Magic Research 2 Elements List

In this guide I will list all the elements in Magic Research 2 and how to unlock them in full detail.

List of Elements and How to Unlock

This guide will help you find elements in the game and whether an element has the items you want.

  • Fire,Earth,Water, and Air are unlocked by default.
  • Main Story:Poison: Defeat the boss of the Sewer Hideout
  • Main Story: Mind: Defeat the boss of the Burial Chambers
  • Storyline (Mid Game): Time: Fully Unlock the Mind Element, Retire and reach level 38 in your primary then hold exactly 123 mind shards
  • Main Story: Life: Defeat the boss of the Subterranean Sanctuary
  • Main Story: Electric: Defeat the boss of the Castle on the Bridge
  • Main Story: Death: Clear the Dragon shrine in the Aberrant Realm
  • Storyline(Late Game): Holy: Event in the Plains of Peace:
  • Storyline (Late Game): Space: Event in the Desert using lvl 50 Time Magic and 60,000 mana


  • Fire: Unlocked: At game start
  • Fire is the element to pick if you want to harm enemies or craft materials for crafting. The element lacks much in the way of Armor and weapon crafting through itself outside of its end of research items. Fire while outwardly strong is outclassed later in the game for damage and crafting.
  • Boost: <1% ATK Damage ( ~65% ATK boost at max)


  • Fire and Earth ( boost armor and attack)
  • Fire and Air (Boost your attack and use air to make your attacks super fast)

Notable Spells:

  • Enchant Essence Catalysts – Provides a solid boost to channeling
  • Strength – Low cost perma cast spell that boosts damage
  • Cloak of flames – Reflects damage back at the attacker as fire damage
  • Berserk – A massive weapon damage boost at the cost of health

Notable Items:

Red Conflagration: a Infinitely scaling damage weapon based on Essence storage. With combination crafting on new game plus this weapon can hit higher damage ratings than any other weapon in the game.


  • Earth: Unlocked: At game start
  • Earth is the go to defensive , Crafting, and raw resource generation element in the game. This elements main weakness is that its damage doesn’t grow a lot and it doesn’t really combo with most other elements. To compound its weaknesses, later enemies have abilities that bypass armor.
  • Boost: 1% Armor ( ~94% more armor at max)


  • Earth and Fire ( boost armor and attack)
  • Earth and Poision ( boost your armor and let the poision do its work)

Notable Spells:

  • Stoneskin/Diamondskin – A solid armor boost that you will likely have on permacast
  • Earth Shield – Massive armor boost if you have earth essence
  • Knockout – The first spell you will likely get capable of interrupting enemies
  • Escutcheon – A massive Armor boosting spell that exchanges dodging for tanking enemy hits

Notable Items:

  • All the ores This allows you to craft anything ore based on demand outside of the top tier resource item
  • Spiked Armor: This armor will reflect over 100% your armor for each and every attack received regardless of if it bypasses armor. Paired with the right combo this can reflect over a million damage per hit back at any enemy.


  • Water: Unlocked: At game start
  • Water is the games first universally useful element and is full of utility. It can not only damage enemies, Increase mana regeneration, Increase your health, but It can even heal you. To top off its usefulness, it only conflicts with one other element in the whole game. Its combat potential fades by late game but its debuffs on enemies are always useful.
  • Boost: 1% Mana regeneration (~94% increase in Mana regeneration at max)


  • Water and Poision ( slow Enemies to let the poision eliminate them)
  • Water and Electric ( Use the inbuilt crit boost of the electric/water spells)

Notable Spells:

  • Enchant Mana Spouts: one of the first perma cast spells you will ever setup. It is required to progress in the game.
  • Longevity: A small health boost you will likely always run
  • Droplet/Stream of Healing: The first healing spells you will have access to. Even in late game you will perma cast these spells.
  • Soak: A hard counter to any Fire using enemy

Notable Items:

  • Gloves of Spell Fluency: This Item when combined allows you to skirt either mana or wizard power limits. While its use is niche it can help you deal with abnormal challenges like the Ethereal Djinn.
  • Tunic of Extravagent Health: This Item is one of the best items for boosting your health to absurd levels. On top of boosting your health it also increases your regeneration making most enemies unable to actually hurt you until later zones.
  • Mana Geode: This trinket is the single strongest trinket for boosting health and mana regeneration. I personally havent made use of it but it would help certain builds.


  • Air: Unlocked: At game start
  • Air is the games speedy element with all its spells relating to attack speed or having short cooldowns allowing fast repeat casting. The speed is not free as Air magic is incredibly weak in terms of damage and the repeat casting is a massive mana drain. Despite its weaknesses, It is the element that allows the creation of high attack speed items and armor.
  • Boost: .5% Attack Speed (~28% boost at max)


  • Air and Poison: Speed up attacks and let poison weapons lay on a lot of poison fast

Notable Spells:

  • Enchant Market stalls/Richness: Boosts for making more gold
  • Haste/Blinding Speed: Attack speed boosts you will likely have on perma cast
  • Levitation: Shortens exploration time signifigantly allowing faster material farming
  • Blur: cheap and effective spell to make enemies miss you a lot more often

Notable Items:

  • Divine Rippers: While deceptively low damage, their attack speed is off the charts when using the combination system. You can get well over 20 hits per second with the right equipment and modifiers.


  • Poison: Unlocked: Defeat the Last boss in the sewers ( The Man Eating Plant)
  • Poison is the games deceptively weak yet strong element. Poison bypasses enemy armor on application and tends to be much more mana efficient per damage than other attack elements. This element also has some of the strongest early game weapons you can get due to their application of poison. As strong as it is, it tends to not scale well late game compared to other elements. This is compounded by some enemies being unable to be debuffed. Its really strong but when it fails it fails.
  • Boost: .5% dodge (~28% boost to dodge)


  • Poison and earth ( tank the hits while poison does its work)
  • Poison and Water ( chain slow the enemy while poison does its work)
  • Poison and life ( Out heal the enemy while your poison does its work)

Notable Spells:

  • Intoxicate/Corrosive Blob: Highly effective poison effect generators
  • Enchant Sewage Systems: A tool to boost one of the most useful buildings
  • Frail: This doubles the effect of any poison on enemies.
  • Monstrous: Late game Monstium burner that increases attack and defense incredibly well.

Notable Items:

  • Bowknife: This is the single strongest early game weapon you can get. The poison effect is immensely strong. It is outclassed later on but this is a amazing weapon.
  • Greater toxin concoction: While it seems like a minimal number, This item when ran through combination crafting can hit over 1000 damage per second. It also benefits from Frail meaning you are doing over 2000 damage per second bypassing armor automatically every combat.
  • Purple Suit: This is the end game Item that enables you to use poison late game as a main damage dealer. If stacking enough effects it would be very powerful.


  • Mind: Unlocked: After defeating the Boss of the Burial Chambers
  • Mind is one of the stronger buff elements within the game and has a very useful bonus when leveled. Mind has indirect buffs that enable boosted power and utility spells to find storylines. It does have combat spells which are useful against dodge happy enemies but the spells are weak compared to other elements. The main hidden boost of Mind is its ability to reveal hints to storylines you have not yet completed. These hints can be seen on the stats screen.
  • Boost: 2% Accuracy Boost ( ~275% boost at max)
  • Combos: No direct combos though it does enable some useful mid game item crafts

Notable Spells:

  • Wizard focus: boosts the capabilities of each wizard signifigantly. Perma cast this spell.
  • Foresight : Tells you the time to the next random event which helps when hunting storylines.
  • Enchant Experience catalysts: A great boost to research rates
  • Bend the Odds: Essential to increase the chances of storyline events
  • Mana Expansion: Doubles your mana pool which later also doubles your coin storage.
  • Rare Charm: Heavily increases drop chances of rare loot. Essential when farming divine crystals.

Notable Items:

  • The Fools Cap: This end game Item is notable purely for its mana cap increase alone. With combination crafting you can have almost 1 million extra mana which exponentially increases your money storage. Of note the cap has a drawback of making any and all elemental channeling impossible.


  • Time: Unlocked: After completing an event chain in the pyramid.(Fully Unlock the Mind Element, Retire and reach level 38 in your primary then hold exactly 123 mind shards)
  • Time is the weakest yet simultaneously strongest element in the whole game. It has next to no combat potential, but its offset with the immense utility of its spells. If you truly work with this element you can accelerate your research to be 10x+ faster. With enough acceleration every element is boosted with Time.
  • Boost: 4% more effectivity of Time contraction (13.8x Increase to its power at max)
  • Combos: Time Has no direct combos with any other elements

Notable Spells:

  • Time Contraction: Accelerate time flow in general. Highest Ive ever gotten it is ~230% faster.
  • Time Warp event: A super spell for hunting for storylines.
  • Time Warp Study: The best spell in the game. Every 20 seconds get some amount of research. Ive gotten this to be 340 seconds every 23 seconds. This means that with time contraction Ive hit 12x game speed in terms of research.
  • Sluggishness: Slows your enemies attacks

Notable Items:

  • Robes of time Wizardry: This is a super cheap armor with a really powerful effect. With combination crafting and the synergizer the 18% boost can become 80%+. Pair this with it being so cheap to craft and it is the best robe In the game for research.
  • Bell of Time: This is the last Item to unlock in the time Element and is the strongest Item in the element. With combination crafting this makes time warp study the single most OP spell in the game.


  • Life: Unlocked: After Defeating the boss of the subterranean sanctuary
  • Life is the quintessential Healing element within the game. It contains the main healing spells and an array of unique buffs that can change how you do combat. While life has some combat spells it is more of a support element in the game. The largest weakness of the element is the spell cooldowns as they are on the longer side.
  • Boost: 1% max Health (~94% max health)


  • Life and Poison: (out heal incoming damage while poison kills your enemies)
  • Life and Death ( Out heal the damage from death magic)

Notable Spells:

  • Drain: Heal 50% the damage it deals
  • Regen: Constant Healing that will be on permacast
  • Heals : The healing spells and their variants are best as permacasts due to the long cooldowns
  • Shapeshift: Spells that allow you to exchange a weakness for increases in other stats

Notable Items:

  • Bows: Life enables the crafting of bow weapons which have incredibly high damage compared to similar items
  • Revitalizer: The strongest healing consumable in the game. Basically required to beat the end game bosses without outclassing them with combination.
  • The crown of Life: This item is deceptively weak but it counters the primary weakness of the element. It is the only way to really increase your healing capabilities in the late game.


  • Electric: Unlocked: After defeating the boss at the Castle on the Hill
  • Electric is one of the more powerful combat elements in the game. It has a inbuilt combo with water and contains some super powerful buffs for spell casters. To top off its spellcasting power, it also enables some really good recipes for midgame weapons and armor.
  • Boost: 0.4 crit (~+27 crit at max)


  • Electric and Water: Electric spells are inherently twice as strong when enemies are debuffed with water. If using electric spells you should pair it with water spells.

Notable Spells:

  • Magic Artillery: Boosts the damage of all attack spells, Perma cast this
  • Hypercharge catalysts: Boosts all catalysts with electric essence. This also boosts experience catalysts meaning faster research.
  • Status shield: This eats one debuff of any kind that you receive. This can allow you to evade some of the nasty debuffs from certain enemies.

Notable Items:

  • Pre End game Armor/weapons: Too many to list but the vampiric Platesuit and the Divine rapier are good examples
  • Prismatic Ring : The prismatic ring is a in game counter to the cons of storage expanders. Even without using combination crafting, it is a counter to them. It is basically required to use the expanders without a certain end game element.


  • Death: Unlocked: After beating the Dragon shrine in the Abberant Realm
  • Death is the second most powerful utility element within the game. It has combat capabilities but its main feature is the rituals that it enables. One ritual in particular is the single most powerful thing in the game for its ability to mega build the campus.
  • Boost: 2% boost to wizard production ( ~280% boost to wizard production at max)


  • Death and Life: Life can offset the self damage from death magic
  • Death and Space: the one ritual allows you to easily craft the best space gear

Notable Spells:

  • Soul Collapse: Instantly kills an enemy with less health than its breakpoint
  • Curse: Prevents an enemy from healing
  • Enchant soul purifiers: This enables you to more readily use the ritual feature and is required to make full use of it.

Notable Items:

  • LVL 72: Bountiful ritual: This ritual is effectively a cheat to make resources never be an issue. Once you have it your campus will be completed in minutes.


  • Holy: Unlocked: After completing a Event in the Plains of Peace
  • Holy is the second most powerful combat element within the game. It doesn’t offer a lot of buffs but it enables the crafting of the best gear in the game. Holy spells also inherently bypass enemy armor.
  • Boost: 1% attack spell power (~94% damage boost to spells)
  • Combos: Holy doesn’t inherently combo with anything

Notable Spells:

  • Smite/Divine Barrage/Holy Judgement: Attack spells that bypass armor
  • Blessing: Increases the ability to use death rituals
  • Primary protection: Massively reduces damage taken from spells from your primary schools of magic

Notable Items:

Holy is tied to any of the late game weapons and armors.

  • Divine Spear: One of the best weapons in the game for physical damage and it has an attack speed boost. To make it better its a rare drop from enemies in the Plains of peace.
  • Rainbow Mail: The best universal protection value Armor in the whole game. With combination crafting you can ignore 70% the damage from any elemental spell in the game.


  • Space: Unlocked: After a late game Event in the desert using lvl 50 Time Magic and 60,000 mana
  • Space is the strongest combat element in the game and it contains some of the most indirectly powerful buff spells in the game. It will be able to one shot most enemies and is tied to the true endgame. You will need the element to even consider the challenges.
  • Boost: +2% Max increase of Essence, Monstium and coins ( ~260%+ at maximum)


  • Space and death: death offsets the cost of the late game space things
  • Space and Holy: The holy boost massively boosts the combat power of space

Notable Spells:

  • Enchant safes/Storages: Required to boost the capabilities of the campus to new levels.
  • Align the stars: Boosts the crafting capabilities you have
  • Wormhole: Allows you to “defeat” enemies without actually defeating them. This actually nets you the drops from the combat
  • Big Bang: If configured correctly this spell can do 10 million damage in a single hit. This can and will oneshot most enemies in the game. Biggest weakness is its 20 second cooldown by default. You can get this to every 9 sec with some basic work.

Notable Items:

  • Synergizer: The strongest accessory in the game. It can make a lackluster armor usable much later into the game. With combination it can be a 80% increase in the stats of any weapon and armor. This includes the late game armors as well making this accessory the ultimate accessory.
  • Cosmic Wand; This weapon immensely boosts the strength of space spells on top of being the second strongest staff in the game. On top of being one of the strongest staffs, its reagents to craft are simple and easy to acquire.
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