Deadlock Infernus Build

In this guide, I’ll show you how to build an Infernus who is accurate shooting and has high aggression in Deadlock.

How to Build Infernus in Deadlock

Finger guns, molotov cocktails, and burning enemies to a crisp; Infernus is a high damage and D.O.T. monster who farms like a madman until the entire enemy team feels the heat.

Infernus’ playstyle is one that rewards accurate shooting, high aggression, diligent farming, and intelligent initiations/dives.




Catalyst is a projectile “grenade” that Infernus throws in front of him, coating enemies in Napalm. Enemies affected by Catalyst are slowed and take increased damage from all of Infernus’ sources.

How to Use:

Catalyst should be used before initiating or harassing enemies to maximize damage output from both your spirit and bullets. It can be applied to enemy players, minions, and towers. It also deals minor damage, which can help secure kills. Below are the key stats for Catalyst.

The first two tiers are crucial. The second charge makes misses less punishing and allows you to target more enemies. At level 2, Catalyst amplifies Infernus’ spirit lifesteal against enemies, which is integral to his playstyle, as discussed later.

Note: Catalyst pairs well with Infernus’ second ability, detailed below.



Flame Dash propels Infernus forward with a massive speed boost, leaving a trail of fire that burns all enemies who cross it.

How to Use:

Flame Dash is essential for both engaging and escaping. Misusing it without max level can result in a punishing cooldown.

  • Escape: Use Flame Dash to quickly retreat when things get tough or when you find yourself out of position. The speed allows you to put significant distance between you and your enemies, forcing them to chase through your fiery trail. Against aggressive opponents like Warden, prioritize using it to escape rather than engage.
  • Engage: The most effective way to use Flame Dash is alongside Catalyst. Sprint toward your enemy, throw Catalyst, and dash through them to ensure they burn. Depending on the situation:
    • Option A: Harass and Disengage – Engage with Flame Dash, apply Catalyst, and quickly retreat if the situation is risky. This tactic can soften aggressive opponents, allowing you to farm more safely.
    • Option B: Hard Initiation – If your opponent is vulnerable, fully commit by dashing in, applying Catalyst, and circling or running past them to ensure maximum burn. After Flame Dash ends, continue the aggression by closing the gap and dealing damage with your bullets or melee.

The fire rate reduction and DPS increase are key aspects of Flame Dash. Prioritizing these upgrades will significantly strengthen the ability, although reducing cooldowns is also valuable.

Note: Flame Dash is especially powerful when used with your ultimate, described below.



Afterburn is Infernus’ core ability, a passive that applies a damage-over-time burn to enemies. Landing shots on enemies has a 10% chance to trigger a burn with normal shots and 16% with headshots (100% chance is required to proc the burn).

How to Use:

Afterburn makes Infernus a challenging laning opponent. By landing shots, you can punish overextensions with burn damage. As your fire rate increases through levels and itemization, triggering the burn becomes easier. It’s ideal to proc the burn before engaging, especially in lane, though it’s not always necessary. Combine Afterburn with Flame Dash and Catalyst to stack burns and amplify damage.

Note: Afterburn becomes crucial when paired with spirit lifesteal, further explained in the itemization section.



Concussive Combustion is Infernus’ ultimate. After a 3-second timer, Infernus explodes, dealing damage and stunning all enemies within the area of effect.

How to Use:

Concussive Combustion is a powerful ability throughout the game. When used with Flame Dash and Catalyst, it can decimate enemies. Activate your ultimate before dashing in, then follow up with Catalyst and close-range gunfire. While the ultimate shines in team fights, don’t hesitate to use it for securing high-value kills.

In summary: Activate your ultimate, dash in, apply Catalyst, and detonate, finishing off any stunned enemies. Ideally, your team will follow up on this powerful initiation. A well-timed multi-target ult can be a game-winning move.

The ultimate’s 40-second cooldown is vital, and it’s always worth maxing out for increased damage and spirit lifesteal. However, be aware of the loud audio cue that alerts enemies to your ultimate. With experience, you can adjust your timing based on distance and opponent reaction.

Laning Phase – Gameplay & Itemization

Laning Phase

Early Gameplay:

Infernus’ laning phase (~9 minutes) is often underestimated. While some consider it weak, with the right playstyle, Infernus can dominate most matchups. His high fire rate and projectile speed make last-hitting souls and denying enemies effective even without direct combat.

Use Flame Dash, Catalyst, and Afterburn to harass enemies and control the lane. If facing aggressive opponents, save Flame Dash for escapes, while passive opponents can be bullied through superior farming and damage. When you’ve gained an advantage, consider diving with your ultimate for kills.

Early Itemization:

Laning Phase

Barring a rough start, begin with Rapid Rounds to boost your already impressive fire rate. If you’re doing well, follow with Hollow Point Ward for a +20% damage boost as long as your HP is above 60%.

Laning Phase
Laning Phase

Against aggressive opponents, Healing Rite helps you stay in lane without resetting. If your lane is passive, consider Enduring Spirit and Extra Spirit to prepare for mid-game.

Laning Phase

If you’re ahead and there’s kill potential, grab Headshot Booster and Sprint Boots to prepare for post-laning phase ganks and jungle farming. Ideally, you should finish laning with a significant souls lead.

Mid Game – Farming, Ganking, Items to Get “Online”

Your mid-game strategy depends on your lane performance. Whether you’re behind, on time, or ahead, the key is to cycle between farming, ganking, and team fights while avoiding unnecessary deaths.


Mid Game

Duration Extender is a must-have to maximize your burn damage. Soul Shredder Bullets should follow to enhance spirit lifesteal. If you’re ahead, grab these early to dominate the mid-game. After these core items, consider Spirit Lifesteal, Healing Booster, and Toxic Bullets, which all synergize with Infernus’ playstyle. Ricochet is the final mid-game item, providing a significant power spike.

Mid Game


Jungling becomes crucial in the mid-game. Focus on farming camps while looking for high-kill potential engagements. Toxic Bullets and Ricochet dramatically improve your farming efficiency. Maintaining a souls lead is essential, so avoid fruitless PVP and downtime.

Late Game – Gotta Burn ‘em All

Late-game Infernus is about overwhelming your enemies with damage and spirit lifesteal. By this stage, you should be dominating team fights, applying burn to multiple targets, and sustaining through lifesteal.


Your role is to initiate fights with Flame Dash, Catalyst, and your ultimate. Keep applying pressure and dealing damage to maximize lifesteal. Even when low, keep fighting—your sustained damage and lifesteal make you a top threat in the late game.


Spiritual Overflow boosts spirit power, increasing both damage and lifesteal. Crippling Headshot rewards accuracy with additional damage and lifesteal, while Boundless Spirit dramatically enhances your burn damage. Escalating Exposure amplifies spirit damage, making each tick of burn deadlier. Finally, Diviner’s Kevlar provides survivability during initiations, and Ricochet should be your first late-game purchase, enabling both farm and team fight dominance.

Note: While some players favor Leech, I personally avoid it. Read its description to see if it suits your style.

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