I Am Your Beast Snowman Locations

I have explained in detail the locations of the hidden snowman in each level of I Am Your Beast in this guide.

Secret Snowman Locations in I Am Your Beast

Across the game, the player can find hidden snowmen – often out of bounds, or at the very edge of the map. Any damage instantly destroys them, and doing so adds a small icon to the level select screen. You do not have to complete the level, the snowman kill is saved instantly.

There are no achievements or other rewards for getting them, but hey, they technically count as a collectible! So let’s get ’em all.

Story 2 – Walkout

The snowman can be found near the end of the level, beyond the fence.

Story 3 – Tete-A-Tete

The snowman can be found near the second laptop, overlooking the smaller snowman statues from the top of a hill.

Story 3 - Tete-A-Tete

Story 4 – Impolite Dispute

After the first explosion, jump down from the pipe, onto the ledge with a campfire. Turn around, and the snowman will be right below, in the pit.

Story 5 – Starting Gun

The snowman can be found opposite of the escape hatch, on top of one of the rocks.

Story 6 – Midnight Trails

The snowman can be found in the same location as the hidden bear trap, opposite of where the player spawns. He can be caught in the explosive barrel radius, so chances are you’ve already got this one.

Story 7 – White Noise

The snowman can be found at the lowest part of the level, hiding behind a truck. Similarly, this one can also be caught in the explosive barrel radius.

Story 7 - White Noise

Story 8 – Cavalry

From the spawn point, head right, over the pipe, and the snowman will be right behind the rock.

Story 9 – Mind The Gap

After jumping across the gap, the snowman can be found hiding behind the tent.

Story 10 – In The Trenches

Starting from the spawn area, go all the way to the far left, the snowman will be hiding behind a bunch of logs.

Story 11 – Raised Bet

Climb over this tent near the beginning:

And along this rope:

Story 12 – On Your Six

As soon as you reach this area, turn right:

Story 13 – Breakdown

Go under the tree trunks on your left, and climb up:

Story 14 – Burning Crescent

The snowman is climbing the tree on the way to the escape hatch.

Story 15 – Permafrost

Climb up this tree, jump to the left, and walk along the path.

Story 16 – Late Shift

Located at the top of the map, attached to a sniper tower.

Story 17 – Round The Twist

Jump over the gap in the pipes. Behind the tree, you’ll find the snowman stabbed with knives, and a sign reading “3.41” next to him.

Story 18 – Backstab

As soon as you reach the first enemy, turn right. You’ll see some boards guiding you to the snowman.

Story 19 – Realization

As soon as you reach the sniper tower, turn left towards the truck. The snowman will be behind the truck, climbing the fence.

Story 20 – Pitfall

From the spawn point, immediately head all the way to the left. The snowman will be hiding behind the tree. Hi, Kevs!

Story 20 - Pitfall

Story 21 – Aggressive Surveillance

From the spawn point, look for this ledge, jump the gap, and follow along the path. You can’t throw a branch at the snowman, but you can run up and melee him from below.

Story 22 – Death From Above

To the left of the escape hatch.

Story 23 – Heavy Ordnance

Overlooking the trees connecting the “main” island and one of the satellites.

Story 24 – Javert And Valjean

Head to the right, go past the first RPG, turn around, and look up.

Story 26 – I Am Your Beast

Head to the right from the spawn, take another right, and the snowman head will be hiding in the pipe.

Challenge 1 – Baba Yaga

Hanging off the bridge.

Challenge 2 – Deja Vu

As soon as you reach this tree trunk, take a left.

Challenge 3 – Among The Trees

After you reach this turn, jump left. Try and jump off the branch and onto the wooden pallet first, just to be safe. Fair warning, this jump is very finnicky.

Challenge 4 – Cold Feet

Hug the left wall until you reach this area:

Climb up the ladder and turn around. Crawl under some boxes.

Challenge 5 – Decisive Action

After reaching this ledge, use the sandbags to climb the rock on the left. The snowman will be in the crater.

Challenge 6 – Sudden Death

Near the top left laptop (by the truck), out of bounds.

Challenge 7 – Wristwatch

Reach this laptop, and climb up using the crates.

Challenge 8 – Inner Pieces

Above one of the sniper towers. Take a clockwise route along the edge of the arena.

Challenge 9 – Leap Year

Once you’ve reached this part of the challenge:

Jump over the gap and turn around.

Challenge 10 – Acid Rain

Near this RPG spawn on top of the map, on tree branches.

Challenge 11 – Vertigo

On top of this truck near the end of the level.

Challenge 12 – Run Wild

When you reach this tree near the beginning of the level, climb onto it, then jump over the fence.

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