In this leveling guide I will explain what you need to do to get the Early Violet Sword and Level up in BLADE CHIMERA.
Easy Violet Saber and Leveling
Early Violet Saber – You don’t have to wait for double jump to level up, you can get it right away!
- To get Lux you need to shoot a big lizard in the parking lot, before that it is advisable to raise level 2

- After unlocking the skills, open the warp

Leveling Spot
- Use Warp to move to the elevator you just passed.

- Break the wall

- Need to stick the sword into the wall so that you can stand on it and jump to the upper room

- There are drones in the upper room, under the shield from Lux we can easily shoot them.

- After the drones were destroyed rewarp on this room again. Repit until reach lvl 11.
- Unlock Air Dash

Violet Saber
- Warp to start

- Well, now it’s easy, with the help of Air dash and Lux, go up to the room above the start.
Try spamming throwing Lux and Air dash.
- It is enough to go into the room for a moment, for the room to appear on the map and then warp there (you cannot teleport to the last open locations)