A list of tips and tricks for those new to the game.
Tips and Tricks for Beginners
- Replace your sniper squad with Engineer squad as soon as possible. Sniper squad is useless because it has no unique ability behind the squad itself. For example, Engineer in Machine Gunner squad can build HMG emplacement.
- Dont rely on vehicles to get kills.
- Always try to win games because winning gives you bonus exp.
- Aside from bonus exp for winning games, killing enemies near or around the objective will give you bonus score which resulting in more exp.
- Make a proper lineup that suits your playstyle.
- Use guns/weapons that can get you lots of kills. (Wont recommend anything that involves spamming.)
- Have at least 1 engineer in every infantry squads you use to build rally point. To build a rally point, equip the construction hammer then hold right click to select the structure.
- Always build rally point, generally 50m-60m from objective. The closer your rally point to the objective, the better.
- Press V (default key) to mark enemies. If you aim towards a vehicle, it will be marked.
- You can mark stuffs even when you’re in a vehicle. Be it from a tank or plane. By spamming mark button while flying, you can find hidden enemy ground vehicles.
- Dont build rally point inside attic or any extremely tight spots as bots may not able to get out from there.
- When you’re grinding a weapon or vehicle that has this icon (See image). This means when you completed the grind, you will receive a new squad alongside whatever you just got.

About Engineer
Engineer is the most important and versatile class in the game. Aside from building stuffs that can support the team, they can also build weapons to counter enemy infantry or vehicle. Engineer weapon set is similar to rifleman with the addition of Shotgun. This guide is what engineer can do.
- Basic buildables for Engineer are Tank Traps, Rally Point, Barbed Wire, Ammo Box, and Sandbags Cover. Engineer within tier 1 Engineer squad has additional Anti Air and Anti Tank guns. Engineer within tier 2 Engineer squad has everything mentioned above and additional Light Machine Gun Emplacement.
- Engineer within Machine Gunner squad has the ability to build Heavy Machine Gun Emplacement. The HMG has penetration capability (Around 20mm iirc) which can penetrate and destroy lightly armored tanks or vehicles.
- Engineer within Flamethrower squad for Soviet and German factions, has the ability to build Ampulomet which is a Molotov launcher.
- Engineer within Anti Tank squad has the ability to build Anti Tank gun.

This is just an example to what Engineer can do.