If you’re a scavenger in The Forever Winter and want to learn how to survive, check out this survival guide.
Scavengers’ Survival Guide
This guide is for the new scavengers who want to learn how to stay alive just a little longer in this damned war.
User Interface
Navigating the User Interface will help you greatly.

First off if you need water quickly, just go to the main menu and repeat the training mission and turn it in on the Quests tab

- Next part of navigating the UI is finding weapon parts at the vendors.
- There is a lot of dark places in this game and I’m going to show you where to buy a WEAPON LIGHT.
- Study the 2nd image closely, on the left side there are several horizontal tabs you want to find a foregrip in raid that accepts weapon attachments and then buy flashlights from this tab labeled FLL from either of the weapon vendors as well as Silencers so when you engage in fights the whole world doesn’t try to kill you.

Your best friends are Flashlight, Drum Magazine, and Silencer.
You might ask how did you customize your weapon?

Just click on the weapon in your inventory, customize it, and save preset. Now if you die you can just re-buy everything in one click.

I highly recommend you prestige your character as quickly as possible before leveling any skills.

Looking In the bottom left corner of the Skills tab, leveling prestige increases max health and movement speed. Which are incredibly important.
There are also weapon levels in this game which unlock attachments for purchase at the vendors, but more than likely you’ll find all the attachments before your weapon is a high enough level to unlock everything. There are damage boosting weapon parts to be on the look out for, which seem to be mainly the Barrel, Gas system, and upper receiver assembly.

Map Knowledge
You must explore and be aware of your surroundings.

One of the easiest maps to learn is Scorched Enclave because of how small the map is.

Explore Areas like tunnels, bulkheads, and bunkers for water, Lock boxes, and Gacha Boxes. Sometimes a water container spawns here along with medical loot. in this case it didn’t.

However with a bit of exploration you’ll notice the spawns have just been moved around. In this case where the map is mostly barren. you’ll find all the loot has spawned in the storage room.

A bit of hacking here, and boom LOADS OF WATER!

Don’t need water because your capped at 99 days of water because of this awesome guide? well be on the lookout for GACHA BOXES for that sweet, sweet, money.
Gacha boxes are longer and painted in a camouflage pattern which is different to the normal lock boxes that are black and smaller in size. Gacha Boxes CAN BE OPENED.

To be continued…
Holding the left or right directional keys while pressing ALT key will result in a quick dash in or out of cover. Useful if you’ve just been staggered by a shot and need to get the heck out of the way.

well that’s all the tips I have time for. Each map is different, take your time exploring and doing quests. I can’t wait to see what the future of this game will be like.