Spectre Divide Sponsors Guide

The sponsors in Spectre Divide have been explained. In this guide, you can learn what each sponsor offers and which one you should choose.

Pick a Sponsor in Spectre Divide

The unsanctioned sport of Santai thrives with the help of Sponsors. Each supplies you with the different kits of future tech you can use in combat.

Pick from a number of Sponsor kits before you start a match. Each loadout is build with different play styles in mind and are most effective paired with Duality. Equipment is shared between both bodies.

Whether you love to set traps, blind enemies, or support teammates, Sponsors help you dominate with flair.

Pinnacle International

Pinnacle International
  1. [Q] Splinter Grenade (Free – 75sec Recharge)
    • Throw a grenade that breaks into 8 pieces. Each piece does 40 damage.
  2. [E] Adrena-Link ($200)
    • Use a stim that heals you for 80 health over 10 seconds.
    • While healing, you can switch to your Spectre to get better vision and move faster.
  3. [C] Flash Grenade ($250)
    • Throw a grenade that explodes after 1.6 seconds, blinding anyone looking at it.
    • ALT FIRE: It explodes faster, in 1.0 seconds.

Morrgen United

Morrgen United
  1. [Q] Smoke Shift (Free – 60sec Recharge)
    • Throw a smoke grenade that creates a cloud for 14 seconds.
    • ALT FIRE: Throw both a smoke grenade and your disc at the same time.
    • Enemies can’t see your Spectre’s recall line during this.
  2. [E] Meltdown ($200)
    • Throw a grenade that makes a damaging liquid field for 7 seconds, dealing 168 damage.
  3. [C] Hidden Grasp ($200)
    • Place a hidden trap. If an enemy gets close, it explodes and slows them for 10 seconds.

Bloom Technologies

Bloom Technologies
  1. [Q] Hex Barrier (Free – 30sec Recharge)
    • Set up a barrier that blocks bullets. Each section has 150 health.
  2. [E] Twin Mend ($200)
    • Heal an ally and their Spectre for 80 health over 10 seconds.
    • ALT FIRE: If you get hurt, heal yourself and your Spectre for 40 health over 10 seconds.
  3. [C] Swarm Grenade ($200)
    • Throw a grenade that releases bees for 12 seconds, blocking vision and dealing 8 damage per second.

Ryker Industries

Ryker Industries
  1. [Q] Wave Scan (Free – 45sec Recharge)
    • Throw a spike that sends out 3 sonar pulses. Enemies hit are revealed for 3 seconds.
    • ALT FIRE: The spike bounces once before sticking.
  2. [E] Hull Mine ($200)
    • Throw a mine that sticks to the ground and explodes when an enemy gets too close. It explodes 3 times, each hit doing 15 damage.
  3. [C] Arc Sentry ($200)
    • Deploy a sentry that slows enemies it detects.

Vector Dynamics

Vector Dynamics
  1. [Q] Dual Amp (Free – 30sec Recharge)
    • Place a marker and get a 15% faster fire rate for 8 seconds.
    • Reactivate to teleport your Spectre to the marker and extend the buff. Kills reset the buff time.
  2. [E] Vector Wall ($200)
    • Place a slow-moving wall that blocks sight for 10 seconds.
    • ALT FIRE: Makes the wall move faster, but it only lasts 6 seconds.
  3. [C] Nano Sphere ($200)
    • Throw a bouncing ball that deals 90 damage over 2.5 seconds to the first enemy it hits.

Ghostlink Collective

Ghostlink Collective
  1. [Q] Partition (Free – 45sec Recharge)
    • Set up a wall that blocks sight for 8 seconds. Touching the wall blurs your vision slightly.
  2. [E] Dupe ($250)
    • Create a clone of yourself that lasts for 5.5 seconds.
    • If you have a charge, leave a clone behind for 60 seconds when you Puck Throw. Hitting a clone reveals the enemy for 1 second.
  3. [C] Distortion Field ($200)
    • Throw a grenade that creates a blurry field for 10 seconds, messing with the vision of players inside.

Muu Robotics

Muu Robotics
  1. [Q] Patches (Free – 60sec Recharge)
    • Deploy a drone that heals you and allies for 80 health over 12 seconds.
    • ALT FIRE: Deploy a stationary drone instead.
  2. [E] Dazzler ($200)
    • Fly a drone that follows your aim and explodes after 1 second, blinding enemies.
  3. [C] Hyper Dome ($150)
    • Throw a grenade that makes a shield dome with 150 health for 14 seconds. It also creates a Quick Recall Zone.

Umbra Reconnaissance

Umbra Reconnaissance
  1. [Q] Recon Wing (Free – 50sec Recharge)
    • Throw a drone that sticks to a surface and reveals enemies in range for 2.5 seconds.
    • ALT FIRE: Trigger the reveal at a Target Marker location.
  2. [E] Pulsefinder ($200)
    • Equip a scanner that pulses every 2 seconds for 30 seconds. Detected enemies show a green diamond marker at their location.
  3. [C] Flare Blast ($150)
    • Deploy a drone that charges for 4 seconds and blinds everyone nearby. You can also use it on a Target Marker.
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