Chinese Online Game: Max Combat Power Guide

In this Chinese Online Game guide, I explained the maximum combat power that can only be achieved through equipment upgrades and titles. You can see the equipment and bonuses available to reach this peak value in detail in our guide, the rest is up to you.

Theoretical Max Combat Power

For theoretical maximum combat power, your next statement is “combat power exceeds 2.1 billion.” Indeed, the limit for combat power modification through CE is 2^31-1, but here we are discussing the maximum value achievable solely through equipment enhancements and titles.

Current Achievement: 441,553,305

Max Combat Power in Chinese Online Game
Max Combat Power

This may not be the true maximum value, especially since the upper limit of medal bonuses is unknown.

Future updates by the developer might introduce additional mechanisms affecting combat power. The information here is valid for version 1.04, so please be gentle, time police.

Including Known 10 Streamer Package Codes Medals: 442,553,295

Since these streamer package codes are not obtainable through in-game mechanisms, their bonuses are listed separately.

Streamer Package Codes
Streamer Package Codes

Detailed Equipment and Bonuses

Detailed Equipments


  • Full Set Level 100 Epic Gear: +20 with 3S enhancements at 100%
  • Weapon Combat Power: 30,780,000
  • Other Equipment: 20,520,000




Must have the “Supreme” attribute


Training System
Training System




The final exclusive soul power is actually lower than the permanent ones, making it a rather sad story

Chinese Online Game Activation Codes
Code Activation

SSR Souls Combat Power Multiplier

The combat power of fully upgraded SSR souls is 1440 times the base combat power. Here are the rankings of SSR souls by combat power.

To achieve the highest combat power, players should focus on upgrading the top 1-5 souls. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th souls are exclusive, with the 6th only appearing in the final week, so it can be ignored. Each soul needs 7 copies (1 main + 6 fodder) for full awakening. Not all exclusive souls will return.


Note: The final S7 wings appear on day 92 and need to be drawn.



Note: The title for city lord can only be obtained on day 92 to avoid triggering an ending that skips S7. Further details to follow.


Basic Medals

Each season (S1-S7) has three medals (battle pass, seasonal package, PVP medal), plus event medals, totaling 26.

Medal appearance order: S1 -> Qingming -> S2 -> Labor Day -> S3 -> S4 -> Anniversary -> S5 -> Summer -> Dragon Boat Festival -> S6 -> S7

Basic Medals
Basic Medals

Known Streamer Package Codes Medals

In the game interface, go to Welfare Hall -> Gift Code Input:

  • chuhe
  • mangguobing
  • laopipi
  • yinzi
  • amuxi
  • choufeng
  • xiaoyu
  • fxxukxxua (remove all xx to avoid triggering Steam censorship)
  • dongxiaosa
  • ergouzi
Streamer Package Medal List
Medal List

It is uncertain if there are other unknown medals. Contributions are welcome.

Additional S7 and City Lord Titles

To collect all bonuses, you need to apply for siege from day 86-90. On day 92, use your time management or CE mastery skills. S7 only appears on that day, so you need to buy the season package, draw S7 wings, complete the battle pass, and earn the PVP medal by 8 PM to get the city lord title bonus.

The biggest challenge is earning 5000 PVP points within one day, which might be impossible without CE modification after the author slowed down the time flow. Each PVP match provides 300 battle pass experience, and each dungeon sweep can give 200 experience without time modification, so don’t worry.

After completing all bonuses on day 92, you can enjoy the pinnacle of combat power in the game (though you might be too exhausted to appreciate it, having developed an aversion to the game).

Final Note

If you aim to top the player rankings with the theoretical highest combat power, wake up. The game has hidden mechanisms breaking the fourth wall: your combat power on the leaderboard.

Combat Power
Max Combat Power in Leaderboard

Why am I 6 million short? Where is my single-digit ranking? Others have 440 million, so do I, yet their combat power shows higher on the leaderboard. This is the nature of Chinese online games: it’s not just about money, but luck too. As in life, your ranking reflects your fortune.

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