STAR WARS Bounty Hunter Cheat Codes

I have listed the cheat codes you need to unlock chapters or missions in STAR WARS Bounty Hunter in this guide.

Unlock Chapters

  • Chapter 1 Code: SEEHOWTHEYRUN
  • Chapter 2 Code: CITYPLANET
  • Chapter 3 Code: LOCKDOWN
  • Chapter 4 Code: DUGSOPLENTY
  • Chapter 5 Code: BANTHAPOODOO
  • Chapter 6 Code: MANDALORIANWAY

Unlock Missions

  • Mission 1 – Pit Fight Arena Code: BEAST PIT
  • Mission 2 – Merchant Row Code: GIMMEMYJETPACK
  • Mission 3 – Docking Bays Code: CONVEYORAMA
  • Mission 4 – Entertainment District Code: BIGCITYNIGHTS
  • Mission 5 – Industrial District Code: IEATNERFMEAT
  • Mission 6 – Upper City Code: VOTE4TRELL
  • Mission 7 – The Break In Code: LOCKUP
  • Mission 8 – The Break Out Code: WHAT A RIOT
  • Mission 9 – The Escape Code: SHAFTED
  • Mission 10 – Jungle Trek Code: BIGMOSQUITOS
  • Mission 11 – Sebolto’s Compound Code: ONEDEADDUG
  • Mission 12 – The Death Stick Factory Code: WISHIHADMYSHIP
  • Mission 13 – Longo Two-Guns Code: MOSGAMOS
  • Mission 14 – Tusken Canyon Code: TUSKENS R US
  • Mission 15 – Gardulla’s Palace Code: BIG BAD DRAGON
  • Mission 16 – Moon of the Dead Code: MONTROSSISBAD
  • Mission 17 – Vosa’s Lair Code: VOSAISBADDER
  • Mission 18 – Final Confrontation Code: JANGOISBADDEST

Miscellaneous Unlockables

  • Concept Art (also Purchasable with credits) Code: R ARTISTS ROCK
  • Trading Card Game Cards Code: GO FISH
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