How to Stop Robbers in Supermarket Together

This guide will show tou how to stop robbers and shoplifters in Supermarket Together.

Supermarket Together Stopping Shoplifters and Robbers

Ideal setup to slow down shoplifters and have a easier time seeing/stopping them. Good for later stages as well with multiple shoplifters.


Shoplifters first appear around day 10 in the game and become more frequent as you progress. They are identified by icons above their heads as they attempt to leave the store with stolen products. Shoplifters can take on the appearance of any NPC model. By day 30, you might encounter up to 6 shoplifters in a single day. They will try to speed walk out of the store and head toward the edge of the playable area. Once they cross the boundary, an invisible wall will prevent you from pursuing them further.

To stop a shoplifter, simply hit them with a broom. This will cause them to drop the stolen item. Hitting them once will cause them to fall, get back up, and run away, but they may still have more stolen products. Continue hitting them until they drop all the stolen items. These products will drop on the floor for you to collect, and the money will be refunded to your funds.

If you fail to stop a shoplifter, the amount of money lost will be reported at the end of the day. As shoplifters become more frequent, they can significantly impact your profits if not managed properly.

Ideal Maze Setup

A common strategy is to wait at the front of the store with a broom to stop shoplifters, but I’ve developed a better method to slow down customers and make it easier to spot and stop shoplifters.

First, block the first two entrance doors to the store. I used registers for this, but you can also use freezers or shelves. Ensure there’s no space for customers to squeeze through. Here’s how mine looks:

Next, block the side of the right register to prevent customers from walking through, as shown below:

Now, create a U-shaped maze using 8 freezers, costing around $2,800. Freezers work best because they allow you to easily see the shoplifter icon. Position the final freezer in the right corner to tighten the exit, forcing customers to move slower. You’ll need to adjust the boundaries of the freezers, as they can only be placed outside the red squares. The finished maze should look like this:

Customers should walk through the maze slowly, though occasional blockages may occur. Avoid making the maze too straight, as customers will move too quickly. If a blockage happens, either move a freezer or use the broom to clear it.

At the start of the next day, position yourself outside the store with a broom, as shown in the screenshot below, and keep an eye out for the shoplifter icon.

When you spot a shoplifter, hit them while they’re in the maze. This should allow you to hit them at least 4 times before they exit the store, ensuring you recover all your products before they sprint away.

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