Fairy Massage Walkthrough & Achievements Guide

Looking for a complete guide to mastering Fairy Massage? This walkthrough will help you unlock every achievement, earn more coins.

Fairy Massage Walkthrough

This Fairy Massage walkthrough guide will help you get all the achievements in the game.

How to Earn Coins in Fairy Massage

When I started the game, I finished the first level but didn’t get any coins. Then I learned that you need to keep going back to the same blue circle until it’s completely filled. You know it’s done when the bar reaches the top.

After you hit her 3 times with oil, go back to the same spot until it’s complete. Then move to the next blue circle. If you keep jumping between circles without finishing any of them, you won’t get any coins, like I did at first.

Keyboard Tips for Smooth Gameplay

Get used to the arrow keys (up, down, left, right). They will be super important in this game.

What I do:

  • Place my right index finger on the left arrow.
  • Put my right ring finger on the right arrow.
  • Use my middle finger for the up and down arrows.

Save Time and Oil

Every second that passes, you lose oil. After hitting her 3 times with oil, hit the “X” to make the blue circles appear.

Tip: After completing a blue circle, you don’t need to hit the “X” again. The game will do it for you after a second or two. Instead of waiting, hover your mouse where the next blue dot will be so you’re ready to click as soon as it appears. This will save time!

Know Where You Are Going

There are 5 blue circles you need to massage. Know the order you want to massage them, and always do it in the same order. This helps you get faster and more used to the rhythm.

The order I use:

  • Lower right leg
  • Upper right leg
  • Upper left leg
  • Lower left leg
  • Arm (last)

Choose Wisely

Spend your coins on energy first, then oil. Keep upgrading energy, then oil, back and forth until both are maxed out. After that, focus on upgrading the red book for different scenes. At the start of the game, energy and oil are more important.


  • Nectar Lover: Automatically earned by choosing Leah, the fairy at the top of the list.
  • Flower Master: Unlock all of Leah’s scenes. Max out energy, oil, and the skill book to make it easier.
  • Special Massage for Leah: In Leah’s 7th level, click on the square with the heart, then select the man’s “rod” (lower right of the screen). Click the “+” until the number goes to 5. Wait until the pink/red bar fills up, and when it starts throbbing, left-click to get the achievement.
  • Infinite Energy: Max out energy. The last upgrade costs 40 coins.
  • Give Me Oil: Max out oil. The last upgrade costs 40 coins.
  • Massage Master: Max out the red massage book. The last upgrade costs 50 coins.
  • Sweet Cupcake: Unlock the second fairy, Poppy, for 50 coins and complete her 1st level.
  • Sweet Tooth: Unlock all 7 of Poppy’s levels.
  • Special Massage for Poppy: In Poppy’s 7th level, click on the man’s “rod” and increase the number to 5 using the “+.” Wait until the red bar is full and click on the throbbing part.
  • Cheeky Star: Unlock the 3rd fairy, Melody, for 50 coins and start her first scene.
  • Music Expert: Unlock all 7 levels of Melody.
  • Special Massage for Melody: In Melody’s 7th level, click the man’s “rod” until the red bar is full, then click the throbbing part.
  • A Little Magic: Unlock Sabrina for 50 coins and complete her 1st level.
  • Potion Master: Unlock all 7 levels of Sabrina.
  • Special Massage for Sabrina: In Sabrina’s 7th level, click on the man’s “rod” and increase the number to 5 using the “+.” When the red bar fills up, click on the throbbing part.
  • Seducer: Unlock all 7 levels for all 4 fairies to earn this achievement.
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