Dread Weight Choices and Routes

I have compiled information in this guide to help you navigate the dialogue routes in the game and see what items and outcomes are available with each choice.

Dread Weight Routes

If an option isn’t listed, it has no consequences but flavor text and slight dialog changes.

[Hallway] Meeting Max Who Quacks

Item(s) acquired: [ROPE]

[Foyer] Who do you want to talk to?

After meeting Max, you return to the hallway with (or without) your new cool rope. Everyone splits off in different directions.


  • Obtain [WIRE CUTTER]
  • Gain <3 with Renata by choosing “Why not hire someone to help?” when asking about Kurt


  • Gain <3 with Kurt by exhausting some of his dialog.


  • Gain <3 with Dimitri by choosing “What’s wrong?” when asking about your paperwork.
  • Obtain [DOCTOR’S NOTE] then can immediately give it away to Renata.


  • Can give Gisela the [ROPE]
  • Gain <3 with Gisela (“The Real Version”)
  • Obtain [SWITCH]

[Foyer] Return to Foyer

  • Following a loud noise in the foyer, everyone returns to find out what the fuss is about.
  • Item(s) acquired: [Bolt Cutter]

[Hallway] Meeting Clover

  • You go to check the phone ringing and meet a new friend!
  • Item(s) acquired: [Strange Radio], [Tarnished Pendant]

[Cellar] Get the bucket

  • Regardless of how you answer Gisela, she sends you to the cellar. Take the bucket or destroy it because you refuse to do what you are told.
  • Item(s) acquired: [Bucket O’ Nails]… big surprise.

[Hallway] Barricading the Window

  • You ‘help’ Gisela barricade the hallway window by watching her do all the work.


  • Gain <3 with Gisela
  • Obtain [Wrench]


You can choose either dialog option. You miss out on the rewards of the most simple quest you failed: handing a girl a bucket.

[Foyer] Who do you want to go with?

Kurt suggests you split up to look for weapons… in a way where someone is always left alone in a haunted mansion. Great idea!

note: the game splits into two mini-routes here. Someone dies early (Renata or Dimitri) and then the remaining friend will die later, converging the routes back together. The main impact is that each route has different items and a different scene available with your living friend.


  • Dimitri dies.
  • An extra Renata scene is available later.
  • Obtain [Fuse]


  • Renata dies.
  • An extra Dimitri scene is available later.
  • SEARCH the closet to find…
  • Keep clicking a spot repeatedly to obtain more items.
  • Top-Left spot: mouse … [Screwdriver] … empty … [Fuel] … a note
  • Bottom-Left spot: empty … [Lighter] … [Switch] … hardtack*
  • Right-hand spot: mouse … teeth … … [Scared Letter] … garbage … [Gross Book] … [Fuse]
  • Bottom of screen: Leaves scene

Once the fuse is obtained, the scene ends immediately.

note *: you can keep eating the hardtack to get a funny death scene here

[Cellar] Fix the Fuse Box

  • If you want to keep any items in your inventory past this point, you need to correctly solve the fuse box puzzle.
  • Lose [Fuse], [Wire Cutter] OR [Bolt Cutter], and [Switch]
  • OR
  • Lose entire inventory if attacked

Choices and Routes – Finding the bear trap

[Bedroom] Who do you want to talk to?

Solve the fuse box puzzle (or don’t) and you’ll get to watch Kurt do his best Karin impression by lying in bed with you. Totally normal guy, that Kurt. I trust him about as far as I can throw a potato.

note: no matter what you do, you will talk Gisela, Baba Yaga, then your living friend. If you want to talk to everyone, talk to KURT first.


  • When he asks “Promise not to tell anyone?” choose “Yes” to gain <3 with Kurt.
  • Doesn’t matter if he keeps his clothes on
  • Obtain [Gun] (“Let me carry it”) or let it be found during bedroom search later (“Let’s leave it here”)

GISELA (with surprise guest)

  • Skips the Kurt scene. You will talk to her no matter who you choose.
  • Can give her [Gun] to gain <3 with Gisela
  • Obtain [Candle]
  • Obtain [Land Mine] or destroy it to gain <3 with Baba Yaga.

RENATA (if alive)

  • Gain <3 with Renata immediately while she takes credit for fixing the fuse box even if you solved it correctly.
  • Exhaust her dialog (keep choosing top option) to gain <3 with Renata.

DIMITRI (if alive)

  • Gain <3 with Dimitri. if your character mentions being attacked, which happens in all scenarios except succeeding the fuse box puzzle then destroying the [Green Test Tube]
  • Exhaust his dialog (keep choosing top option) to gain <3 with Dimitri.

[Kitchen] Melt the right item in the oven

  • Eventually you and Renata or Dimitri will end up in the kitchen, curious about an oven in the corner. Another haunting will begin.
  • Lose [Candle] and [Fuel] then [Lighter] to solve.
  • Obtain [Sun Key]
  • OR
  • Lose all items when the ghost attacks.

Note: replace [Candle] with [Gun] for a scene. You will lose the item.
Note 2: place just the [Land Mine] for another funny death. You will lose the item.

[Bedroom] Gisela… (failed oven puzzle)

Seriously, what’s with everyone and my bed?

Choose “Thanks for saving me” to gain <3 with Gisela.

[Hallway] Taking bribes

Oddly, you skip directly to this scene if you succeeded at the oven puzzle. So Max offers you Dimitri’s tie… but you haven’t been told he’s dead unless you woke up with Gisela.

  • Say “Yes” to Max to obtain [Dimitri’s Tie]
  • You can then give [Dimitri’s Tie] to Kurt to gain <3 with Kurt.
  • Or keep [Dimitri’s Tie] to use in a scene later

[Hallway] What do you want to investigate?


  • Room on the left: Ceremonial Room search. There’s a note here to look at.
  • Room on the right: Ancient Laboratory search. Keep sniffing vials for an ending.
  • Find the well: Only appeared while in Ceremonial room. Jump in it for an ending.
  • RUN or Leave: Proceeds to the next Foyer scene you get dragged to the cellar.


  • Search the bedroom: Look out the window to spot a nice oak tree. Look under the bed and keep selecting “Keep searching?” to find [Medkit] and a note.
  • Check the closet: Die.
  • Grab the gun from the pillow: Obtain [Gun] if you left it here earlier.
  • Leave: Proceeds to the next Foyer scene where you get dragged to the cellar.

Note: this part’s routing was a little buggy for me. Selecting LEAVE sometimes put me in an infinite loop where I’d be taken back to the foyer scene and dragged to the cellar for the comedy competition. or sometimes certain options weren’t available that should be in the various search rooms. This is likely a bug. If you find yourself in a loop, select LEAVE without investigating anything to force the game to resume.

[Cellar] Where do you want to go?

And now you’re in the cellar regardless of your previous decision. Nothing changes from searching the cellar earlier except now you can open a chest to obtain an item.


  • Keep sniffing vials for an ending.
  • Can travel to Ceremonial Room after


  • Open the chest to obtain [Renata’s Dress] using the [Sun Key] from solving the oven puzzle.
  • There’s a note to read in one of the books.
  • Can travel to Ancient Laboratory after


  • Jump for an ending


  • Goes to next scene

[Hallway] Do you want to search the bedroom? Or head back downstairs to the cellar?

A THIRD chance to look at the cellar?! COUNT ME IN—! This choice seems to just be your last chance to check the bedroom if you haven’t. If you already checked the bedroom earlier, you can just go into the closet to die gracefully. Yaaaay? Bedroom or cellar. Either way you’ll end up at Gisela.

[Cellar] Follow her downstairs? Or go back up to the foyer?

Another NON-choice. Go downstairs to get a jumpscare. Or go upstairs to continue.

[Foyer] Flirting with danger

Head upstairs to meet with Baba Yaga again.

  • Obtain [Bear Trap].
  • Or destroy it to gain <3 with Baba Yaga.
  • Upstairs, you can choose to arm [Bear Trap] or [Land Mine] if you have either. The mine triggers an ending.
  • Regardless, obtain [Rusty Key] from Max.

Choices and Routes – Climax

[The… inner machinations of a killer’s mind?] Ryna or Potato

Potato is the only option if you want to continue the game, but you get a nice ending with Ryna.

RYNA then RETURN TO THE CABIN to end the game.
POTATO or KILL KURT to continue the run.

[Bedroom] Has the witch spoken with you?

Massive lore reveals later, we’re back with Kurt!

Affection(s) acquired: gain <3 with Kurt if you tell him “Yes”.

[Foyer] What the hell do I do now?

Gisela’s looking worse (get it?). Maybe a nice, calm, friendly, platonic discussion with her BFF Kurt will cheer her up!

Affection(s) acquired: gain <3 with Gisela if you have a medkit.


  • Advances to the next scene for no reason.


  • Get to talk to the pretty witch, duh!

[Foyer] …what about you?

Someone with hands this small can’t possibly be evil! I trust her with my knife! … I mean life.


  • gain <3 with Baba Yaga


  • gain… sympathy? (so nothing)


  • Antagonize the game antagonist

[Bedroom] What do you want to do?

Finally, you can talk to your old pals again. Kurt thinks you should talk to ghosts, but you’re your own woman and can do whatever you want. Speaking with Kurt or the witch will advance the scene so you can only pick one of them! Dying to the ghosts will also advance the scene.

TALK TO GISELA (optional)

  • Gisela has left the mansion.
  • You can then go talk any of the remaining four characters.


  • Choose “Help me kill the witch” and give him [Dimitri’s Tie] to gain <3 with Dimitri and obtain [Wooden Rabbit].
  • Any other option or missing the item results in a death and advance to a game ending.
  • If alive, you can then go talk any of the remaining four characters.


  • Choose “Help me kill the witch” and give her [Renata’s Dress] to gain <3 with Renata and obtain [Wooden Duck].
  • Any other option or missing the item results in a death and advance to a game ending.
  • If alive, you can then go talk any of the remaining four characters.

Note: if you have both [Wooden Rabbit] and [Wooden Duck] at this point, you can open the hallway chest. Each of the three options are three separate endings. Taking nothing will result in the default game ending sequence.


Kurt will tell you to go to the hallway desk and bring him a box… and then you’ll just be at the the same scene “CONVERSE WITH THE WITCH” reached (see below section).

CONVERSE WITH THE WITCH (confirm with “Yes”)

  • If you have [Gun] you can shoot her to ♥♥♥♥ around (and find out).
  • If you have [Rope] you can gain <3 with Baba Yaga, you sweetie pie!
  • She’ll take you to the hallway desk where a variety of options will present themselves:
  • Search the desk (and drawers) repeatedly to find 3 notes then obtain [Blue Test Tube].
  • Look through the books repeatedly to find [Red Test Tube].
  • Use the keypad on the safe: Haven’t found if this can be opened yet. Nothing happens.
  • Speak with the witch: Do it enough times and she’ll stab you! 😀
  • Leave: Do it ONCE and she’ll stab you!! 😀 😀

Note: if you have [Green Test Tube] still in your inventory, you will be locked into an ending.
Note 2: If you DO NOT have [Green Test Tube] and cannot solve the box puzzle…. she’ll stab you!!!

Note 2: destroying ANY test tube in front of her is both stupid and hilarious.


Regardless of your choices, several scenes will now play in sequence revealing backstory, lore, and character motivations.

Crush It. Give me a few minutes to think about whether or not we should press the only option on the screen.

Puzzle Solution Routes

The Fuse box

  • Go with Gisela during “[Foyer] Who do you want to talk to?” to obtain [Switch]
  • Kurt gives you [Bolt Cutter] automatically
  • Go with Renata to bedroom to obtain [Fuse] automatically


  • Go with Dimitri to cellar. The next search scene will be the Bedroom Closet. Obtain [Switch] from bottom-left drawer. Obtain the [Fuse] in the right-hand drawer. It’s obtained AFTER the [Scared Letter] and [Gross Book] so keep checking that drawer until given the fuse.
  • When presented with the Fuse Box puzzle, use the [Bolt Cutter] and [Fuse] in either order. Then use [Switch] and flip it (“Yes”).

Note: you can also use [Wire Cutter] in place of [Bolt Cutter] but can’t get the [Switch] in the same run as the [Wire Cutter] so it appears to be a red herring.

The Oven

  • Go with Dimitri to cellar. The next search scene will be the Bedroom Closet. Search Top-Left drawer for [Fuel] after [Screwdriver] (not needed). Search Bottom-Left drawer for [Lighter].
  • Keep the [Candle] when Gisela offers it.

When at the Oven puzzle, use [Fuel] and [Candle] in any order. Then use [Lighter]

Solving Fuse Box and Oven in a single run

  • Pick anyone you want for the first option.
  • Kurt will give you [Bolt Cutter] in the foyer.
  • When you must pick between Renata and Dimitri, go with Dimitri to the cellar.
  • When searching the Bedroom Closet…
  • …Top-Left drawer until you obtain [Fuel]
  • … Bottom-Left drawer to obtain [Lighter] and [Switch]
  • ….Right-Hand drawer until you obtain [Fuse]
  • Keep the [Candle] when offered by Gisela

When presented with the Fuse Box puzzle, use the [Bolt Cutter] and [Fuse] in either order. Then use [Switch] and flip it (“Yes”).

When at the Oven puzzle, use [Fuel] and [Candle] in any order. Then use [Lighter].

Opening the desk box

  • Use the solution for “Solving Fuse box and oven in a single run” to keep items through haunts.
  • When given the option, go to the cellar with Dimitri to keep him alive. Later, he will offer you a [Green Test Tube].
  • When at the desk, search until you have both [Red Test Tube] and [Blue Test Tube]. An option will appear to open the box.


[WIP] – it is worth noting that you can start a new game plus from the end of a run (do not return to title) to keep your hearts. This means you can get five hearts with any character by just looping through the game multiple times. This section, however, is attempting t find out how to get five hearts in a SINGLE run.


  • Choose to go with her at the first chance. Choose “The Real Version” when asking about the intruder.
  • Obtain and give her the [Bucket O’ Nails]
  • Choose Kurt after the Kurt Bedroom Scene and keep the gun. Give it to Gisela.
  • Choose “Thanks for saving me” during the Gisela Bedroom Scene (might need to fail oven puzzle to trigger this scene)
  • Have the medkit (search under the bed many times) during the Eyepatch Reveal scene.


  • Choose to go with him at the first chance, and exhaust his dialogue.
  • Agree to keep his secret after choosing to talk to him when he’s in bed with you.
  • Give him [Dimitri’s Tie].
  • Tell him you spoke to the witch when he asks.
  • ???


  • Choose to go with him at the first chance and choose “What’s wrong?” when asking about your paperwork.
  • Choose to search cellar with him (keep alive) then talk after to gain another heart.
  • When speaking to his ghost, choose “Help me kill the witch” with [Dimitri’s Tie] in your inventory.
  • ???

Note on Dimitri’s second heart: the only scenario that avoids getting a heart is succeeding the fuse box puzzle then destroying the [Green Test Tube].


  • Choose to go with her first chance and pick “Why not hire someone to help?” when asking about Kurt
  • Choose to search the bedroom with her (keep her alive) then talk after the fuse box puzzle.
  • In the same scene, keep choosing the top option to gain another heart.
  • When speaking to her ghost, choose “Help me kill the witch” with [Renata’s Dress] in your inventory.
  • ???

Note: an issue with her route that I haven’t reconciled is that if you go with Renata at both opportunities, you cannot solve the oven puzzle (because it requires things found with Dimitri only). so you cannot obtain the [Sun Key] needed for her dress (for a heart) in the same run as her other three hearts. and I haven’t found a fifth yet either.

Baba Yaga

  • Permanently destroy the [Land Mine]
  • Permanently destroy the [Bear trap]
  • Choose “I remember” during conversation with her
  • Hold onto [Rope] until you can give it to her. [thanks Minineo!]
  • Successfully open the box at the hallway desk for her


A raw image dump of all the notes in the game for lore reference.

Closet note in top-left

Scared Letter

Gross Book

Note under the bed

Note in ceremonial room

Hallway desk note #1

Hallway desk note #2

Hallway desk note #3

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