Sins of a Solar Empire 2 Vasari Exodus PvP Guide

In this guide you can find the different configurations of Vasari Exodus in Sins of a Solar Empire 2 for PvP, Frontline positions and Support positions.

Sins of a Solar Empire 2 Vasari Exodus

This guide is made to introduce you to the mechanics of Vasari Exodus, the different builds relative to Front line positions(Aggro) and Support positions(Eco). This is meant to get you ready for “expert team games” 3v3 and above.

Capital Ship

Jarrasul Evacuator(The Egg)

  • Refered to as the egg.
  • First ability is colonize. Self-Explanatory
  • Second ability: Gravity Warhead
  • I almost never use this ability. However, it is really strong. It prevents enemies from phase jumping for a limited time, and it gives bonus damage to your aoe ability below.
  • Third Ability: Subpace Rupture Aoe damage radius
  • Ultimate Ability: Drain Planet Does massive bombing damage while giving resources for damage done.

The Kortul

  • Power surge: Restores shields and increases weapon damage. Makes the Kortul’s survivability increase.
  • Jam Weapons: Prevent ships from firing for a limited time.
  • Disrupt Armor: Reduces armor of target
  • Ultimate Volatile Nanites: Dpes aoe damage. Not that great.

The Skirantra

  • Nanite Armor: Good for keeping your capitals or Titan alive
  • AoE Heal: Great for fleet fights!
  • Bomber armor: Not that great. Increase armor of bombers made by skirantra
  • Replicate Forces: Lets you spawn copies of units you ahve that expire after a certain amount of time.
  • The Marauder:
  • Phase out Hull: A very good ability that allows you to phase out a capital ship to save it from dying.
  • Sabotage: Dont use this much. The other two are better.
  • Distort Gravity: Makes your ships faster! Very good!

The Vulkoras Desolator

  • Phase missile Swarm: Great for single target killing of cap ships and lesser ships.
  • Deploy Siege Platform: Creates a platform that bombs the planet alongside the capital ship.
  • Assault Specialization: Makes the Vulkoras bomb faster and do more damage.
  • Disintegration Beam: A ship without shields melts to this ultimate. Use it on a titan.

Staple Actions (Empire Techs) Eco/Aggro

  • The first thing you should do every game is build one Empire Lab, and one military lab.
  • Upgrade your mining twice.
  • There’s 4 techs you want to research in the order below

You will want follow the Surface mining and Extractor extraction techs all the way to tier 3 minimum.
(As exodus if you get strip fast enough you can skip these usually.)

If you have the right order the bottom of your tech tree will list them like below

As Vasari alliance you get the Unique ability to start with most minor factions revealed which also reveals them for your team. One vasari Alliance teammate per team is reccomended.

Pirates and Aluxian are hidden at the start of the game usually even if you play Alliance.

At the start of the game there’s only one you’re looking for.

The Jiskun Expeditionary Force.

Every game you will want to build a fleet beacon and build a second cap ship asap so you can double colonize.

You’re second cap is up to you, but i recommend you always get a Vulkoras Desolator. It has the best single target damage of any capital ships, and at level 6. It can use disintregate. A powerful ability with titan killing potential.

Whichever colony ship you decide to equip your colony seed nanites to is up to you.

Staple Actions (Military Techs) Aggro

You will want to research these techs in this order below. |

It is vital you get your first fleet supply as soon as possible so you can get a second cap, or so you can make raiders to immediately attack your enemy.

Second will be your Improved Pulse Accelerators. This will increase clear speed of neutral planets.

After getting your damage buff. You will want every armor tech.

If you are going heavy Capital Ships then you should make Self-Repairing Armor a priority.

Front Line Player (Aggro) Vs Vasari Mirror

  • In this position your goal will be to fight the enemies aggro Vasari player.
  • Things you will want to do vs Vasari whether they are alliance or Exodus.
  • Use raiders to cripple your enemies infrastructure and steal resources
  • Mass Capital ships and overwhelm your foes with raw firepower

Vasari vs Vasari is a little tricky and is usually won or lost based on your ability to scout and who has more Vulkoras Desolators.

If your enemy is making cap ships. You will either want to make your own Desolators or you will want to make Kanraks.

  • If your enemy is spamming Kanraks make defensors and alt+right click on their ship icon in the info stack.
  • If your enemy is spamming defensors then you make your own defensors to equal.
  • Add a Skirantra with AOE heal ability Repair Cloud
  • A defensor fleet without a Skirantra vs one with a Skirantra.
  • Will lose 99% with minimal casualties inflicted.
  • Vs enemy carriers you will want Ravastra skirmishes(LF) or to a lesser effect Oppressors.(These can be kited so be wary)
  • You will want these in mass and will want to alt+right click on enemy carriers in the info-card on the right side of the screen.
  • If your enemy is making a bunch of capital ships. You can either make your own capital ships. You will want to have at least 1 Vulkoras for each enemy capital ship.
  • Skirantra for the Aoe heal is always helpful as a third choice if you followed the recommended staple order.
  • If a game gets to where an opponent is massing oppressors the best thing you can do is mass bombers and kite. Or make your own oppressors.

Front Line Player (Aggro) Vs Advent

  • In this position your goal will be to fight the enemies aggro player.
  • They usually spawn at max 4 jumps away from you.
  • Things you will want to do vs Advent
  • If your enemy is spamming Tempests your best bet is to build Skirmishers(LF).
  • You will want to alt+Right click on the tempests info card at the top right of screen. This will make your LF kill tempests faster.
  • You will want to do the same if you see the advent massing carriers. Single target them down.
  • You can use skirmishers for this.
  • However, I prefer defensors for hunting down carrier fleets.
  • You will want these in mass and will want to alt+right click on enemy carriers in the info-card on the right side of the screen.
  • If your enemy is making a bunch of capital ships. You can either make your own capital ships or you can mass Kanraks
  • You will want to have at least 1 Vulkoras for each enemy capital ship if you are planning on fighting Capital vs Capital.
  • Skirantra for the Aoe heal is always helpful as a third choice if you followed the recommended staple order.

Front Line Player (Aggro) Vs TEC

  • Your easiest Match up currently.
  • In this position your goal will be to fight the enemies aggro player.
  • They usually spawn at max 4 jumps away from you.
  • Things you will want to do vs TEC
  • If your enemy is spamming Cobalts, capital ships can take care of them easily. Go ahead and build raiders to destroy structures and get resources.
  • If your enemy is making gauss Frigates to counter your cap ships. Make defensors en masse and use alt+right click on gauss frigates in the info card to kill them.
  • If you see your enemy targeting one of your caps fly it in a circle. Gauss are slow to turn.
  • If you see a tec making Kols you will need Vorastras Desolators, and if the kols are too high level you will need kanraks. Unless you have Desolators.
  • If you see the TEC massing carriers. Single target them down.
  • You can use skirmishers for this.
  • However, I prefer defensors for hunting down carrier fleets.
  • You will want these in mass and will want to alt+right click on enemy carriers in the info-card on the right side of the screen.
  • If your enemy is making a bunch of capital ships. You can either make your own capital ships. You will want to have at least 1 Vulkoras for each enemy capital ship.

Skirantra for the Aoe heal is always helpful as a third choice if you followed the recommended staple order. This ship will make you win any corvette fight against tec even after they get shields.

Support Player (Eco)

As Vasari Exodus your goal will be to reach strip to the core while providing fleet support and money to your teammates.
Follow the staple order, and go from there. Remember your main job is to support your teammate with money or fleet if they are getting double teamed.

You are the carry of the game. Your team relies on you to win if the flanks are failing.

As Vasari Alliance your goals are the same. However since you can not eat planets your goal will be to control Auctions and minor factions abilities.
Your team relies on you to keep Auctions out of your enemies hands.

  • Every planet you take should have extractors built on them immediately.
  • If you follow the staple order this should be easy to do seamless.
  • I recommend double expanding with two cap ships using colony nanites.

If unavailable i recommend two eggs for quick expansion.

Advanced Strategies

The pirate minor faction gives you ability to board ships and take control of them. Buy this whenever you have spare influence. These in turn can be used on carriers and when converted convert all active strikecraft as well. Early game can cripple advent trying to mass drone hosts.

Most use modules on ships can be taken out and replaced with a fresh cooldown faster than waiting for a cooldown to reset. Use this with the minor faction Viturak transport Cabal first influence item.

You can swap out repair nanites over and over. Basically skipping the cooldown for a cost.

Fly your ships in circles when you see them target fired by cap ships or any frigate. It can make your opponents ships not shoot unless they change their target. You can extend the life of ships far longer than normal.

Use alt+right click on a stack of ships to make your ships single fire on one ship at a time. Useful against advent shield burst, tempests, carriers, and pretty good to use just in general.

Conversely, use ctrl+right click to make your ships target different ships at once and spread their fire.

Hold ctrl when building to have buildings made automatically without having to place them yourself.

Use pirate minor faction to make taking High supply derelicts and worlds easier. Target Harca, javelin, and sometimes the siege frigate to colonize the planet immediately.

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