wu Kong (Battery/CC)
  • 1 Achorus (Support)
  • 1 Hellthorn (DPS)
  • 1 Eternica (CC)

This gives you 3-4 open slots to rotate in YaoLIng you want to level.


The Tank is a very flexible role. It can be any hardy YaoLing with a good amount of base DEF and a useful tanking ability. I’ve been using an Abyseer out of convenience because it is useful in normal fights, but this particular YaoLing isn’t really very good at Demon fights.

The tank’s goal is to draw attention and then survive around at least 8-9 seconds.

I use Indomitable (Legendary) to guarantee at least some time.
Persistent(Elite) is one of the strongest defensive talents, halving all damage if you take above 20% damage in one hit.
Rock Solid reduces attack damage you take by least 20%, reflecting it to the opponent.

These are by no means the only way to build an effective tank. Other useful talents would be Consecration(Legendary): Immune to status effects or Pacifist (Rare): +30 DEF, -30% ATK.

Ideally, the Tank should be placed the closest to the Demon as possible (Front-Centre) and have a good movement speed, so that they can gain aggro from the Demon easily.

Some good/better candidates for Tanks are 023 – Lizgard, 116-Ferropale, 244-Religeist.

Wu Kong Battery

I covered this in my other guide, but the entire team focuses around using Wu Kong as a Mana Battery. I use two copies, but you can get away with one provided that yours is not squishy.

The team does not work as well without a constant stream of clones dying and feeding mana to Achorus.

Wu Kong’s build is fairly straightforward:

  • Charity SE: Mandatory. Breed Shiny Wu Kongs for this.
  • High Spirit: Start battle with 200 MP so it uses Spectral Illusion instantly.
  • Irritate: Mana deprivation. Bosses can potentially oneshot your entire team if they ever get an ability off, so we want to make sure this never happens.

The last slot can be whatever you want, either an on-death effect or a defensive skill to make up for Wu Kong’s terrible DEF. The biggest danger to this team is getting Wu Kong randomly one-shot by a boss attack, after all.

Achorus (Tank Support, Win Condition)

Achorus is an amazing unit for Union difficulty. Even better, its skills don’t actually matter much. I recommend just throwing defensive talents on her. There is no need for any mana-related ones, as Wu Kong will be doing the heavy lifting.

Achorus alone can win you the battle if you rely on Climax to kill enemies as it can happily spam Redemption while the boss feeds it mana by hitting it and bleeds out due to the Climax DoT. However, this kind of takes a really long time for each battle. Once the tank has taken a bit of damage and the first redemption goes off, you’re pretty much set for the battle defensively, barring any stray demon abilities.

Hellthorn (DPS, DEF shred)

Obviously, waiting for Climax just makes farming take forever, so how do we blow through hundreds of thousands of HP when Demon bosses have astronomical DEF values? We just recruit the best DEF shredder in the entire game:

Miasmic Orb stacks its DEF debuff for around -30 DEF with each application and its effect is permanent for the rest of the battle. This easily sends the opponent’s DEF values into the negatives, where it starts taking more damage from your entire team. It is such a strong effect that it makes all other forms of DEF reduction seem pathetic.

Defile is an auto-include talent on Hellthorn, because the boss will be perpetually poisoned – it does percentage based damage, which helps a lot with bosses with gigantic HP bars.

The other talents don’t matter much, I recommend some mana support to help it start spamming the skill earlier without waiting for the Wu Kong battery to start working.

Eternica (CC, DPS)

Eternica is the last core team member. Bosses getting off abilities is extremely bad, so we want to rely on her long-duration silence to keep the boss locked down as much as possible. She also gives a massive Status Resistance debuff to the boss, vital for inflicting ailments such as Fear, Vulnerability, Stun and Bleed on the boss.

Since her ability is Wind, she can usually inflict Vulnerability all by herself.

Eternica’s ATK is not important, because she will be spamming Serenade (a short channel) for the entire battle. Instead, you should focus on buffing her MAG as much as possible to make her do massive damage as each cast is 1500% her MAG in damage. Make no mistake, she can be one of the most damaging YaoLing around.

Some good MAG raising talents are:

  • Mind over Matter SE
  • Brilliant
  • Mind over Matter/Deft Hands

I also gave her Elite Heritage to help her spam Serenade a bit faster, but it only really helps smoothen out Wu Kong related accidents.

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