How to get Out of Castle Talmberg in Kingdom Come Deliverance

In this guide I will give you instructions on how to exit Talmberg Castle with a horse at the beginning of Kingdom Come Deliverance De.

How to get Out of Castle Talmberg with Horse

Many new players leave the game before they even start playing it, so let’s take a look at how to escape from Talmberg Castle on horseback:

Your stats are super low at the start, so convincing Sir Divish—it’s not gonna happen. But that’s fine, ’cause you don’t need to. First, head over to the castle gate and talk to the soldier there. No matter what you say, he’s not letting you out, but he’ll drop some hints on how to dress like a soldier and sneak past him. So, cheat the system, gear up, and head out.

Next, swing by the kitchen and go into the room on the left. There’s something in there you’ll want to steal—grab it, but make sure no one sees you.

Now, find the trader near the gate and buy a lockpick (or two, just in case you mess up). If you’re new to lockpicking, that extra one might save you.

Head up to the top of the castle, where you spent the night before, and check out this room.

Watch out for the soldier or Sir Divish—they patrol the area, and one of them might walk in, so be careful. Once the coast is clear, get inside and start lockpicking the chest in front of you. Do it fast and stay alert for footsteps so you don’t get caught.

Take everything from the chest and suit up in the soldier’s gear.

Now, make your way to the stables, find your horse, hop on, and ride over to the gate.

Talk to the guard and choose the right dialogue options to get out of the castle. Before you leave, don’t forget to stock up on food from the kitchen.

And that’s it—you’re free! Now, get out there and enjoy the game. There’s a ton of content waiting for you.

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