Arranger A Role-Puzzling Adventure: Achievements

In this guide, I will list the achievements in the game and also tell you how to unlock them.

How to Unlock Achievement

The game unfortunately has a lot of missable achievements. Not just the ones that the game warns you about before you play through, but many of the earlier achievements are also missable because you can’t go back to your hometown after you leave, and there’s an area with birds that you can’t go back to because the raft you used to get there is on the wrong side.

I tried to list the achievements in a way that you can unlock them so that you have less chance of missing them. There is a system for skipping puzzles in the game. I wouldn’t recommend using this when you’re first playing the game. However, it’s very useful for clearing up achievements that you missed since it allows you to wander around the dungeons. That way you don’t have to finish all those puzzles again, just walk through and through the areas and solve those little puzzles. I’m not sure if this feature will unlock achievements for puzzles that you skipped but were tied to an achievement, because I only used it on my second playthrough to quickly collect achievements that I knew I missed.


Here is a list of all the achievements. Please check also the 3 achievements at the bottom as i’m missing those 3.

Home Town

Snip snap

  • Cut some flowers
  • In your hometown, push the woman who says “snip snap” into a vase with flowers.


  • Fed a duck
  • After you visit the major and a new area will open, you can find a duck there. Get the bread from your house to the duck to unlock this achievement.

The End of the Beginning

  • Defeated the first Static Beast
  • Story-related


An Unexpected Feast

  • Trapped a squirrel in a spiderweb
  • This is tricky as you can’t stand next to the squirrel. This was easiest done when you come from the area where your home village is and then toward Hurveth. I’m not sure if it is possible on your way back, but gladly if you reach the previous area and turn back, the spiderwebs are back.

A New Perspective

  • Reached Hurveth
  • Story-related

Shipped Some Burly Dreamboats

  • Paired up the orangutans
  • Shortly after you meet with the guy who wanted you to shed his muses, you’ll get to the jungle. There is a dungeon there where the entrance shows an orangutan head. in there get the 2 orangutans together by using the bananas as bait.

The Ceaseless Hissing of Young Love

  • Paired up the snakes
  • For this one, you have to drag the key to the dungeon North. You have to drag it all the way south and then up again to be able to reach the door. Within the dungeon, the 2 can meet very close to the beginning area of the second snake, between the 2 pipes.

Dino-mite Matchmaking

  • Paired up the cassowaries
  • You need the 2 rafts to make one big line to get toward the egg-shaped dungeon. Get the two Cassowaries together. I found this challenging but it can be done in the S-form on the left.

A Jumble in the Jungle

  • Solved the jungle temple
  • You need to have paired all 3 animals in the different dungeons for the temple to open up.

Feeling Antsy

Helped out some tiny friends
In the area just past the orangutans, you see ants in an area with also 2 rafts. Get the ants past islands to the hive in the middle of an island to unlock this achievement.


The City ‘Round the Lake

  • Reached Merritton
  • Story-related

Birdly an Inconvenience

  • Scared away all the reachable birds
  • This can be done directly after the dungeon in this area. The moment you unlock the system to summon rafts is when you can scare away all the birds.

Game of Throne

  • Stole a toilet
  • In the house where you have to kidnap the girl while 2 parents don’t see it. You can also steal their golden toilet to unlock this achievement.

Made a Splash

  • Defeated the second Static Beast
  • Story-related

Back in Hurveth

The Forest Pattern

  • Found a hidden pattern
  • After you wake up in the cave, and meet some friends outside. you can go back a little to the cave where you saw a bunch of fireflies. Most of them are now outside. For this achievement, you have to match 3 shrubs with 3 fireflies.

The Forest Path

  • Found a hidden path
  • In the same area as above but just a little NorthEast there are several pink fireflies, try to follow their hidden path to get to the big pink firefly.

The Forest Loop

  • Found a hidden loop
  • Same area as the 2 achievements above. But this time by the little green firefly. Line up with it and then move 2 spaces up to enter a secret area. Follow the path to find the big green firefly and this achievement pops.

A Sylvan Mystery

  • Solved the forest temple
  • After you unlock the 3 achievements above with the fireflies, you’ll open the path to this temple. Inside you find a 2d Rubik kinda puzzle. Solve it and you’ll unlock this achievement.

Flax and Beyond That

Na Na Na Na, Na Naaa

  • Found a familiar jingle
  • After you meet the guy who zips around and signs all the time, you can take the path he used and you’ll end up on a screen that shows a picture with a very big chair. I don’t understand this achievement either…

Source of the Smoke

  • Reached (what’s left of) Flax
  • Story-related

Wake Up, Jemma

  • Reached…where the heck are we?
  • Story-related

A Secreted Sculpture

  • Found a kindred misfit
  • In the area with strange beings who all look the same, there is an area west where you have to attach 3 things to the wheel which spawns a string, do that and go up north to meet this unique stranger.

Where’s Culto?

  • Found someone different in the crowd
  • In the area with many strange beings, find the one that is shaking and go talk with them.

For Flax

  • Defeated the third Static Beast
  • Story-related, but man this one was challenging.

The Spiky Mine

  • Solved a spiky mine
  • This one is northeast of where you end up after the Third Static Beast, but you can already get there earlier. It is a dungeon full of spikes.

The Creepy Mine

  • Solved a creepy mine
  • This mine is west of the last mine. This is the one with kinda cute but creepy beasts that follow your movement.

The Tricky Mine

  • Solved a tricky mine
  • This dungeon is south. It is the dungeon where you have to pull on a string and find your way quickly through the open gates.

The Cipher in the Cacti

  • Solved the canyon temple
  • This opens up if you finished all 3 mines above. Another Rubik’s kinda puzzle can be found inside.

Back Again in Hurveth

RE: A Ranger

  • Read the message left for the Arrangers
  • Story-related

Mister Helped

  • Reached the point of no return
  • Mister Helper will warn you that this is the point of no return. However, I haven’t found a way to get back to your home village or to the bird, so already some achievements seems to be missable if you missed them at that point?

The Hold

Rarified Air

  • Reached the Hold
  • Story-related

An Eggsacting Eggstraction

  • Helped make an omelette
  • This can be done in the hold area. In the area where they are having a party, go to the northwest area. You can’t smash the egg into anything or it will break and you have to start over.

Shake, Señora

  • Got everyone in a conga line
  • In one of the later areas after she spotlights and the music you find 2 people with both 3 servents who talk about ice cream. You have to get them on the spots with lightning for this achievement. I didn’t understand the mechanics of how to move them around clearly, but after a while, I finally got them in the right spots.

The Beginning of The End

  • Shut down the Hold
  • Story-related

Made Susie Proud

  • Finished the game
  • Story-Related

Grid Looper

  • Finished the game with all temples completed
  • Missable but Mister Help will warn you for this one.
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