I have listed the cheat codes for resources, units and many important points in Age of Mythology Retold in this guide.
AoM Retold Console Commands
Resource Codes
- DEVASD: Grants 10,000 of all resources, nearly instant work rate, +200 pop cap, unlimited god power casts, spawns 3 UFOs, disables fog of war, and gives all scout units fast movement speed. If used a second time, the scout’s speed gets reset to normal.
- ATM OF EREBUS: 1,000 Gold.
- JUNK FOOD NIGHT: 1,000 Food.
- MOUNT OLYMPUS: 1,000 Favor.
- ENGINEERED GRAIN: Instantly fattens herd animals.
- STONKS: Adds 10,000 Food, Wood, Gold, and Favor to the player’s bank.
Units Codes
- FOOTY: Spawns a football and a Mountain Giant to kick it. Enables the tech: “footy.”
- PIECE CARTS?: Spawns Osiris the god.
- KRO NO!: Spawns Kronos the god/titan.
- BIG PROMO: Spawns Prometheus god/titan.
- MOTHER NATURE: Spawns Gaia the god/titan.
- I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1!: Spawns 100 monkeys at your Town Center.
- WUV WOO: Spawns a Flying Purple Hippo at your Town Center.
- TINES OF POWER: Spawns a Forkboy at your Town Center.
- O CANADA: Spawns a Lazer Bear at your Town Center.
- BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK: Spawns Bella the Superdog.
- TITANOMACHY: Spawns a Titan.
- ISIS HEAR MY PLEA: Spawns the heroes from the Fall of the Trident campaign at your Town Center. The heroes are Arkantos, Amanra, Ajax, Odysseus, Chiron, Eitri, Brokk, Reginleif, and Setna.
- ATLANTIS REBORN: Spawns the heroes starring in The New Atlantis campaign: Kastor, Older Amanra, Older Ajax, and Folstagg.
- SET ASCENDANT: Gain direct vision over all animals on the map.
- TINFOIL HAT: Randomizes the ownership of every unit on the map.
- WRATH OF CYCLONE: Turns all living units belonging to non-Nature on the map into Titans.
- MR.MONDAY: Gives Titan AI 1000% handicap.
God Powers Cheats
- GREEK TO ME: Gain four random Greek God Powers (one for Age 1, 2, 3, and 4). Replaces any existing God Powers.
- N.D. NILE: Gain four random Egyptian God Powers (one for Age 1, 2, 3, and 4). Replaces any existing God Powers.
- OF NORSE NOT!: Gain four random Norse God Powers (one for Age 1, 2, 3, and 4). Replaces any existing God Powers.
- HOTLANTIS: Gain four random Atlantean God Powers (one for Age 1, 2, 3, and 4). Replaces any existing God Powers.
- DIVINE INTERVENTION: Gain +1 charge on all currently unlocked god powers.
- PANDORAS BOX: Grants you 4 random god powers from any of the Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Atlantean Pantheons.
- ZENOS PARADOX: Gain four random god powers from ANY Pantheon.
- WRATH OF THE GODS: Grants you the Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor, and Tornado god powers with unlimited uses.
- GOATUNHEIM: Grants you the Goatunheim god power, which turns all units on the map into goats.
- FEAR THE FORAGE: Get the walking berry bushes god power, which works like Walking Woods but only on Berry Bushes.
- BAWK BAWK BOOM: Get the chicken-meteor god power, which rains down explosive chickens.
Other Console Commands
- ZAP EM: Idle villagers get Bolted after 15 seconds.
- METEOR ROULETTE: Immediately hit a random player/AI-controlled unit on the map with a meteor and move the camera to that position to watch.
- CLEAR SKIES: Removes the black map and disables fog of war (making everything fully visible). If activated again, re-enables the black map and fog of war.
- LAY OF THE LAND: Reveals the map.
- THRILL OF VICTORY: Instantly wins the game.
- CHANNEL SURFING: Skip to the next cutscene in the campaign.
- L33T SUPA H4X0R: Build, train, gather, and research 100x faster.
- LETS GO! NOW!: Sets game speed to 2x.
- CONSIDER THE INTERNET: Slows down the game speed.
- RED TIDE: Turns the water red, killing all the fish.
- IN DARKEST NIGHT: Cycles through four different light settings.
- RESET BUTTON: Un-builds all units and buildings on the map, excluding Town Centers or Citadel Centers.