I have detailed a list of all achievements in Vampire Therapist for you in this guide.
Achievements List
t is possible to beat the game once to have all the achievements (It is recommended to see the “slow learner” achievement before the playthrough if you want to do it at once). But I strongly recommend playing more than once, once the way for you to enjoy the story, and another time looking for lost achievements. In the worst case, abuse save and load.
Linked to the History

First Blood Part II: Completed your first client session.

Lurid Detail: Survived Lord Luridus’s session.

Harmonious Healing: Helped Dr. Drayne find himself.

Flattery Will Get You Everywhere: Gave Isabella something to smile about.

Stanislavski’s Bane: Helped Edmund realize the dark truth.

Data Driven: Helped free Meddy from a dark influence.

Historical Preservation: Saved an ancient vampire.

Into the Moonrise: Completed the game.
Linked to Other Events

First Blood: Found your first cognitive distortion.

Bloodsuckin’ Buckaroo: Drank fresh blood for the first time.
- (This achievement was with a bug before the first patch, so if you didn’t got them, start a new game and right on the beginning you should get it)

Dark Pupil: Learned about cognitive distortions.

Distortion Master: Found at least one of each cognitive distortion.
Tip: save before any option, so you can load if you make a mistake. They are missable but easy to get.

Confident Cowboy: Got five distortions correct in a row.

Holstered up: Learned 5 cognitive distortions.

Master of the Mind: Got twenty distortions correct in a row.
Outside of Sessions or Without a Specific Session:

Slow Learner: Avoided using later cognitive distortions.
- This is the hardest to get, and you should aim for them from the beginning of the playthrough. Avoid using any late cognitive distortions. So unless it was a core distortion or during Sam therapy sessions just use the first ones; Disqualifying the positive, Labeling, Nosferatu Thinking, Control Fallacy, Should Statements. This achievement was with a bug before the recent patch, so if you didn’t got them, load right before you finish the game and it should pop.)

Mean Hombre: Ruined someone’s night.
- Right in the beginning, tell Bert not to let Reinhardt and Maxi into the club.

Diligent Desperado: Completed Andromachos’s entire quiz.
- Do all of Andy’s quiz during the tutorial bit. Basically keep going when he asks if you want to practice more until he says you’re done.

Flawless Victory: Had a flawless client session.
- It is recommended that you do it in the first sessions. In any session, correct all cognitive distortions. If necessary, use save and load for this achievement.

Distortionception: Found a distortion within a distortion.
- There are a few distortions that have responses with distortions inside them. You’ll find them. There are nine opportunities throughout the game.

Concentrating Compadre: Kept perfect focus during meditation.
- During Sam therapy sessions, Andromachos will suggest meditation so a minigame will start (so you will have 3 chances to do them). During this minigame, in addition to breathing and out, click on the phrases that will appear on the screen without letting them accumulate. If you get the achievement it should appear.
In Specific Sessions:
Signora First Session

Ashcroft’s Enemy: Suggested some tasteful nudity.
- In the middle of the session, when she talks about living according to our nature, respond: “You mean bein’nudist?”

A Vampire of Taste: Showed your quality — of the very highest.
- After the first session with Signora, when you go to sleep, instead of picking something to read or sleep , choose to watch “The Three Stooges”.
Edmund First Session

Theatre Buff
- Letting Edmund get out his entire monologue towards the beginning of the first session. You have to select to indulge and then overindulge rather than cutting him off.
Edmund Third Session

There Ought to Be Clowns: Defended a clown who didn’t need help.
- Recommended to select the Labeling distortion for the session.
- During Edmund’s third session, he will speak of his new role and about Grimaldi. Counter the cognitive distortion that says “But whereas I drew out the soul and laid it bare onstage, Grimaldi, in comparison, was a clown. The jester. A funnyman.”
Maddy First Session

True Believer: Had faith in modern political systems.
- When she asks what is different now, you get a set of options and take the “Liberal democracy has solved everything” option.