You can find the all characters and detailed features of all regions in Amber Isle in this guide.
Amber Isle Characters
A list of paleofolk, broken down by region and including all relevant details.
Town / Starfall Meadow
- Hatchday: Month 8, Day 28
- Species: Megalosaurus
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – Patience does not degrade
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- ???
- ???
Likes: Scribe
- Hatchday: Month 4, Day 9
- Species: Pteranodon
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – More likely to buy window items
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- Pangean Panel (Item Recipe)
- ???
Likes: Stylist
Dislikes: ???
Traits: ???
Mayor Clawsworth
- Hatchday: Month 12, Day 24
- Species: Iguanodon
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber on Carpenter items
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- ???
- ???
Likes: Medium, Carpenter
Dislikes: ???
- Birthday: Month 2, Day 10
- Species: Plesiosaurus
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber on Chef items
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- Breaker Boater (Item Recipe)
- ???
Likes: Food, Medium, Chef
Dislikes: Stone
Woodbury Forest
- Hatchday: Month 5, Day 4
- Species: Torosaurus
- Size: Large
Friendship Levels:
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: Wood, ???
Dislikes: ???
- Bitter Bean – Deliver 50 Dark Wood and 25 Leaf to Atlas’ House
- ???
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 3, Day 20
- Species: Sinosauropteryx
- Size: Small
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – More likely to buy window items
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: ???, ???
Dislikes: ???
- Plight at the Museum – Deliver 60 Dirt to Barnaby’s House
- ???
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 9, Day 3
- Species: Deinocheirus
- Size: Large
Friendship Levels:
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: Woodbury Forest, Gardner
Dislikes: ???
Traits: ???
- Bubbling Over – Deliver 60 Dark Wood and 50 Basic Stone to Evander’s House
- ???
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 3, Day 3
- Species: Dakotaraptor
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: Woodbury Forest, Musician
Dislikes: ???
- Wild Rover – Deliver 50 Dark Wood to Harley’s House
- ???
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 3, Day 15
- Species: Anurognathus
- Size: Small
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber on Small items
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- ???
- ???
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???
- Fools Rushin’ – Complete 15 Quests
- Try, Try Again – Complete 50 Quests
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 2, Day 20
- Species: Triceratops
- Size: Large
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber on Wood items
- Pattern
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: Wood, Artisan
Dislikes: ???
Traits: Clumsy
- Out of the Woods – Deliver 25 Basic Wood to Nellie’s House
- ???
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 9, Day 27
- Species: Pachycephalosaurus
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – Tips increase with shop decor
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- Bean Blitzer (Item Recipe)
- ???
Likes: Carpenter, ???
Dislikes: ???
- Welcome… to the Scrapyard! – Deliver 30 Basic Wood and 30 Dirt to Scout’s House
- Hopelessly Devoted – Sell 2 Slanted Side Table and 2 Rump Rests
- KABOOM! – Deliver 1 Scratchy Towel, 1 Humble Harp, and 1 Picnic Package to Scout’s House (all craft items)
Mt. Morrisong
- Birthday: Month 6, Day 18
- Species: Thylacine
- Size: Small
Friendship Levels:
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: Stylist
- Camera Fiend – Take 5 Photos, Deliver 50 Dark Wood to Benji’s House
- Play it Subtle – Take 10 Photos
- Snappy Snaps! – Take 20 Photos
- Hatchday: Month 12, Day 6
- Species: Ankylosaurus
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber for Stone items
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- ???
- ???
Likes: Stone, ???
Dislikes: ???
- A Smashing Job – Deliver 60 Basic Stone to Chester’s House
- The Sword and the Stone – Deliver 50 Dark Stone and 30 Light Stone to Chester’s House
- Not All It Seems – Deliver 3 Metal and 50 Red Stone to Chester’s House
- Hatchday: Month 1, Day 26
- Species: Parasaurolophus
- Size: Medium
Friendship Levels:
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: ???, ???
Dislikes: ???
- Honks Don’t Lie – Deliver 1 Tooter (Musician Item) to Echo’s House
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 7, Day 4
- Species: Shunosaurus
- Size: Large
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber on Plant items
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: Plant, ???
Dislikes: ???
- More Foliage, Fewer Paleofolk – Deliver 25 Bamboo and 25 Clay to Fawn’s House
- From Sea to Shining Swamp – Deliver 20 Moss, 20 Red Wood, and 20 Vine to Fawn’s House
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 10, Day 16
- Species: Allosaurus
- Size: Large
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber on Gardner items
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- ???
- ???
Likes: ???, ???
Dislikes: ???
- Quite Contrary – Deliver 40 Dirt and 30 Plant to Flint’s House
- Tomayto, Tomahto – Deliver 40 Bamboo, 25 Mountain Veg, and 3 Soil Sack (gardner item) to Flint’s House
- ???
- Birthday: Month 12, Day 12
- Species: Microraptor
- Size: Small
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – Tips increase with decorated windows
- Pattern
- Offer Price
- ???
- ???
Likes: Stylist, ???
Dislikes: ???
- Strut Your Stuff – Deliver 20 Dark Stone to Molly’s House
- ???
- ???
- Hatchday: Month 5, Day 22
- Species: Tyrannosaurus
- Size: Large
Friendship Levels:
- Shop Perk – +50% Amber on large items
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Likes: Musician, ???
Dislikes: ???
Traits: ???
- Battenberg Concert-OH! – Deliver 20 Bamboo and 50 Basic Wood to Poppy’s House
- ???
- ???
Shell Creek
Coming soon…
Spearfield Swamp
Coming soon…
Unknown Region
Coming soon…
Unknown Region
Coming soon…